Thursday, August 27, 2020
Thin Red Line essays
Flimsy Red Line articles In the novel The Thin Red Line, the writer James Jones utilizes his own encounters of WWII to compose a war novel that depicts reality of war and the considerations of the men battling it. This epic is a since quite a while ago point by point record of WWII where the American soldiers are attempting to catch the Guadalcanal, which will give America the high ground in the war. Through this fight the men are confronted with their most awful abhorrences, companions biting the dust left and right, and dread of being murdered. While managing these apprehensions they attempt to locate some importance in their lives and wind up finding an association of trust with the men battling close to them. James Jones was conceived in Robinson, Illinois in 1921, as the child of a dental specialist, Ramon Jones and Ada Blessing Jones. His dad had issues with liquor and his mom was strict, in view of his dads and moms consistent battling, Jones grew up with much gloom. His granddad claimed one of the most seasoned and greatest houses on East Main Street. He had a lot of social eminence dependent on oil cash, yet after his passing the Jones lost quite a bit of their societal position. Jones finished his secondary school instruction in Illinois. As a result of the downturn, he was unable to proceed with his investigations. So he joined the military and went to WWII. His five-year armed force experience gave the foundation to his first and best novel, From Here to Eternity (1951), which was made into a movie in 1953. Jones' book turned out to be a piece of his World War II set of three that was proceeded by The Thin Red Line (1962) and closed by Whistle (1978), which was left fragmented at his passing. (Encarta Jones, James) During the World War II he served in the US armed force as a sergeant (1939-44). In 1957 Jones wedded Gloria Mosalino. In 1974 Jones was offered a showing position at Florida International University in Miami. Toward the finish of the 1976 school year, the Jones' moved to Southampton, New York. He passed on in Long Island, on May 9, 1977. ( Jones, J ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cystinuria in dogs Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cystinuria in hounds - Case Study Example The structure of cystine makes it impractical to break down in impartial or acidic substances. Pee is minimal acidic and makes cystine hasten in the pee (Canine Health Foundation 1). The impact is that some strong particles are shaped in the pee. The particles may likewise remain together to frame stones (Canine Health Foundation 1). Nearness of the particles in the urinary tract may prompt blockage and at times turns into a danger to dog’s life. Notwithstanding, a few pooches with the condition may not shape stones. The condition has been regular in guys (Osbome and Lulich 1). There are different clinical signs that demonstrate the nearness of the condition in hound. The most widely recognized test is troubles in passing the pee. A clinical test when done demonstrates raised grouping of cystine in the pee. The different clear sign is torment as the canine pees. The agony is shown as the canine passes a limited quantity of pee and might be joined by blood (University of Sydney: Faculty of Veterinary Science 1). Here and there the canine can't pass pee particularly when little stones are framed that obstruct the urinary tract. The pooch may likewise have a poor craving for the most part in view of torment. In extreme cases, the bladder may burst prompting disease in the midsection and inevitable demise. There are different ways utilized in the conclusion of the condition. The tests are done on the pee. The main test is known as urinalysis (Canine Health Foundation 1). Different tests are nitroprusside test and pee amino corrosive quantitation. The tests are done to set up the nearness or nonattendance of cystine in the pee. Additionally, there are no treatment choices for the condition. Be that as it may, there are different ways accessible to diminish the impact of the condition. One of the treatment choices targets lessening the paces of stones in the pee (Canine Health Foundation 1). The other choice is to offer food with lower level of protein to decrease the measure of
Ideology and Objectives of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda
These days, each part has been animated and influenced by different demonstrations of viciousness and psychological warfare around the world. Various progressive developments are being progressed at a quicker rate. In the outcome, a large number of guiltless individuals have kicked the bucket, and a great many individuals have lost their homes. During this method of global terrorizing, we will attempt to fathom and examine one of the significant fear based oppressor bunches far and wide, which has influenced a great many individuals and gave enduring to them.We will attempt to relate the belief systems and aims identified with one of the particular psychological militant gatherings that has been the reason for different enemy of fear based oppressor battles, exercises, just as, wars by various and different nations, NGOs, associations, and a huge number of people the world over. We will likewise attempt to look at their consistently exercises, their related bodies, just as, their use of the term of ‘jihad’ in their vicious procedures and different activities of the group.In this respect, we will likewise attempt to relate and connect a portion of the significant occasions of viciousness and fear mongering that have happened in various pieces of the world, for example, 9/11 assault, London shelling, and so on. In this way, we will analyze if there is anything occurring for the disposal and decrease of the weakening that has been brought about by the gathering far and wide. Thusly, we will likewise experience a rundown of difficulties that need to defeat by the various nations and universal harmony associations in a shared and maintainable way, as every one of these components are interrelated with one another in the procedures of worldwide peace.History and Leadership An equipped Sunni Islamist association and gathering having the target and expectation to dispose of and destroy remote impacts from the Muslim nations is Al-Qaeda, which has gotten on e of the critical territories of center in each nation and state. One of the fundamental destinations of this gathering is the destruction of the ones, whom they esteem and consider being heathens as indicated by their theologies.One of the primary reasons for this activist association is the restoration of a state administered by a Caliph (Islamic pioneer), which is the title given to an Islamic pioneer controlling the political authority, just as, strict administration in the religion of Islam. In such manner, battle for the previously mentioned restoration of a caliph-represented state was performed by the disciples of Wahhabism; that is, a customary regular Islamic development, which was named after its organizer, Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab, and Salafism; another conventional Islamic fundamentalist movement.They are the noticeable pioneers and aggressors of this outfitted gathering. These two developments of their Islam are predominant in Saudi Arabia, Western Iraq, and Qatar. T hese nations assumed a crucial job in the consolation of the progressive exercises of this activist gathering. In the year 1980, a Muslim association was established, specifically ‘Maktab al-Khadamat’ (Place for Service) that brought about the advancement of Al-Qaeda as per a portion of the specialists and investigators in this field, which differ in number and can't be indicated in a paper.War against the Soviets, especially, in Afghanistan, channelizing of assets, and enrollment of work force who were prepared by the Al-Qaeda were a portion of the primary destinations of foundation of this association. A Palestinian Islamic researcher, A. Azaan has been considered as the author of this association. He is considered as one of the compelling pioneers that remained the explanation of Al-Qaeda exercises for a significant stretch. In such manner, paramilitary preparing camps were built up and sorted out by this gathering, and Bin Laden was persuaded and impacted by the Pal estinian founder.In the outcome, reserves were raised from the petro-very rich people of the Gulf, just as, a portion of the imperial families for this association. Nonetheless, a portion of the specialists have dissected that a significant job has not been played by the MAK in the progression of Al-Qaeda as a ground-breaking rival of the Western nations. The gathering is commonly perceived by its pioneer, Osama container Laden, while, Ayman al-Zawahiri has likewise affected the training, just as, hypothesis of this organization.A regular reason is connecting numerous community and free working cells, which may exist in more than one nation, bringing about its tasks to be not incorporated from one spot. The September 11 assaults on New York’s World Trade Center, just as, on the Pentagon were the consequence of arranging and execution of the previously mentioned bunch that has submitted various fear based oppression acts for the sake of a term ‘jihad’ in the relig ion of Islam.In reaction, various arrangement of legitimate, just as, military tasks were propelled against the activist gathering, Al-Qaeda by the United States, which was bolstered by numerous other created and creating nations, for example, Jordan, England, Egypt, Canada, Pakistan, and so on. The United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, NATO, and the United Nations, have formally assigned this gathering as hurtful and fear based oppressor association because of its persistent radical acts in various pieces of the world.Thus, in this segment, we have attempted to talk about the authority and introductory long periods of the Al-Qaeda quickly. Contextual investigations In late October 2001, al Jazeera, a Middle-east TV network’s columnist, Tayseer Alouni, recorded the Osama canister Laden’s meet, while he was clarifying the birthplace of his gathering. In his meeting, Osama stated, ‘The name ‘al Qaeda' was set up quite a while pri or by insignificant possibility. The late Abu Ebeida El-Banashiri set up the preparation camps for our mujahedeen (prepared power) against Soviet’s terrorism.We used to call the preparation camp al Qaeda [meaning â€Å"the base†in English] and the name remained. In this meeting of the year 2001, he utilized the word mujahedeen, which is utilized to portray the Muslims, who are prepared to forfeit their lives in any war or a significance of battle, frequently taken in the words, Jihad. In obvious Islamic setting, it is an Islamic expression that was gotten from an Arabic root, which intends to battle or to endeavor. In the light of previously mentioned reference, in strict terms, an inward exertion and battle for the preparation of energies, so as to make one, a devout Muslim profoundly is called Jihad.Secondly, it is an endeavor to serve the Islamic people group and ummah through the referenced abilities. In extraordinary conditions, it is respected in military terms through the success of enemy’s domain or force. In the wake of knowing the genuine meaning of Jihad in its Islamic wording, a nonprofessional individual can express that the belief system of Islam, which is being introduced by these aggressor bunches are phony and silly. Islam is a religion of harmony, which requires a Muslim to present his will to the Almighty Allah, one God.Whereas, no Islamic setting or Allah’s words have requested to slaughter guiltless individuals and scare them with the bombings and self destruction assaults. Generally, on the off chance that we explore and investigate the starting point of Al-Qaeda, we come to realize that it was initially settled, where preparing was given to a huge number of mujahedeen, and they were selected in Soviet by the activist association. In the long stretch of January 2001, the U. S. Branch of Justice utilized the term Al-Qaeda just because, when four men were blamed for the situation for United States government off ice bombings in East Africa.Again, on the off chance that we inspect the idea of Al-Qaeda for these activist demonstrations, we can take the case of another piece of the recently referenced meeting of October 2001. During the meeting, the Al-Qaeda pioneer was asked with respect to his sources that were supporting his exercises monetarily. In answer, Osama canister Laden stated, ‘This fight isn't between al Qaeda and the U. S. This is a clash of Muslims against the worldwide crusaders. Before, when al Qaeda battled with the mujahedeen, we were told, â€Å"Wow, would you be able to vanquish the Soviet Union?†The Soviet Union frightened the entire world at that point. NATO used to tremble of dread of the Soviet Union. Where is that power now? We scarcely recollect it. It separated into numerous little states and Russia remained. God, who furnished us with his help and kept us immovable until the Soviet Union was vanquished, can give us again his help to overcome America o n a similar land and with similar individuals. We accept that the annihilation of America is conceivable, with the assistance of God, and is considerably simpler for us, God allowing, than the destruction of the Soviet Union was previously. ’According to this announcement of the pioneer of Al-Qaeda gathering, this war isn't with the United States, which is regularly accepted by the media, yet with the worldwide crusaders. Regardless of whether we acknowledge this announcement of the activist boss, do blameless individuals of New York or the understudies of the United Kingdom are viewed as crusaders in their assessments, which were murdered in the 9/11 assaults at the World Trade Center and London train bombings separately. This would have truly caused anyone to feel crazy of the announcement, or of the fear monger dealings that are occurring these days in the world.To take things all the more hypothetically, we should attempt to accumulate around more realities. As indicated by Diaa Rashwan, a senior specialist at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, in mid 1990s, a merger between the Bin Laden gatherings and the Zawahiri’s Al-Jihad bunches was the aftereffect of another name of this gathering, Qa’edat al-Jihad that implies a base accommodated the Jihad (the battle). With regards to this area, we can have a comprehension of the idea and philosophy of the Al-Qaeda leaders.Once once more, the word Jihad was taken as the essential goal and reason for this activist gathering, which was absolutely against the lessons of Islam. The youthful Muslims were brought into Afghanistan for the preparation purp
Friday, August 21, 2020
Analytical Review of Advanced Accounting †
Question: Talk about the Analytical Review of Advanced Accounting. Answer: In light of investigative survey it very well may be therefore perceived that QBE means to enroll the notoriety of the director as an elusive resources in general in their money related statements. In basic, according to the orders and guidelines specified under IFRS 3 just as IE16-IE4, unique individuals can't be enlisted as impalpable resources of a business concern, despite the fact that their nonexistence or vanishing could prompt decrease in the costs of the portions of the business substance (Williams 2014). As per the appropriate standards it tends to be therefore recognized that the exercises and exertion of the particular individual can be treated as immaterial resources in the budgetary affirmations of the firm. Notwithstanding, the individual himself can't be enlisted in yearly books of records of the organization. Basically, the Initial Accounting for especially Internally Generated Intangible Assets, in a straight way proclaims that the projects, exercises, alongside dif ferent measurements used by the administrator of the firm can be therefore treated as elusive resources and enlisted under the heads of immaterial resources of the business concern. Moreover, according to guidelines specified under section 33A, it very well may be thusly referenced that imaginative and other related creative works for state, TV programs, alongside other scholarly works can be viewed as immaterial resources of a firm. Regardless, the genuine artiste that molded the work can't be estimated, as elusive resources/assets of the business concern (Williams 2014). Therefore, it tends to be thus gathered that there is adequate validation with respect to the way that the director of the firm QBE can't be enlisted as elusive assets in money related affirmations of the firm. As properly set forward by Bebbington et al. (2014), distinct individuals can't be estimated on monetary footing, and this is the motivation behind why budgetary declaration doesn't think about notoriety or, in all likelihood some other privileged movement of a particular person. Furthermore, the business concern could utilize factors identified with client, factors related to showcasing, contracts just as innovative measures for enlisting their immaterial assets. In this manner, QBE neglected to consolidate notoriety of their executive as the impalpable assets in the yearly report of the business concern. References Bebbington, J., Unerman, J. also, O'Dwyer, B. eds., 2014.Sustainability bookkeeping and responsibility. Routledge. Williams, J., 2014.Financial bookkeeping. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
The L-Tryptophan Recall Essay Example for Free
The L-Tryptophan Recall Essay What L-Tryptophan is? Amino acids are normally happening part of human body. They give the monomer units from which enormous proteins are combined. Amino acids are portrayed as the nitrogen-containing natural mixes framing the structure squares of proteins. â€Å"They are basic to human digestion, and to making the human body work appropriately for good health†. (  Amino acids are named basic and unimportant amino acids. Basic amino acids are those which are required to be remembered for the eating routine as body isn't equipped for blending it. â€Å"Of the 28 amino acids known to exist, eight of them are viewed as fundamental, characterized as those that can be acquired distinctly through nourishment. These basic amino acids are tryptophan, lysine, methionine, phenylalaine, threonine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine. The insignificant amino acids incorporate arginine, tyrosine, glycine, serine, glutmamic corrosive, aspartic corrosive, taurine, cycstine, histidine, proline, alanine, and creatine, which is a blend of arginine, glycine, and methionine.†( Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan) is one of the basic amino corrosive encoded by the hereditary code as codon UG. Tryptophan is found in protein rich nourishments. Its sources incorporates â€Å"oats, bananas, dried dates, milk, yogurt, curds, red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, sesame, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, spirulina peanuts and turkey†. ( Tryptophan (L-Tryptophan) is utilized for treating Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Aggression, Pain and numerous other neurological issue. It is useful for neurological disarranges on the grounds that tryptophan is a forerunner of serotonin. Serotonin is a synapses utilized at practically all nerve endings present in our body.  â â â â â â â â â â The metabolite of tryptophan, 5-HTP can be gotten in container or tablet structure from any drug specialist without a solution since it was incorporated under the Dietary Supplement Act. What Products Contain It and What Their Uses Are? As of now referenced, L-Tryptophan is a forerunner of serotonin. Serotonin works in the body as a stimulant, torment and uneasiness silencer, or a rest inducer. Therefore,â â L-Tryptophan is found in numerous stimulant medications, for example, Paxil and Zolof and even Prozac and consequently when taken, produces serotonin. Other pharmaceutical items containing L-Tryptophan incorporates names like Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Dalmane, Codeine, Anafranil. Xanax, or alprazolam, additionally has a place with the class of medications benzodiazepines. Xanax is utilized to treat nervousness. It follows up on the cerebrum synthetic substances which causes anxiety.â It ought not be taken by pregnant or lactating ladies without remedy because of its unsafe impacts. Xanax can cause genuine birth defects.â Xanax overdose is lethal and should contact your primary care physician right away. Halcion likewise has a place with the benzodiazepine class of drugs.â Triazolam, the conventional name for Halcion, is utilized for treating momentary a sleeping disorder. Dalmane, nonexclusive name Flurazepam hydrochloride, is utilized for treating a sleeping disorder. Sleep deprivation is characterized as trouble in nodding off or awakening much of the time around evening time. Dalmane is generally utilized by individuals who have visit a sleeping disorder or who have poor resting propensities. It has a place with a class of medications known as benzodiazepines. It is a physician recommended tranquilize and taken as endorsed by your PCP. Reactions incorporate unsteadiness, tiredness, falling, absence of solid coordination, discombobulation, faltering. The symptoms increments on the off chance that it is joined with the accompanying:- â€Å"Antidepressants, for example, Elavil and Tofranil Antihistamines, for example, Benadryl and Tavist Antipsychotic medications, for example, Mellaril and chlorpromazine Barbiturates, for example, Seconal and phenobarbital Opiate painkillers, for example, Demerol and Tylenol with Codeine Tranquilizers, for example, Xanax and Halcion Sedatives, for example, Librium and Valium†( Clomipramine, (brand name: Anafranil), is a stimulant utilized in treatment of sadness and fanatical urgent issue (OCD). It impacts the serotonergic neuronal transmission by an obscure component. Clomipramine ought to be kept away from after myocardial localized necrosis, liver harm, kidney harm, or glaucoma. The most essential reaction of clomipramine known is seizures. Codeine is all the more normally known as Empirin, Tylenol or Tylenol with Codeine Elixir. Codeine is a pain relieving drug (opiate torment reliever). It is utilized to treat a wide range of agony. â€Å"Codeine is every now and again joined with Tylenol or ibuprofen for progressively compelling relief from discomfort.. EMPIRIN contains ibuprofen and is, in this way, not utilized in patients with a background marked by headache medicine allergy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Tylenol with Codeine tablets contain a sulfite that can cause hypersensitive asthma and even hazardous hypersensitivity responses in powerless patients.† Other reactions are typically inconspicuous including stomach torment, blockage queasiness, retching and sedation. Tryptophan was prohibited in the United States because of the endemic episode Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). â€Å"The boycott is kept up till now and its accessibility is constrained to the doctor prescribed medication (Tryptan), newborn child equations, and enteral taking care of items. Since 1994 tryptophan is accessible and advertised as a dietary enhancement in the United States, while imported item stays restricted by exceptional regulations†. EMS (The Disease Caused By These Products) L-tryptophan is well known among wellbeing cognizant people for treating torment issue and a sleeping disorder. In spite of its notoriety, tryptophan digestion incorporates a great deal of disarranges. A portion of the maladies/intricacies associated with tryptophan digestion incorporate Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome (EMS), Pellagra, and Hartnup Disease, eosinophilic fasciitis, bronchiolitis obliterans with sorting out pneumonia (BOOP), intense eosinophilic aspiratory sickness, and Hypercapnic respiratory. â€Å"The name pellagra originates from the Italian pelle, skin + agra, harsh = unpleasant skin, alluding to the skin issues in pellagra†. Pellagra is characterized by an insufficiency of niacin (B complex nutrient) or tryptophan (an amino corrosive). It is portrayed by the 4 D’s: the runs, dermatitis, dementia, and demise, generally showing up in a specific order. Different highlights are ulcerations inside the mouth (glossitis), queasiness, retching, seizures and equalization issue (ataxia). Niacin can forestall pellagra (and can fix it). Niacin is plentiful in red meat, fish, poultry, and green verdant vegetables. Hartnup ailment happens when the basic amino acids, for example, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tyrosine and valine, are lost in the pee. â€Å"The clinical highlights of Hartnup malady are for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from those of pellagra,†with the exception of the dermal discoveries are missing neuropsychiatric unsettling influences are progressively articulated. â€Å"Cerebellar ataxia, mental unsettling influences, and looseness of the bowels are common†. ( Eosinophilic fasciitis is a disorder affecting belt. Sash is a muscle tissue present underneath the skin. Sash is excited and thickens. Fast growing happens in the hands, arms, legs, and feet. The reason for eosinophilic fasciitis,however, is obscure. Eosinophils, a kind of white platelet, increments in the influenced belt and muscles. Eosinophils are related with unfavorably susceptible sort responses. Side effects incorporate delicacy and growing of the arms and legs, thickened skin, muscle shortcoming and bone agony or delicacy. It is normally treated mind corticosteroid meds, which gives help of the manifestations. Non-steroids mitigating (NSAIDs) may likewise help. â€Å"Bronchiolitis obliterans with arranging pneumonia (BOOP) is an irritation of the bronchioles and encompassing tissue in the lungs. BOOP may influence little territories of the lungs or the whole lung†. The pneumonia isnt irresistible, however it is because of irritation of the lung tissue around the kindled bronchioles. The reasons for BOOP are as yet obscure yet it is anticipated that is brought about by specific prescriptions, radiation treatment, organ and tissue transplantation or some connective tissue issue, for example, lupus. â€Å"Chest radiographic discoveries [are also] reminiscent of L-tryptophan.† â€Å"People with BOOP could possibly encounter signs and side effects. Be that as it may, it tends to be distinguished on chest x-rays†. ( and ( â€Å"A group of four patients has been related to aspiratory penetrates, pleural emanations, hypoxemia, fringe eosinophilia, and histologic proof of pneumonitis and pneumonic vasculitis. Furthermore, these patients report ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing items when general society was made mindful of a relationship between the ingestion of L-tryptophan-containing items and the improvement of an eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.†( â€Å"Respiratory disappointment because of an ailment of the muscles utilized for breathing (siphon or ventilatory mechanical assembly disappointment) is called hypercapnic respiratory disappointment. The lungs of these patients are ordinary. This kind of respiratory disappointment happens in patients with neuromuscular maladies, for example, myasthenia gravis, stroke, cerebral paralysis, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic sidelong sclerosis, solid dy
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Jonas Coming of Age the Moral Spiritual and Emotional Journey - Free Essay Example
Lois Lowrys The Giver provides the reader with many examples regarding Jonas coming of age within a society where the expectation is that rules passed down to a new generation will be followed. He is introduced as an 11 year old boy who matures emotionally, morally and spiritually throughout the novel. Jonas is initially depicted much like the other children in his community blindly following the rules of his society. He soon changes and moves out of the typical citizens life of obedience. This transition is necessary because of the role he is assigned in his community and the wisdom he gains. Jonas is given the daunting assignment of being the Receiver of Memory. As Jonas is exposed to new experiences he realizes that everyone around him is oblivious to the imperfections and faults of their utopian society. His community expected him to follow the rules and that he not would question the foundation of their society as a result of his new role. Each new experience leads him to question the life that he thought he understood. Jonas cannot share aspects of life that he has discovered and suffers despite experiencing happiness on many occasions. While Jonas receives the Givers memories, he also experiences a moral awakening. Jonas discovers numerous examples of how humanity has mistreated others through the memories that he is handed down. One memory that brought attention to Jonas new morality in terms of coming of age was the cruel poaching of the elephants. While Jonas saw the poachers, hack the tusks from a motionless elephant on the ground and haul them away, spattered with blood. He felt himself overwhelmed with a new perception of the color he knew as red.(page 184) His sister, much like everyone else in his society, would not believe that elephants existed and therefore could not appreciate the horror that he was experiencing. Another way that Jonas experiences a moral awakening is the discovery of the meaning of release. Jonas is sickened by the idea that someones life is unfairly and abruptly ended. Jonas uses this moral awakening to choose to save the life of Gabriel, an infant at risk of being released. Jonas the refore learns that he can make choices that benefit the individual rather than acting to only benefit the community. As Jonas also develops a spiritually, one distinct memory that taps into this was the memory of Christmas. This was the first time that Jonas had been a part of a loving and caring family, a family that values tradition, not because they have to celebrate, but because they are free to. This memory was also the first time Jonas had been involved with old people because The Old of the community did not ever leave their special place, the House of the Old, where they were so well cared for and respected.(page 224) Or so he thought. This memory made Jonas feel a part of a family that loved him, he felt accepted which is something that he could never find in his ordinary life. It deepened his care and affection for those around him. Although Jonas spiritually was broadened throughout The Giver, his emotions and ability to experience both happiness and suffering made the most impact on his growth during his coming of age. Each memory Jonas received caused him to become emotionally awakened and opened his eyes to new thoughts and feelings. The range of emotions that Jonas felt contributed to his spiritual and moral growth. The harsh memory of war made an extraordinary impact on Jonas emotions as he never thought a battlefield could be mentally scaring. Jonas had played childish war re-enactment games, although, he was never able to imagine all the horrors of the battlefield until receiving the memory. The battlefield memory was one of the most painful and frightening experiences and he became, Overwhelmed by pain, he lay there in the fearsome stench for hours, listened to the men and animals die, and learned what warfare meant.(page 218) The torment that Jonas encountered caused him to lose his love for receiving memories. Alternatively, the memory of a birthday party helped him discover the feeling of being proud and joyous and the feeling the sense of self-worth. As Jonas gains insight it becomes more and more difficult for him to play the part of a bystander. With Jonas moral, spiritual and emotional awakening, he realizes that his society is corrupt and robs those living of their freedoms. Jonas understands the importance of life and that it is the soul and caring that makes a human. Finally Jonas found courage in this coming of age story to make a difference and strive for change in his dull society. The story of Jonas coming of age is an exaggeration of what society sometimes experiences. Societys rules are handed down through the generations and changes are often made that reflect a new understanding by a new generation.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Can Social Media Help Saving the Environment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2102 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Social Media Essay Did you like this example? Online petitions, forums for debating issues and the usage of social media for recruiting peo-ple for protests are some examples how political organisations, non-governmental organisa-tions or social movements are using new digital technology to engage citizens and influence political processes (Rohlinger, Bunnage Klein, 2012). Traditionally, civil society activism has been framed on the idea and ideal of collective action, lead and coordinated by these professional organizations by pressuring politics or companies to make structural change (Bennett and Segerberg, 2012). However, in the last decades there was a shift especially among younger generations on so-cial and political orientations towards an era of personalization (Bennett, 2012). The struc-tural fragmentation and individualization in most societies result in engagement with politics as an expression of personal hopes, lifestyles, and grievances. (Bennett and Seger-berg, 2012, p. 743). The self-organizing networks are called connective action, where peo-ple act around their personalized politics (Bennett and Segerberg, 2012). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Can Social Media Help Saving the Environment?" essay for you Create order The emerge of social media and personalized communication technologies give ordinary cit-izens the opportunity to express themselves easily and cost-effectively on the Internet and thus reach a considerable amount of other people. Sustainable development is a particularly trendy topic. On Instagram, for example, there are various hashtags about sustainable topics. This gives an idea about the number of individuals, who post online about sustainable devel-opment related issues and their personal view on solutions. The keyword sustainable has ca. 3,3 million hashtags, sustainable fashion has ca. 2 million hashtags, and sustainable living has ca.1 million hashtags (date: 09.08.2018). Also, related topics show a great number of interest. Again, on Instagram, the leading hashtag is vegan with ca. 64 million tagged posts, minimalism with ca. 11,5 million hashtags or zero waste with 1,3 million hashtags (date: 09.08.2018) However, these individuals seem not to belong to a political party, nor are they employees of an NGO or traditional environmental activists. They rather share their lifestyle and tips for a better and more sustainable life and world. They do that either as a hobby or, those with high numbers of followers, can also earn money through cooperation with companies or their own products and services (Helmke, Scherberich Uebel, 2016). Moreover, the individuals who produce this content rarely seem to have any political intention, in the classical way, like being a member of a party, protest publicly or stay on track with the political arena (Xenos, Vromen, Loader, 2014). Bennett (2012) tries to answer in his framework, if these personalized forms of connective action have the power to achieve the same results as traditionally collective action. He claims that personalized politics can shape the political agenda, but that there are too many problems and too little power for structural change. But, he also emphasises, that in compari-son the results of traditional collective action or social movements neither brought and bring the needed fundamental change. Yet, not much research has been conducted so far on the above described group of people, the social media content creators, who individually post about sustainable development, with a focus on individual behaviour change and personal lifestyle. This thesis will especially have a look on German social media content creators. Problem statement The attitude of people towards issues concerning sustainable development differ. How peo-ple think and act about the topic depends also on their information seeking patterns and me-dia use (Metag, Fchslin, Schfer, 2017). Bacchi (2009) developed an analysis approach, to look beyond this issue, which is called how is the problem represented to be. It affirms that every content that is published implicates a certain problem representation, which needs to be acted upon. The term sustainability has become an internationally central model in business, politics and science. A common understanding is, that its the search for a just model for civil society and economy that lives up to the responsibility towards all people living today and in the future (Brundtland, 1989). Therefore, values such as justice and responsibility for the future provide a fundamental orientation (Grunwald Kopfmller, 2012). As already mentioned, the complicated issue is that concretisations of action do not simply result from a logical derivation but are formed through interpretations and priorities. For this reason, models for sustainable development are generally the subject of controversial discus-sion in science, but also in public and in politics (Grunwald Kopfller, 2012). Bennett (2012) contents, for example, that personalized politics tends to focus on consumer politics. Which means, they are not demanding the needed rules of slowing consumption down. In-stead only changing it into being a bit eco-friendlier and fairer for workers. Bennett (2012) sees the reason in this that the life of voluntary simplicity is not easily made attractive to cit-izens. Possibly also the social media content creators, who seek to reach a lot of people and want to please their needs, could therefore spread a rather destructive message for sustaina-ble development instead. Accordingly, it is important to identify how the social media content creators conceptualize sustainable development and what their the underlying problematization is. To identify this the already mentioned analysis approach of Bacchi (2009) will be used to discuss parts of the collected data, when it is suitable. An overview on the current concepts and discussions around sustainable development will be provided in the thesis. One related assumption is, that a considerable amount of content creators in social media spread information about sustainable development without having proper knowledge or edu-cation. They tend to advertise for products and companies that are actually harmful for sus-tainable development and see green marketing only as a business strategy (Hartmann, 2009). There needs to be awareness of the intentions, beliefs and perceived power of content crea-tors. Especially because they often start talking about these topics with the intention of hav-ing a positive impact. Moreover, the younger generation seems to care and be willing to act on politically and soci-etal important topics but are missing the awareness that individual behaviour and personal lifestyle alone have no power for change, when they arent used collectively to seek for structural change (Hartmann, 2009). Furthermore, structural policy changes are very slowly implemented, even when addressed, so there needs to be a cooperation of the public, private and civil sector (Bennett, 20012). Identifying the perceived role and power of the social me-dia content in this interplay will give a better understanding about the limits and opportuni-ties of their efforts. Additionally, most research is analysing the United States and the perception there (Metag, Fchslin, Sch? ¤fer, 2017). This thesis will give an insight on the point of view of the Ger-man scene. Research question and objectives This thesis therefore wants to answer the main research questions: How do German Social media content creators engage in connective action and what is the impact on bringing sustainable development forward? To guide the research process and help answering the main research questions the following sub-questions will be used: Sub questions: How do German social media content creators conceptualize sustainable develop-ment? How do German social media content creators see the role of the state and the econ-omy in bringing sustainable development forward? How do German social media content creators see and label themselves? How do German social media content creators think about the possibilities and limits of their form of action? Objectives: Identify the perceived power of new forms of social activism and how people engage in it and see/label themselves Provide qualitative empirical data for the framework of Bennett(2012) about connec-tive action, to show how German social media content creators perceive the impact of their form of action Characterize how this influences political engagement of civil society as a whole and whether this new phase strengthens or weakens the power of the public Literature Review The assumption in this thesis is based on the idea that collective action slowly has become replaced by more individualized forms of activism, named personalized politics (Bennett, 2012). Social media reinforced the change in the political identity and the participation pat-terns of citizens. The main existing research has been focusing on NGOs, political groups or communities, the role of celebrities as influencers or green marketing strategies for compa-nies, but not about individuals who post as laypeople or (semi-)professionals. As already mentioned Bennett (2012) provides a theoretical basis that will used for this re-search with his framework on personalized politics. It helps to understand large scale collec-tive action via social media. Social fragmentation and the decline of group loyalties have given rise to an era of person-alized politics in which individually expressive personal action frames displace collective action frames in many protest causes (Bennet, 2012, p. 20). This new form of engagement is often coordinated through digital media technologies. He compares this personalized politics with the group based identity politics that was arising since the 1960s. The group based identity politics were formed on the one hand on common identities, like for example immigrants, native people, women or minorities. On the other hand, there were cause issues like environmental conservation, antinuclear or specific rights. These movements still exists, but there are nowadays more heterogeneous mobilizations in which diverse causes such as economic justice (fair trade, inequality, and development), environmental protection, and war and peace are directed at moving targets from local to national and transnational and from government to business. (Bennett, 2012, p. 21) The traditional collective action/ social movements had power for change because of push-ing their demands and therefore bring them into public discussion and the political field (Bennett Lagos, 2017). The research field of consumer activism shows that there can be great success by a creative protest strategies and information delivery to journalist to raise public awareness and pressure companies to address social responsibility issues (Bennett Lagos, 2017). Beyond consumer activism, connective action in the case of Occupy Wall Street, los indig-nados in Spain or the Arab Spring proved that its possible to shape the political agenda (Bennett 2012). The role of journalist seems to be a crucial part, as they can report on issues and increase public discussion, because activists write about it online and can be used as source, instead of only relying on the statements of politicians and companies (Bennett 2012). Bennet and Segerberg (2012) say, that connective action has replaced collective action be-cause of the growth of digital media. An its especially the way young people engage in poli-tics. At this point also, the discussion about what can be seen as a political act needs to be mentioned. Some researchers argue that online activity can no longer be dismissed as click-tivism or slacktivism (George Leidner, 2018; Halupka 2015; Rotman et al, 2011). They explain this by the fact that many people are acting in this way, are doing it together and that sometimes the issues are being moved into the classical political arena. This can again be seen for example by movements like the Arab Spring, the Occupy Wall Street or the los in-dignados, which were using digital media beyond communication only (Bennet Segerberg, 2012). As mainly the younger generation uses digital media to express themselves, the research field about young peoples political engagement and how citizenship changed because of digital media, gives important insights. The question is not only how people get involved in politics through digital media, but also how political engagement itself needs to be rede-fined. (Harris, Wyn Younes 2010; Rheingans and Hollands 201; Xenos, Vromen, Load-er, 2014). To reconsider political engagement and citizenship in a digital age, Vromen, Xenos and Co (2015) use for example the citizen norms concept. These norms are understood as attitudes and values related to how democracy works and how citizens relate to the political world. Manning (2013) found for instance, that the participants in his study were more committed to things that came up spontaneously rather than following a systematic approach that had to do with specific ideologies or principles. There is consistent evidence that the traditional form of citizenship, the dutiful citizen, is rather rejected (Bang, 2005; Bennet, Wells Free-lon,2010; Xenos, Vromen Loader, 2014; Halupka 2014). The dutiful citizen stands out through voting, party membership and newspaper reading. What is lived by the younger generation is personalized politics, as Bennett (2012) describes it. It is more about self-actualization through digital networking or consumer activism. Harris and Wyn (2009) agree that young people tend to act in so-called micro-territories, which they encounter every day and where they can act more individually and personally. Moreover Bennett, Freelon Wells (2010) claim that young people tend to work horizontally with their peers. Therefore, friends online and offline are more of an information source and support than hierarchical authorities. In summary, it can be said that the political commitment of the young generation has changed from more collectivist to more individualized and from a long-term organizational commitment to spontaneous issue-based action. The remaining gap in all of these studies is though, to look at German individuals, who post online about societal issues, like sustainable development. And moreover, how they see and label themselves and perceive the impact of their action.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Meaning and End of Religion Essay - 934 Words
Justin Luvshis September 17, 2011 Intro to Phil of Religion Professor Skorobogatov-Gray Banner ID: 800494043 The Meaning and End Of Religion Wilfred Cantwell Smith In the article, The Meaning and End of Religion, by Wilfred Cantwell Smith writes about his idea of the concept of religion explaining it to be a universally valid category as it is theorized but is truly a European creation. Throughout the article Smith conveys his ideas of religion. In his piece, there are several interesting ideas and most important thoughts that he tries to communicate to the reader. In response, the reader can respond to some of the important questions posited by Smith. In his best known and most controversial†¦show more content†¦There are several important ideas and most interesting thoughts that are poised by Smith that communicated to me directly. Some of the most important ideas that Smith depicted were a result of events that he experienced. He was able to observe traits from others who believed they â€Å"knew†a religion and he was actually able to explain to them the difference in sentences and phrases that one was able to understand a nd comprehend. It is important for one to not only study a religion and practice it but for one to be devoted to the religion. Religion is a part of life, and to live you must have religion in your life. In his article he continuously states that he is not defining the religion although he may not realize that he actually is. He is defining the religion as a concept in which an outside reader is able to understand. â€Å"The man of religious faith lives in this world. He is subject to its pressures, limited within its imperfections, particularized within one or another of its always-varying Luvshis, 3 contexts of time and place, and he is observable. At the same time and because of his faith or through it, he is or claims to be in touch with another world transcending this. The duality of this position some would say is the greatness and some the very meaning of human life: the heart of itsShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Smith ´s The Meaning and End of Religion2136 Words  | 9 PagesIn his seminal work, The Meaning and End of Religion, Wilfred Cantwell Smith proposes using two separate concepts for religious studies. Believing that the conventional approach of studying â€Å"a religion†or â€Å"the religions†is inadequate and misleading, Smith states, â€Å"If religion or a religion is anything at all, it is not only in fact but in theory something in which actual living, historical persons are involved†(1838). Therefore, he offers his theories of examining â€Å"faith†and â€Å"cumulative tradition†Read More Wallace Stevens and Emile D urkheim Essay example1468 Words  | 6 Pagessocial-philosophical thought. Emile Durkheims theories on religion closely parallel those of Stevens. Both men believe that there is no supreme greater being, or God, that gives things order and meaning. But both men also believe that humans need to read order and meaning into the world to understand it, even if the meaning humans imply is false because there is no God. Since this aspect of both mens ideas is so similar, Durkheims outline of ideas on religion can form a model by which Stevens poem can beRead More`` Homo Religiosus `` By Karen Armstrong1416 Words  | 6 Pagesaccepted by the society around them. In â€Å"Homo religiosus†Karen Armstrong brings out the materialized definition of an â€Å"individual†through concepts such as religion, activities like yoga, the artistic features of caves, and most importantly the image of Brahma. The detailed notions placed on each concept yields the reassuring meaning tha t religion symbolically is a safe harbor, in which individuals can feel comforted and relieved. 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I found â€Å"Religion as a CulturalRead MoreA Comparison Of Faith And The Future Of Religion1539 Words  | 7 PagesAfter studying faith and religion in texts written by scholars with varying backgrounds, it is easy to see faith is something which is widely disputed. Comparison of Sigmund Freud’s The Future of an Illusion and Paul Tillich’s Dynamics of Faith, fully displays the discrepancies in points of view on the function of faith, as well as the necessity of faith, in society; while the comparison of Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning and Karl Marx’s â€Å"on the Future of Religion,†demonstrate both similaritiesRead MoreA Worldview Is A Theory With Space For Many Perspectives1097 Words  | 5 Pag esinfluences one s perceiving, thinking, knowing, and doing. One s worldview is also referred to as one s philosophy, philosophy of life, mindset, outlook on life, formula for life, ideology, faith, or even religion†(Funk, 2011). This essay briefly discusses the numerous possible meanings of the term spirituality, and this writer’s concept of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism and also addresses the given seven basic worldview questions. Spirituality is a broad theory with space for manyRead MoreEssay On Grendel984 Words  | 4 Pagesdepicts the monstrous Grendel, previously portrayed as the vicious villain in ‘Beowulf, journeying through his life, attempting to achieve some kind of self-realization. Spending much of his time observing humans, Grendel develops a great disdain for religion. Gardener reinforces Grendel’s with anti-religious quotes from poets and philosophers, like William Blake and Francis Nietzsche. As his spiritual void increases, Gardener slips into an existential despair, fueled by the talk of the Shaper, who’sRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism And Hinduism1276 Words  | 6 Pagesbeliefs and religions, Buddhism and Hinduism make of about 20% of them (The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050). Hinduism and Buddhism are the most influential and popular in the eastern hemisphere, mostly in and around the Asian continent. These two religions have sim ilar ideologies. So much so that many say that Buddhism is an appendage of Hinduism. Such religions have different religious structures, which allow broader interpretations to which religion to believe
Friday, May 15, 2020
America Should Abandon Its Competition Based Education System
While education in America has stagnated, Finnish students are demonstrating impressive academic growth. This surprising trend leads experts to question how the tiny country could out perform the wealthiest nation of all. When observing the United States’ school system, however, the permeation of competitive ideology becomes evident. Ironically, America should abandon its competition-based education system if American students are to compete with Finnish students whose country employs an innovative approach to education. The United States’ school system is based on competition, and competition promotes disparity. Because some schools have more resources to compete, public schools differ in their abilities to adequately educate students.†¦show more content†¦This educational gap becomes obvious when standardized testing is performed. Standardized tests are issued vigorously in the United States, for test results are used to compare students, teachers, and school s (â€Å"Standardized Test†par. 1). These isolated measurements of student ability are picked apart by government officials to praise some schools and to chastise others. Scores are also used to designate which teachers receive merit pay; only teachers with the best scores are awarded the extra stipend. Many problems arise from this form of salary distribution. Merit pay is unfair for those who teach struggling students whose scores will not qualify their teachers (Ramirez par. 22). The chance to earn extra money causes conflict and distracts from the goal to educate (par. 30). Teachers are only human, and money is an excellent motivator. In this case, however, money motivates teachers to work against one another to earn higher wages. A system based on competition, disparity, and comparisons cannot properly educate the majority, which should be the goal in a large, diverse country such as the United States. In contrast to America’s competitive system, Finlandâ€℠¢s school system is structured on equity and cooperation. While American schools compete among themselves, Finland’s public schools are assured to be equal in their abilities to educate. Following a series of trials that included war, oppression,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Liberal Arts Education Matter - 1351 Words
Why Liberal Arts Education Matter? There is a phenomenon that the number of liberal arts college is declining, which means we are losing liberal arts education. Recently, more and more students focus on scores and getting a degree instead of improving themselves comprehensiveness. Many students think the college degree is more important than knowledge and skills, that’s why they ignore the study of liberal arts. Like Tony Woodcock (2015) said: â€Å"the Liberal Arts are considered an irrelevance†. However, liberal arts plays vital roles in our life, and students who didn’t accept liberal arts education may have trouble in their future development. Under the circumstances, there are questions should be considered: Is it really true†¦show more content†¦The existence of liberal arts education makes a significant contribution to the whole society. According to the â€Å"Why a Liberal Arts Education Matters†(2012), liberal arts colleges’ purp oses are to â€Å"mold students into well-rounded, well-informed global citizens with a wide skill set†. People need to be resilient in order to â€Å"invent creative solutions†and liberal arts education can help them about that. Liberal arts education help young people build exploring spirit and learn invaluable skills to make life interesting and worthwhile. The gifts liberal arts education offer students include abilities, skills, confidence, attitude, spirits and so on, which can contribute to their whole life. The development of society depends on a new generation who accepted liberal arts education. Therefore, a liberal arts education plays an important role in society, so government and people should place considerable value on it. What Abilities that Students can Get From Liberal Arts Education? A liberal arts education not only teach students general knowledge but also provide people with an invaluable set of abilities, such as leadership. Leadership includes the ability to think for yourself, the skill to communicate effectively, the capacity for lifelong learning, which is related closely to liberal arts education. Patrick Awuah (2007) states that â€Å"I wish there was a liberal arts college in every African country, I think it would make
The Debate Between Creation And Evolution - 2145 Words
The debate between creation and evolution has been around for a long time. For much of it, it has presented a choice between the two. Some claim that you either believe in God or evolution, not both. Others, that you have to choose young earth creationism simply because theistic evolution is not a viable option. Still more present young earth creationism as a naive understanding of both the Bible and science. However, since each position has evidence in support of it and against it, it is in no way true that any of them present us with an undeniable position of definite accuracy. Furthermore, the idea that there is only a choice between creation and evolution is false. Indeed, there are more positions than even creationism and theistic†¦show more content†¦It is for this reason that the debate is also not between science and Christianity. Each advocate for each position is attempting to reconcile the apparent differences between science and Christianity. It is simply the cas e that they each take a different approach and give different amounts of authority to science and a literal interpretation of Genesis. The first position is that of young earth creationism. Additionally, this is what most people mean when referring to â€Å"creationism.†This is primarily due to the fact that the creationists visible in the public eye during the creation-evolution debate were most likely to hold young earth creationist views. Additionally, the terms â€Å"recent earth†or â€Å"recent creation†have been used to refer to this same position. These terms clearly define their position as one in which the creation of the world occurred somewhat recently, that is, the world is young. However, it obviously doesn t provide us with much information beyond that. To begin with, how young is the world? In order to help answer this and other questions concerning young earth creationism, biologist and philosopher of science Paul Nelson and philosopher John Mark Reynolds, both fellows of the Center for Science and Culture under the Discovery Institute, present with their viewpointShow MoreRel atedEvolution Is A Highly Argumentative Topic, Today s Society1021 Words  | 5 PagesPayne 1 Jared Payne English 11 Mrs. Brown 5 December 2014 Pro-evolution: Why? Creation versus evolution is a highly argumentative topic, especially in today’s society. A recent debate, between Bill Nye â€Å"The Science Guy†and Ken Ham, has sparked even more controversy over this particular topic. A poll administered by Gallup shows that forty-six percent of Americans believe God created humans as they are now ten-thousand years ago, and that the only reliable dating system is the Word of God (LovanRead MoreEssay on Creation vs. Evolution1348 Words  | 6 PagesCreation vs. Evolution Ever since the publication of Charles Darwins The Origin of Species was published there has been an ongoing debate between science and religion. Scientists have formulated many theories as to the origins of man and to the creation of the earth, whereas religious groups have one main creation theory, based on the Genesis story of The Bible. These theories, however, are not the cause of the debate because the different theories are simply myths meantRead MoreThe Effects Of Clinical Depression On An Individual s Dreaming1485 Words  | 6 PagesFreud and Jung. Hall devised this theory through standardized dream content scoring inventories. He used this method to demonstrate that the most frequently occurring images or ideas were not peculiar events but rather routine social interactions between the dreamer and their most regular acquaintances. The psychological factors that affect one’s dreaming would be any type of mental disorder such as depression, anxiety, multiple personality disorder, etc. These disorders change the individual’sRead MoreCreationism Isnt Science but Belongs in Schools Essay849 Words  | 4 Pagesevolved from bacteria. It has become a recent debate in schools which one of these and countless other theories should and should not be taught. The debate has centered itself between creationists, those that believe in a mythological theory, and Secular humanists, those who believe in a theory known as evolution. It has become questioned whether creationism should be taught in schools along side the evolution theory. In an essay discussing this Niles Eldredge arguesRead MoreEssay about Creation Science1400 Words  | 6 Pagestheory of evolution do not conflict with belief in a Creator. However, fundamentalist Christians such as Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell, have co-opted the term creationism and it is now difficult to refer to creationism without being understood as referring to fundamentalist Christians who (a) take the stories in Genesis as accurate accounts of the origin of the universe and life on Earth, and (b) believe that Genesis is incompatible with the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. Thus, itRead MoreThe Origin Of Life And Evolution1744 Words  | 7 PagesGallup Institute in 2004 showed that an approximate of 42% of Americans believe that humanity was created by God, 18% believe in an evolution directed by God, and only 26% of them support Darwin’s theory. In Great Britain, a survey performed by BBC to a 2000 people sample found that 52% said to believe in non Darwinian explications for the origin of life and evolution. In a more recent survey done in 34 countries by Science magazine, which included the United States of America, Japan and 32 EuropeanRead MoreEssay on Creationism vs. Evolution: How did it really happen?1163 Words  | 5 PagesCreationism vs. Evolution: How did it really happen? Ever since 1859 and the publication of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin1, his first publication of his observations, much debate has come about concerning the issue of how life on earth came to be. Both the Creationists and Evolutionists believe in the Big Bang theory of creation of life; however, the mechanism for the development of new life provides the conflict. Evolutionists believe the cause of life on earth to be accidentalRead MoreConflicts Between Science and Religion1662 Words  | 7 PagesIn science, evolution is one of the basic templates for understanding the biology of an organism or ecological unit. Essentially, it is the change in inherited traits of a population through a process called natural selection in which only the strongest traits are appropriately adapted to the environment in question. Those traits from parents who are healthier and live longer are then passed down to future generations where the traits are amplified if the organism thrives. Evo lution, then, is theRead MoreThe Louisiana Science Education Act Essay1728 Words  | 7 PagesIn the United States, evolution and creationism remain a controversial issue as far as which method should stay in science classes across the globe. How was the earth created? How were humans created? These are questions that arise in most science classes. Many students require an explanation of why people exist. There are those who would oppose evolution, and there are those who oppose creationism. Is there a significant difference between these methods? Several states have passed regulations thatRead More Creationism vs. Evolution Essays1663 Words  | 7 PagesCreationism vs. Evolution This paper will focus on the huge controversy between Creationism and Evolution. I will provide two opposing viewpoints on this subject. First, the discussion will focus on the question of why many people believe that God created the universe and all living things. On the other end of the spectrum, scientific information will be presented that substantiates the evidence against the existence of God. This creationism counter-argument known as evolution has its roots
The Importance of Beauty free essay sample
The first thing most people notice about someone is how physically attractive they are; yet we are told every day that looks do not matter. Our world is filled with hypocrisy when talking about the notion of beauty. Many quotes and inspirational messages line our halls and are often the background of choice on teenage girl’s cellphones. We are taught that â€Å"Beauty is only skin deep†from a young age, but if this really is the truth why do girls starve themselves to be skinny or bleach the life out of their hair? Countless cultures and people around the world covet physical beauty. Take a peek at any magazine and there are articles and pictures of how a girl â€Å"should look†to feel attractive. This phenomenon has been around for centuries. The late 1500’s were a completely male dominated society and in this time a woman’s looks were pretty much all she had to offer. William Shakespeare wrote a sonnet titled â€Å"My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun†and in this story the speaker shows the reader that outer beauty is not the most important feature in a significant other. The speaker opens the poem with the assertion â€Å"My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;†(line 1). Right off the bat he is expressing negative attributes about his mistress, or so we think. Does anyone really want to look into a person’s eyes and be blinded by them? Looking into the sun is dangerous so no wonder he would rather look into hers. Following this remark, the speaker states that, â€Å"Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; If snow be white, when then her breasts are dun;†(lines 2-3). Back in Shakespeare’s time all women coveted red lips and a fair complexion. They even went as far to use products containing mercury, an element that is extremely harmful to their bodies. The features mentioned above were required in order to be considered attractive in that time. The speaker is admitting that his mistress has neither the red lips nor the fair complexion that are seen as prevailing features at that time. As the speaker advances in his description of the mistress, He continues the story with â€Å"if hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks;†(lines 4-6) She doesn’t show signs of having well kept hair as those who are held in higher esteem. Staying clean was not an easy task back in those days due to the lack of clean water and soaps. Her cheeks had no blush to them either. In a society that is obsessed with youth and beauty, rosy cheeks are a must and the mistress seems to be missing them. Returning to the point of there being a scarcity in soap, the speaker progresses with the phrase â€Å"And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks†(lines 7-8). Of course oral hygiene was hard to maintain with in those days but the speaker seems to just keep talking down on his supposed mistress. As the poem continues he talks about her voice and it’s less than pleasing sound. â€Å"I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound†(lines9-10). Here the reader can interpret he is saying that her words are more important to him than the sound of her voice. The speaker wants to hear what she has to say and the sound is unimportant. It’s her mind that he values more. The speaker is aware there are sweeter sounds like music but he would rather listen to her speak. In another seemingly negative description of his mistress depicting her walk, the speaker expresses, â€Å"I grant I never saw a goddess go; My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground†(lines 11-12) Here the speaker is giving a depiction about the gait to his mistress’ walk. A goddess is supposedly able to float as they walk, and according to the speaker, the mistress certainly does not do that. . These lines in the poem depict a kind of satire in comparison to other love poems and stories. A message that can be read here is that the mistress is a more realistic object of his affection than the exaggerated descriptions of other writers. The mistress of course doesn’t float, but he still compares her to a mythological goddess in a negative way as a resemblance to other works. Finally, the ending of the poem is where all the negativity and insults are reconciled. The speaker says â€Å"And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare,†(lines 13-14) to make up for everything the speaker has to say about his mistress. His love for her is rare considering her lack of physically attractive attributes and he can’t even believe it himself. The speaker can’t find the words to justify himself for his love. To him, no woman can ever compare to his mistress. Her flaws are what make her unique and separate her from the bunch. He sees through her appearances and loves her just the way she is. When we look back at the poem with the speaker’s outlook in the last lines, we see the piece in a whole new light. The speaker’s feelings support that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and show how the social stigma has no impact on his love for her. Girls today have to realize they can offer an extremely large amount of things aside from their looks. Women and men are considered equals today and should bring more to the table. The mind and soul is a powerful combination and is vastly more important than physical appearance.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis Harold and Kumar free essay sample
This is what really sets â€Å"Harold and Kumar†apart not just from â€Å"Stoner films†or the entire Comedy genre, but from every film ever made. Casting two â€Å"minorities†in the leading roles. The opening scene involves two â€Å"higher ups†, who we assume are Harold’s bosses, at an accounting firm who are trying to get out of doing their work for a night out. They pass the work on to our unsuspecting Harold, who reluctantly accepts the new task load because his job was threatened. This opening scene sets up Harold’s personal problems that at the end of the ovie, he over comes. This scene cuts between multiple shots of Harold’s bosses standing over Harold, and Harold looking up at them. They loom over Harold, looking down on him as a workhorse that they can pass their work loads to. Harold sits in his chair looking up at his two bosses, bewildered and somewhat frightened to stand up for himself. His two bosses are dressed in black suits which communicates to the audience that they are not only dominant but authoritative and for lack of a better term, evil. They are the first protagonists we see in the film. As they blast out of the office parking lot in their convertible, they justify their actions by saying that â€Å"those Asian guys love crunching numbers†. We quickly get the response to this with a cut of Harold standing in the office looking out the window the speeding convertible, angrily saying â€Å"Fuck†. From this we cut to a scene of Kumar being interviewed for acceptance into a medical school program at an undisclosed prestigious university. Kumar blatantly doesn’t care about the interview, or as we discover later, becoming a doctor like his father wants him to be. Kumar sits in the interview dressed in a disheveled suit and slouches in his chair. From these two scenes we are introduced into the typical roles that normally see in Hollywood movies. The quiet Asian being pushed around and the Indian guy trying to become a doctor. Each time though we see the problems that the characters have with both of these situations, this is the side that we don’t normally see in films. Harold hates his job because he feels like he isn’t respected, it is also learned later in the film that he basically fell into his job because that’s just how it went. Until the end of the film when Harold begins to take charge and stand up for himself, the audience has no problem believing that Harold just went with the motions and became an accountant. Kumar on the other hand is basically Harold’s polar opposite, yin and yang type situation, and resists falling into his â€Å"natural†role in society of becoming a doctor even though he is obviously very skilled in the field, by living off his fathers money (who is a doctor) and spending most of his days smoking pot. Throughout the movie there are scenes where a character is presented with a problem that in some way relates to a stereotype about their ethnicity. The movie deals with this in a joking manner, but the best part is that the character encounters it in a positive manner. Take for instance the character of Kumar, after visiting his father working in the hospital he steals an access card to steal medical marijuana, in the process of locating the marijuana, the duo find scrubs to disguise themselves in and in a mix up are confused as surgeons who are to operate on a gun shot victim. Kumar’s â€Å"natural†ability in health and medicine allows him to successfully operate on the victim and save his life. This ends up being the turning point in the film for Kumar where he decides to stop resisting his father and the typical role society expects of Indians, and become a doctor. For Harold, his turning point occurs at the end of the film when he stands up for himself at his destination, white castle. His two bosses show up at the White Castles from their night out with a pair of women, their attire has changed slightly, one has shed his black coat and the other is completely disheveled in his suit. Harold stands now, face to face with both of his bosses with a visibly angry face. He confronts his bosses and lets them know that he won’t take their bullying any longer. The two men look scared and are speechless since they were caught in a lie and that Harold has literally stood up to them, a contrast from the first scene of the film. About halfway through the film there is a scene where Neil Patrick Harris has stolen the car and leave Harold and Kumar stranded. The two are attempting to walk across the street at a completely vacant intersection. Kumar urges Harold to just walk across and disregard the street sign because there is no one around. As Harold takes his first step to cross, he is stopped by a police officer. The officer harasses the two of them and in a sign of blatant racism, he mocks Kumar and Harold’s ethnicities by asking if they have strange names. He asks Kumar if his name has â€Å"like five O’s or two U’s†. At this scene Kumar stands up for himself by belittling the officer and telling him he was loser in high school and is still one now. Although the officer has a much bulkier body type than Harold and Kumar, Kumar still stands face to face with the officer, representing his courage to go against someone he knows could take him to jail. I have seen â€Å"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle†MANY times before this paper and usually only watched it as it was presented, I laughed at the funny parts and would promptly move on to something else. Until this paper I had never thought to consider the representations the film portrayed of Harold and Kumar. I had never even noticed that the two leading roles were â€Å"minority†ethnicities. The way the film acknowledges the stereotypes that come bundled with the two characters and destroys them whilst making a completely mockery of them is quite fascinating. One of the more interesting facts is that the film was written by two Jewish men, and directed by a Caucasian man. They obviously didn’t want to make a comedy like any other with a white lead, they casted two very different men together and made an incredibly successful film. The film has spawned two sequels and each did very well in the box office. I would personally love to see a film cast more â€Å"minority†ethnicities in the lead roles, not just comedies but every film genre. I think that day is not too far ahead. Rangwala, Shama. Issue 5: Film Reviews.  Scope. Http://www. scope. nottingham. ac. uk/. Web. 06 Mar. 2012. lt;http://www. scope. nottingham. ac. uk/filmreview. php? issue=5gt;.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Things to Look For When Writing a Student Technical Writing Short Essay Sample
Things to Look For When Writing a Student Technical Writing Short Essay SampleYou have an assignment that requires you to write a short essay sample. What should you be looking for? It's your job as a student technical writer to provide that student with a quality document. Here are a few things you need to look for when it comes to writing a quality short essay sample.One. Always make sure that the material is well researched and written. A student needs to know that the information they are about to read is well researched and has been written by a professional. This will assure them that the student technical writer is aware of the requirements that are placed on a student paper.Two. A student needs to know that the information they are reading is accurate. The student must know that they are dealing with a student writing paper. A student writing paper should always be in high-quality writing, and should be accurate, and should also be updated and up to date.Three. A student need s to be informed about the grammar and sentence structure of a short essay sample. Any student needs to know their rights as a student writer, and any student needs to know that it is their job to be informed about the grammar rules of a topic. All students should know that the beginning of the paper is the place to begin, and it should always end with a conclusion statement. There should never be an opening, middle, or conclusion to the paper.Four. There should be a very brief introduction to the key point, the thesis statement, or the thesis of the paper. This brief introduction should always appear before the first paragraph of the paper.Five. The end of the short essay sample should be conclusive.It should also contain a conclusion. The conclusion should have the conclusion statement at the end of the conclusion section. If it does not contain the conclusion, the student technical writer should make sure that the student gets this point correct.Six. The student needs to look at the writing style of the writer. Do they use proper grammar? Are their sentences and paragraphs structured correctly? The student should also make sure that the vocabulary used is correct for the purpose of the paper.When a student needs to write a short essay sample, they need to get these important points across. Good student technical writers work hard to ensure that their students understand all of these aspects.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Helen Ryland Essay Example
Helen Ryland Essay To what extent should changes in the relationship between monarchy and parliament from 1529 to 1640 be seen as arising from divisions over the future of the church?Until he entered his middle years, Henry VIII was faithful Catholic. His main concern was to gain control of the Churchs vast wealth rather than radically change the liturgy. However, this all changed when Henry tried to put aside his first wife because she had not borne him a male heir (a serious matter for the security of the state). The popes refusal to consent led Henry to reject papal authority and declare himself head of Church by the Act of Supremacy in 1534. He was careful to act in conjunction with Parliament. Thus for a time England remained in most respects Catholic. This is typical of the Post Revisionist view as they saw that different issues could lead to disputes between King and Parliament, but within a framework that can be seen as co-operative.It wasnt until the reign of Edward VI (1547-1553) that reform really took hold. In 1548 an English language order for the administration of Holy Communion was published and the following year a complete Book of Common Prayer appeared. England became a thoroughgoing Protestant state. This is where the monarch encountered its chief parliamentary obstacle. They resisted every step of the Protestant reformation.During Marys reign (1553-1558), England briefly reverted back to Catholicism. She wished to restore Catholicism and papal authority. This provoked fears and opposition from old Henricians loyal to the Kings memory and Edwardian Protestants and in order to do this she had to overcome strong resistance from the House of Commons. There was also opposition of her marriage to Philip II, King of Spain. He was an uncompromising Roman Catholic and was very unpopular in England. There was speculation that he would add strength to Mary to reverse the reformation. Mary gained the title of Bloody Mary because of the large religious persecutions that to ok place. 300 Protestants died as a result of trials for heresy. However she also appointed Protestants to supreme positions, which shows that she did have some toleration towards religion and must have had support in some form. This is typical of the Whig view because they saw that the commons were willing to stand up to the crown over issues they didnt agree with.Elizabeth was completely different to all other monarchs of this period. She was determined to rule a united country. She favoured a moderate reform, which would leave the core doctrine of the church intact, but would embrace the positive elements of the reformation. It consisted of a series of Acts of parliament, which established a revised Book of Common Prayer, the articles of religion and various other minor pieces of legislation. She also founded the Anglican Church, which borrowed principles from both the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths. The main factor was that in this period of 1559 to 1601 Parliament was wil ling to co-operate with Monarch, even if there were disagreements and criticisms. However there was opposition from the Puritans/Presbyterians, who tried to demolish the Elizabethan settlement. This again is typical of the Post Revisionist view as they co-operated even though there were disagreementsReligion wasnt the only factor influencing the relationship between monarch and parliament.During the 1530s the economy changed. There was increasing discontent over issues such as the introduction of enclosures and inflation in prices. This led to a disruption in traditional village life. This was the only real discontent with finance during the reign of henry as he passed the Statute of wills to ensure co-operation.Money was wasted during Edwards reign due to the war with Scotland in 1547. They gained victory against them, but because the war came late, Scotland was able to look to France for support.Although there was a rebellion in 1549 resulting from economic difficulties, mainly th e enclosures, Mary did a lot to improve the financial situation in Britain. Efforts were made to make revenue collection more efficient by transferring more responsibility to the exchequer, the new book of prayers was introduced in 1558 to improve crown income from custom duties and plans were made to re-value currency after the Great Debasement of the 1540s.Elizabeth was popular among the poorer classes as she encouraged people to grow more food grains in the country, creating more profit and ensured self-sufficiency. One of the main functions of parliament in Elizabeths reign was to fund the government, but this would most probably be apparent for any monarch during the whole period being observed. However the Queen, short of money, granted monopolies to courtiers and royal servants which caused rumblings in parliament, Elizabeth responded with unfulfilled promises of reform. This caused the rumblings to become uproar.This would make co-operation very difficult at this time, which backs up the Whig view, Elizabeth promised things, which she just couldnt fulfil, which leads onto the next issue, the Monarchs personalities.Henry seemed to be quite a stubborn person. If he couldnt get what he wanted then he would change something to make sure things went his way, for example, the rejection of papal authority. He was a bully and had quite an aggressive personality. This can also be seen from the treatment of his wives. Parliament felt intimidated by this, which led them to support him. However when he did reject papal authority, he made sure it was in conjunction with parliament, which shows that he didnt really want to cause conflict between them both.Edward was very young to be a King; he had advisors, which made his decision making easier. Parliament werent always happy, but they co-operated with the monarch.Mary, like Henry was very stubborn. She was a fanatic Catholic, if Protestants fell out of line they were burned to death. She also rejected a parliament petition, which begged her to marry and Englishman. She wouldnt listen to anyone else, except herself.Elizabeth wanted to please everyone; she was over ambitious as this could never work. She promised people things, which she couldnt do. She gave parliament free speech, however they could only speak on subjects, which she addressed. This meant that they couldnt really say what they really felt about certain subjects. This could also be seen as being stubborn because it shows that the monarch decides everything, including when parliament is called and dissolved. Perhaps this is why parliament co-operated with every monarch from 1529 to 1640.As the different monarchs wanted different religious policies, so to would they want different foreign policies.The aims of Henry were to maintain the balance of power in Europe, to resist the power of enemies of England and to dominate European politics. Henry joined the holy league intending to drive France out of Italy. He made peace with Franc e after the marriage alliance of his sister Mary. But after the terms of his alliance with Spain expired, Henry declared war with France. The Scots refused to accept the marriage proposal of Henrys son for their daughter and he invaded and burned Edinburgh. He crushed an Irish revolt against the supremacy of England and acquired the title King of Ireland. He divided the country into many provinces and included Wales with England. England was looked upon as the most important political nation of Europe, this increased parliaments co-operation with henry due to the status England had gained.Marys marriage to Philip, King of Spain, in 1554 provoked a lot of discontent among parliament and the English public. They knew he would have influence over Marys foreign policy. She was put under enormous pressure from Philip to declare war with France and by doing this, she put English foreign policy back to its traditional anti-French footing. Together, with Spain they achieved victory, but Spa in was financially distraught and France had the ability to recover and seize Calais from England, a huge blow to England. This symbolised the limited role, which England could now play in Foreign affairs. This was humiliating to Mary, and the public proved her wrong.Elizabeth framed her foreign policy with the intense ambition that England should emerge as an important nation, socially, politically, religiously and economically. She encouraged internal differences and revolts in European countries to give England room to grow more powerful in the community of European nations. Anglo-Spanish relations had already deteriorated but Elizabeth didnt desire to have the same relations with France and decided to remain neutral when Scotland requested help. She later helped them against France, but secretly so she could maintain relations with France and Scotland. A revolt broke out in Ireland at the same time the Pope excommunicated with Elizabeth. She sent the Earl of Essex to suppress th e revolt and Ireland became under the control of England. As with all the issues included in the Elizabethan period, parliament co-operated with whatever the monarch did as she had overall power. This backs up the Revisionist view, it shows that Crown, Lords and Commons existed in reasonable harmony.This leads onto the next issue, constitutional issues, who held power in this period? Henry broke with Rome and amongst many other things ended Wales being a separate country with England. This shows that he held the power and that Parliament supported whatever he did. However as stated in his personality issue, he was intimidating and aggressive which led them to support him. But having said this parliament did seem to gain some power at least. They passed legislation more frequently, they were allowed to discuss religious policy, although the powers of parliament were changed to facilitate Henrys will, which meant all of this was down to what Henry wanted, not what parliament wanted.Be cause Edward was so young to be King, his advisors took control of most things in the country. It is stated that he was no longer a powerful, adult King, no longer a royal focus of loyalty but divisive aristocratic politics. The nobles of the country were taking control of the country not the monarch nor parliament. In Edward and Marys reigns factions developed within parliament. In Edwards reign, this caused a lack of leadership and social and economic problems developed. However when measures had to be taken, there was co-operation. Backing up the Post Revisionist view.During Marys reign, there were still factions, however they all co-operated to restore an effective government. This is shown when parliament drew up a document in conflict with Philip, they didnt agree with the marriage, which backs up the Revisionist view because they saw parliaments principle function as advising the monarch. Parliament spoke for themselves and the English public in their opposition to the execut ions of Protestants. Catholicism spread as a result. This doesnt show that they held the power though because Mary ignored it and Married him anyway.Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer were imprisoned and executed, removing the major sources of opposition. Mary had overall constitutional control, although she had a lot of opposition which spread and she couldnt put an end to it.Parliament showed that it had some power as the monarch granted monopolies because of the financial situation. This led to uproars within parliament; the monarchy was forced to act. Parliament was only functioning as an advisory and legislative body in Elizabeths reign, although they could give influences, policies were always made by the monarch. This again backs up the Revisionist view, of parliament as a legislative and advisory body. Elizabeth granted them free speech, however this was restricted as they could only speak on matters brought up by the monarch. Thus, Elizabeth held constitutional power.The final iss ue to address was the other individuals involved in advising the different monarchs during this period of investigation.Thomas Wolsey was known for bribing people. He tried to bribe the Pope into allowing the annulment of Henrys marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This didnt work, he was later executed. Seymour embarked on a political career. To promote his ambitions, he looked to parliament for support but instead he was attained and executed. Anne Boleyn caused a lot of conflict when her marriage to Henry was pronounced legal by Cranmer. Cromwell believed that Anne must go, as he couldnt legitimate Mary. He turned against her and made implies for a divorce. Sir Thomas Moore, Lord Chancellor, and bishop, John Fisher, were both executed for failing to recognise Henry as the head of Church. Thomas Joyle canvassed support in the Houses of Lords and Commons. He must have had a lot of influence over legislation.Somerset, during Edwards reign, practically ruled the country for Edward. He to ok control over all issues. But people were against him no matter what he did. The war with Scotland was left too late, which meant Scotland could look to France for support. He was quite tolerant on religion, but he had many pressures on him. He failed to satisfy radical Protestants yet alarmed traditional Catholics. He didnt have much political experience, leading to conflict with parliament, which backs up the Whig view. He was later imprisoned and executed in 1552. Northumberland took over from Somerset and sorted all issues out. He gained a lot of support. He ended the war with France, advanced the protestant faith, making a more decisive statement of national beliefs and restored government finances by strengthening the currency and tackling a wider range of social grievances, which backs up the revisionist view as it shows Co-operation. This wasnt to last though, Edwards health was failing.Gardner caused conflict in parliament. He led opposition in the House of Lords against Marys marriage to Philip of Spain. Factions developed as a result. The main individual in Marys reign was her husband, Philip of Spain. He led her into war against the peoples will. It ended badly as France recovered from the war and seized Calais from England.The Wentworths were perhaps the most heroic figures during Marys reign. They took the lead in defending free speech. They strove for full, free and unrestricted speech on all subjects. This backs up the Whig view as it shows parliament defending their rights and privileges. The Queen reacted by imprisoning them. It didnt have an effect on the House of Commons because they didnt see it as important, but they were heroic because they stood up to the Queen and no one had done that before. Burghleys demand for a triple subsidy provoked angry outbursts, furious debate and protest at the Lords infringement of the Commons liberties. Norton was the best defence against Catholicism, making lots of speeches, written arguments and had th e skill of a parliamentary draftsman. He had lots of support and had some success. Harsher penal laws were put against catholic recusants; he didnt have control over the commons though.After addressing all of the issues involved during this period, I believe that religion was not the most important or the only factor influencing changes in the relationship between monarchy and parliament from 1529 to 1640. I believe that the most important factors were other individuals because this caused the most conflict and constitutional issues, as this was the main factor for co-operation.
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