Wednesday, October 30, 2019
EVENT PLANNER Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EVENT PLANNER - Assignment Example With my goal of starting and running an event planning business, I have decided to pick an organization in the same business category of event planning and design. The organization I will be reviewing is known as Joyful Occasions. It is an event planning and design firm located in Columbus, GA 31901. The company is a â€Å"multi-faceted, full-service event planning company that offers services throughout Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina†(Eventective, 2013). The company’s primary market area includes planning, styling and catering for weddings, birthdays, corporate events, business lunches and office parties, military retirement parties, hail and farewells among other events (Joyful Occasions, 2013). I currently do not have a direct link to the company and their services; however, I have vast interest in their line of business as I have mentioned. Being a medium sized business that serves a wide region Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, information about the comp any can easily be outsourced from their website and their customer care hotline or inquiry email address, which are readily available on their website. I will utilize these essential tools in gathering information about the organization. Business Process A business process refers to related activities that generate or produce a particular product or service, with the main aim being to satisfy the customer. In running a business, there are three key business processes that ensure continuous productivity of an organization whether profit or non-profit making. These processes include management, operational, and supporting processes (Harmon, 2007). Under these three categories of business processes, many other processes can be established depending on the service or product at hand. When an organization is significantly large, it becomes necessary to adapt new strategies to manage these processes. It is for this reason that adopting Business Process Management (BPM) becomes necessary. As stated by Jeston and Nelis, (2008) â€Å"achieving an organization’s objectives requires improvement, management, and control of essential business processes. Event Planning Event planning is an operational level business process aimed at creating the core business or primary service offered by event planning and catering organizations. In relation to Joyful Occasions, the main objective in event planning is to turn peoples’ dreams into reality. This is achievable by ensuring that they do not feel the stressful and tiring experience of organizing and managing their events. They therefore, get to enjoy their special occasions or work experiences while exhibiting their unique personality and style (Joyful Occasions, 2013). Event planning is a process that can be broken down into several steps from the beginning of the process to the end. These stages include Pre-planning At this stage, information is gathered about the event including the pur pose, size of the event, audience, client requirements and realistic expectation of the event. Planning This is the most important stage as it paints the real picture of what is required for the event and what is going to happen at the event. At this stages, budget is created, formal documentation are prepared, locate the venue and establish a contract
Monday, October 28, 2019
Historical Materialism Essay Example for Free
Historical Materialism Essay Social structures fall and crumble, and new ones take their place. This is a fact of civilization that has been with humanity since before the beginning of recorded history. Marxist theory takes this concept of change and asks an important question of it. Why do societies revolutionize themselves? Marxist theory, in this particular vein of thought, concerns itself with society’s motivations for change. In answer to this question Marxists use two distinct yet related forms of Materialism, Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. They seek to use these concepts to apply logic to a seemingly random event, and there are indicators in history that this interpretation works. The important question to ask afterwards is do these interpretations still apply in a modern context. First, though, it is important to understand the Marxist concept of how revolution occurs. The Marxist interpretation of Materialism can be roughly broken up into two groupings, Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. The aims of both of these concepts are the same though. Based on Marxist ideals these two concepts aim to explain the development of human history and give concrete motivation as to significant changes in human history. By considering both concepts in tandem one gains a full understanding of the Marxist interpretation of Materialism. Dialectical Materialism is based in two separate concepts, Dialectics and Materialism. Dialectics is one of the three original liberal arts, first developed in the classical world by the Ancient Greeks. (Saksena p543) Together with Rhetoric and Grammar, these liberal arts were developed as a means to fully understand the art of persuasion. Dialectic itself refers to the logic behind the argument, having a sound backing for your points. As such it is heavily grounded in logic. By combining this with materialism, the monist concept that everything in existence is made up of matter, you get a unique understanding of the basic makeup of Marxism. (Saksena p544) This is the lens through which the Marxist views the world, analytical and logical, with all things made up of a base product. When considering this with history, Historical Materialism is formed and Marxist understanding is applied to historical developments. Historical Materialism concerns itself with asking why and how Social progress is driven. The basic idea of this theory is that Human Society is based around how humans work to produce the means to live, and that all actions present in history are intrinsically tied to this. (Sober p310) There is also, in tandem with this, the concept that labour is divided into social classes, and that class division is dependant on the means of production. Finally, in terms of social movements, this theory states that these actions only occur when the dominant class is displaced by a newly emerging one. Eckstein p912) There are a series of ideas that go along with this concept of Historical Materialism. First and foremost is the concept that social progress is directly related to material progress, without some advancement in the process of production, social change will not occur. (Crimmins p523) Innate to this, it should be mentioned, is the concept that humans are involved with production. By tying societal progress intrinsically into manufacturing process, it ties the development of humanity, at its base level, to the worker. The worker then, becomes the means through which social progression is achieved, and also has some power over how humanity develops as a society. This power is not to be ignored, as this power is the central means to change in the Marxist view of history. By giving the workers this power it puts the means to change directly into their hands and makes them responsible for the future, and also for the past. But there is still the question of how this sect of society is motivated to action. Two distinct and yet related forces act in the concept of Historical Materialism, Production Relations and Productive Forces. Production Relations, here, can be understood to refer to the interaction between those producing the product and those paying the labourers to produce the product. (Manicas p241) Productive Forces refer to the actual labour pool that powers the productions. (Manicas p241) Understanding those two distinct terms, there is another sequence of required concepts in Historical Materialism that go along with those two concepts. Production Relations, it should be noted, develop relative to the development of productive forces. Manicas p244) An emphasis on production determines the speed of production force development. In other words, social progression is inversely relative to the way workers are treated. The change, for Marxist theorists, comes from dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. If the workers are happy they will have no desire to change the situation. If the current state is not in their favor, however, they will be motivated to action. This of course will result, op timally, in a change in society. That is what is central about this concept, the impact it has on society. The theory believes that the structure of a society is intrinsically tied to the mode of production, or in other words the structure of a society is an expression of the mode of production. (Manicas p245) For example, a society built around a production structure heavily dependant on mechanical production will find an increase in the repair and maintenance industry, whereas a society based around manual labour will require a large number of individuals working to achieve its product. Stating that the product developed by a society has an impact on its structure can essentially sum up this whole concept. Moving beyond simply the types of jobs that would be desired, this speaks towards what the educational system of that society would be like, what the pay scale would be, what the living conditions would be at. This is all relative to the skill of the labour and the amount of education necessary to do the job. If the market is based around specialized jobs that require immense amounts of schooling, then the pay scale and standard of living for that society will be higher than a manual labour society which requires little to no education for the job. To put it simply, the more difficult the standard job for the society, the better off that society will be. But what of the problems that would arise form this formation. Critical Marxist theory believes that these concepts are tied in to some of the problems present in societies. Every state, they believe, is an institution of the ruling class. (Mayer p143) As such the laws and values of that state would seek to reinforce the means to profit. They would be utilizing everything down to the structure of the state to optimize the goal of the collective. In a capitalist structure, for example, the value structure is built around profit. As such, according to the Marxist theory, the values and systems inherent to this state would reinforce this ideal. Taking into account modern corporate practices of exporting service and manual labour to other countries where it is cheaper to attain, one sees the profit-based value structure of the capitalist system affecting their policy. The second important factor in this consideration is that State power is usually only transferred through upheaval. Sober p323) This is an extremely destructive means to achieve change, and this should be noted. It does not make it untrue, however. This violent upheaval, combined with the obliteration of the previous system, combine to show the means to change. As upsetting as it may be to think that our system is based on a wholly violent means to achieving its end, every indication through history shows this factor working time and again. Finally, this particular mode of production has to give out at some point as new technologies discover more efficient means of production. Thus the final belief of the Marxist Historical Materialist perspective is that when current production relations no longer function, progress is either stalled, or there is revolution. (Stiermotte p112) So the final catalyst, the straw that will break societies back, will be the death of production. This idea makes perfect sense when taken in terms of the whole of the argument. If motivation for change were present in the means to production and the relations between producer and employer, then the death of production would mean the end of that society producing. That is a perfect catalyst for setting off change. If there is no profit then the system, inherently built on it, fails and must be replaced. This is the full circle of Marxists Historical Materialism, the concept that when production fails, revolution will occur to re-imagine production systems to increase profit and thus advance that society. The hard question, however, is to what extent does this view of Historical Materialism apply today? Is it still a prescient means to understand societal development? If it is then perhaps it can be applied to see the future of society, maybe as a means to ensure we are not heading down a path we would not agree with. The system that comes afterwards is based in the values of those who are generally in opposition to the ruling class they have just ousted. As such they, logically, would seek to be as contrary to the original as possible. Before revolution occurs, one must contemplate what the most likely scenario would be and whether it is favorable. But before that can even occur, the question of whether this theory does indeed apply or not must be answered. As such there are four basic questions that must be answered in the affirmative for this to be the case. Is the motivation still present? Is there still a need for change? To this the answer would be affirmative. Present still in this world are primary causes for change; poverty, social inequality. These motivators are still present as a means to have the â€Å"poor†class desire change. The best example would be the rising unemployment rate in the UK. As is stated in the article, the rate of employment in the UK has descended from a â€Å"low unemployment economy to the high unemployment reality of the present era. (Leslie p371) So not only is there the sort of motivator to initiate change, the situation is actually getting progressively worse. Are there current social classes? Is there immense inequality between the classes? Yes, there are rich and poor classes in our current time and there is a distinct difference between them. Moreover the capability to move between classes is but a faint hope and it is not often that this occurs. Are these classes developed based on the mode of production? If one observes the poorer classes and their particular jobs, then one must see that their poverty is indeed tied in to the mode of production. Most often the only means of employment is to work for the rich class in a company owned by them. (Mayer p144) The ruling class here is utilizing the labour forces as a means to production. Is the state an institution of the ruling class? Does it enforce their values? In a capitalist society the values are based around profit. The values inherent to the state thus reinforce the values of the ruling class, the desire for profit before any other considerations. This is seen through the mutually declining state of employment and also health care in the UK. Through putting profit before the welfare of the employee, considerations that should normally be considered mandatory are lost by the wayside. Healthcare, in particular neonatal health care, declines as suicide and para-suicide rates increase. (Cook p73) All together this forms the impression of the powers in charge of production being unmoved by the plight of the labour force they are using. The factors for change, as outlined through Historical Materialism, are still present in current culture. Action, however, is not present. But this action, according to Historical Materialism, will only be sparked when production fails. This failure will either stall production or bring about revolution. Production, at this time, has not stopped so the final motivation for revolution is not present. But Marx never did suppose that any progress would be instantaneous, rather he stated quite the opposite. His logic was grounded in the development of the world from a proto-communist/tribal society, through ancient civilization, to feudalism, to capitalism, and finally to the ideal communist state. Marx’s worldview is that humanity is slowly progressing towards a communist state of peace, yet by his own admission; the world actually began in a proto-communist state, and then progressed away from this. Is the end state of Communism actually a step back, or is it a cyclical view of the world wherein, upon reaching the communist state at the end, the cycle begins anew and humanity goes back to ancient civilization. Progression does not necessarily entail constant forward movement in the Marxist view, only that a new class will replace the ruling elite, and society will be accordingly supplanted with a new structure. Nowhere does it emphasize this progress as a positive development. What we must really ask ourselves is, is this the future we want for our society? Do we want to go back to where we began? Do we want to develop the same way we have for years or have the myriad of problems that have arisen accordingly shown us that perhaps searching for a better means to development is the best option? Do we want history to repeat itself, or do we want to shape it?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine Essay
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine   The stories of Oedipus, as told through Seneca's Oedipus and Cocteau's The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague that has descended upon Thebes, feels true sorrow for his dying people and wishes to cure his moribund city. On the other hand, Cocteau's Oedipus is a pretentious, immature, and overweening young adult who seeks to indulge himself in the fast and wealthy lifestyle of the royal class. Seneca and Cocteau seem to agree that Oedipus is a very persistent, curious, and yet unwitting character. Furthermore, they believe that it these qualities that ultimately bring about his demise. In Seneca's tale, Tiresias tries to warn Oedipus that only bad will result from his need to know the identity of Laius's killer-"Avid your hung er for such knowledge now , but you will come to rue the things you know." (Sen. Oed. p. 22) Even when his horrible actions are discovered by all the other characters, Oedipus, oblivious to the truth, persists with the search. Creon describes the area in which the King Laius was slain, yet Oedipus seems to realize nothing and instead, continu es to demand the identity of Laius's killer. Oedipus. . . .Whom did I murder? Through a blunder, a pure blunder, an old man on the road- a stranger. Tiresias. Oedipus, your blunder killed the husband of Jocasta, King Laius. Oedipus. The two of you. Now I see the shape of you... ...presence of his mother at his side. In the end, Oedipus, according to Cocteau, doesn't even solve the riddle, but instead is told the answer by the Sphinx herself. Both Seneca and Cocteau regard Oedipus as a stubborn and curious man whose necessity to identify the killer of King Laius, despite warnings from Jocasta, Tiresias, and Creon to leave it be, lead him to his horrible fate. Yet there is a distinct difference between the motives of the authors' characters. Seneca's wise and gracious Oedipus persists in his quest to find the killer in order to free Thebes of its pollution. While Cocteau's puerile and arrogant character must know the identity of the killer, simply for personal knowledge. Works Cited: Cocteau, Jean. The Infernal Machine and other plays. New York:New Directions, 1963 Seneca. The Tragedies Volume II. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins, 1995 Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
In school suspensions, out of school suspensions and expulsions Essay
Expulsions and suspensions refer to the disciplinary sanctions and dispensations that are imposed and rendered to students who have committed behavioral misconduct while at school. Expulsion refers to the permanent removal of a student from the schooling system. Expulsion comes following the commission of certain offenses that are deemed extraordinarily serious. In the case of such an expulsion, the law provides that such a student may not be absorbed within any other schooling system (Skiba, Eaton, Sotoo, 2004). According to the federal education law on District schools, an expelled student is never allowed to be ploughed back to any school. Schools are therefore supposed to adhere to strict guidelines and regulations for students that are under expulsion. Suspension on the other hand while in or even out of school refers to a partial and short lived detachment of a student from the normal schedule of the school. This may either be for some three days, some ten days or a period that could be longer than this. An indefinite suspension by a school principle demands that a student is rendered with all the laid down protections as he/she was under expulsion. The federal law provides that disabled students be given a different treatment which provides them a greater capacity of protection towards their discipline while at school. Consequently, the district is supposed to evaluate whether students under expulsion could be subject to special needs in order to provide them with the most optimal state of justice while under this regulatory penalty (http://idea. gseis. cla. edu/publications/suspension/images/suspension. pdf). According to the federal law, principals are given the mandate to expel students that may posses dangerous weapon(s), controlled medication, alcohol or illegal drugs and making any assault to the school employee(s). Also, students may be expelled or suspended when under the conviction or charge of felony. Expulsion or suspension consequently calls for a hearing which in this case may be either formal or informal. The informal hearing is that which comes immediately after the occurrence of the offense. Informal hearing may only remedy a suspension. However, a formal hearing is that which occurs before the expulsion of a student. A formal hearing requires a full notification of the student as well as his/her guardian or a parent on matters such as the place of the hearing, reasons, time and location. Temporary suspension may also come along in the event the principal has the believe that a certain student is of threat to the school employees, property or even to his/her fellow students (http://www. yh. com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails. aspx? p=114&np=99&id=2239). The law also provides that the student be dispensed with certain legal rights on matters of expulsions and hearings. This may include notice of the charges that should be written. In this context, the student is under the legal obligation of been provided with an explanation that is written explaining the exact parameters of the trouble confining him/her to expulsion or suspension. The principal should also provide a hearing notice that should be written. This should include date of this hearing, place and time. The student is also under the right of bringing a representative such as an advocate or a lawyer. He/she is also under the legal right of bringing evidence or witnesses as a supplementary to the case (http://www. clcm. org/student_suspension. htm). Both expulsion and suspension are deemed good models to reinstate a child’s behavior and bring control in the normal running of the school.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marketing Plan analysis on Forever Living Products Essay
1.Summary This assignment will look at the existing marketing plan for the company Forever Living Products that focuses on the selling of aloe vera based products. The marketing plan will show how the company focuses on two areas – the consumer and the distributor. Both seem to be interlinked and both are important in the objective of the company. Furthermore, recommendations on shortfalls and lacking information will be made as to ensure that marketing is optimised and that this sales orientated company can improve on sales and profits. 2.Introduction and Background Founded in 1978 on little more than dreams and hard work, Forever Living is a multi-billion dollar company, based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that manufactures and sells dozens of wellness and beauty products. People from all over the world, including South Africa, distribute these life-enhancing products, providing the opportunity to own an own business and secure a financial future with a proven plan. With over nine and a half million distributors in over 145 countries, Forever Living offers a once in a lifetime opportunity of living a healthier, wealthier life. The founder proposed a very simple business idea to his closest family and friends over thirty years ago. Offer consumable products to the public that are proven to promote lasting wellness and healthâ€â€and do it in a personal way. Instead of dumping big bucks into traditional advertising, compensate anyone willing to share these products with their family and friends. In minimising traditional advertising, the company’s marketing plan was developed as seen in Addendum A . This marketing plan is very simple and focuses primarily on sales and promotion levels of sellers. Since 1978, very little changes were done to keep up with trends over the years. 3.Business Mission Forever Living believes their greatest legacy is what they do for others and how they do it. â€Å"We adhere to sustainable practices that let us work in harmony with the earth, leaving a more promising future to our children. We take great pride in our charity foundation, Forever Giving, because it allows us to help others around the world who has needs far greater than our own. We are taking ideas and turning them into reality. It is a part of our business that’s so deeply ingrained you could call it our culture. Working towards a brighter future is so much more than our dutyâ€â€it’s truly our pleasure. Forever Living offers a unique opportunity where distributors are in business for themselves, but never by themselves.†4.Objectives Seeing that the company primary focus is on sales, that is exactly what drives the objectives of the company. This is very clear in the current (unchanged) marketing plan still in use. The main objective is: Own your own business – You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you. Thus, the company tries to empower ordinary people with the ability to own an income related to the amount of effort put into sales and marketing based on known and proven products and catering for people with the same values in life. A promotion scheme is followed where the distributor starts at entry level and then progress to higher levels determined by the amount of sales accomplished. It seems like primarily the focus is based on the total of sales obtained, but on the other hand a strong emphasis is placed on customer satisfaction. 5.SWOT Analysis Strengths – Being a company that has existed since 1978, it proves that this is no fly-by-night company. Sound records and proven results are in favour of establishing this company as a reputable business. Forever Living has a track record of more than 30 years of success. The company offer excellent training, seminars, incentives, and a support center. Forever Living is a company with an international presence that demonstrates stability, growth, and ample industry experience. Innovative, quality products speak of the credibility of the company. Weaknesses – Seeing that the Forever Living Company, on customer related issues, primarily makes use of word-of-mouth marketing, as well as drawing the majority of costumers from family and friends, it seems like this could lead to a potential gap in their marketing plan. On the side of distributors, it seems like there is limited protocols and measurements regarding the amount of sale being monitored and available for scruitinising. Thus, it seems like whatever sales you submit per month is the only way of monitoring your own progress in the company. Opportunities – Although it could also be seen as a stumbling block, Forever Living Products utilise the opportunity to play the ecological card (which seems to be quite popular in recent trends) and puts a great deal of emphasis on being â€Å"green†and sustainable. As quoted they are: â€Å"- Accountable to the Environment Ever since Forever Living Products was founded in 1978, we’ve had the utmost respect for nature. – Not Just Greenwashing Our challenge to be more eco-friendly wasn’t based on following fads or silencing critics. In 2006 we launched a formal environmental sustainability program to challenge ourselves to do more. We designated two areas where we could improve: * Waste Generation * Waste Recovery Since we began monitoring our progress we have reduced our waste by 50% and increased our recycling from 26% to 61%. – Our Carbon Footprint When it comes to the efficiency of converting CO2 into oxygen, 20 aloe plants are equal to one tree. With over 40 million aloe vera plants in our plantations, our Aloe Vera of America plantations actually cleanse the earth of 2 million tons of CO2 every year!† Threats – Looking at the global economy, this could be a factor in reduced sales as Forever Living Products might be costly for costumers in countries (third-world countries) that are struggling economically. Few competition threats in relation to the product itself are known of as aloe vera products are limited by resources (aloe plants mostly grow in arid/ desert areas). Also, the amount of aloe vera in the base product makes this product range unrivaled by most other products. 6.Competitive Advantage For consumers, the Forever Living Company’s product range is solely based on Aloe Vera products, which are divided into health drinks, nutritional supplements, weight management products and cosmetic / personal care products. This alone already gives the company a unique foothold on the health and beauty market – a fresh approach with a definitive product focus. As for distributors, Forever Living also has the advantage of a multi-level â€Å"step-up†promotion scheme for distributors where you can reach a certain level and not â€Å"degrade†once you have reached that level. With this being said, other advantages are: Owning your own business – You are in charge of your own destiny. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do actually benefits you. Little risk and no overhead costs – Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses cost tens of thousands of dollars to establish, not to mention a bank loan that will take you decades to repay. Starting your home-based business with Forever Living only costs you a few hundred dollars. No salary cap – Corporate jobs limit your pay range based on a market standard. With Forever Living, there is no cap on how much you earn. The harder you work, the more money you make. Residual Income – Perhaps the greatest benefit is that the multi-level marketing strategy offers lasting income. You as a distributor will always earn commissions on distributors you introduce to Forever Living, continually reaping the benefits of your hard work. 7.Marketing Strategy 7a). Target Market As the company’s unique product – aloe vera – is linked to many health and cosmetic benefits, it is a product that is sellable to virtually anyone. The target market is generally based on friends and/ or family buying from the distributor. This is not limited though to the above mentioned, but also includes people that have the urge or need to better their lives by living more healthy and doing so in reaching out to products (like Forever Living Products) that could sustain and/or improve that kind of living. Because of the relative high pricing linked to these products, one would classify the core target market as middle to high income groups. Being a sales orientated business, distributors are however expected to contact as many as potential â€Å"consumers†to sell to and build up enough credit points (as part of the sales plan) to earn their compensation/rewards. Although a fair deal of business comprise of new business, a large part of sustaining and re-enforcing selling targets is based on repetitive sales from previous customers. 7b). Positioning The positioning basically rest on aforementioned health and cosmetic benefits – to improve your way of life. With few competitors supplying specifically (certified) aloe vera products (keeping in mind that at least 75% of the base product must comprise of aloe vera), Forever Living has created a niche market and a unique selling opportunity. 7c). Marketing Mix Marketing to potential customers basically comprises of launch events, word-of-mouth and sample tests conducted in various environments suitable to potential customers. In this instance distributors seem to gather a group of people and thus present the products to various potential customers. This type of approach seem to work well in that people in numbers agreeing on an issue would more likely be proned to buying and thus push up the sale quota. As for distributors, Forever Living Products provides them with a simple, proven cycle that guarantees your success. If the distributor and their team members follow the steps in this cycle, there is no limit to how large their business will become and how much money you will earn. 1. Purchase a Business Pak 2. Develop a personal selling/marketing plan 3. Set your foundation by retailing four case credits per month 4. Follow up with your clients and prospects 5. Present the business opportunity 6. Sponsor new team members and guide them through the cycle i)Product Since the foundation in 1978, Forever Living Products markets extensively aloe vera based products. They pride themselves in claiming at least 75% of the base product consists of this core ingredient. Thus all products marketed are said to contribute to the health and cosmetic (e.g. skin care) satisfaction of their customers. Over the years, with the trend of energy drinks that became popular in recent years, the company made sure that the products offered also includes these trends. Focusing on a better living, the name Forever Living Products leans quite suitably towards what the company tries to â€Å"sell†– a longer, better, healthier life. The company also offers a full refund and/ or replacement of products without any disputes. What has been noted in delivery service is that customer service in this regard is very sufficient and fast – 2 days delivery since placing an order to delivery on your doorstep. ii)Place Forever Living took a stance on the fact that they want to assist ordinary people to â€Å"own†their own businesses. As Forever Living Products markets primarily through the use of family and friends and word-of-mouth, it seems that there could be a gap in utilizing other means of distribution. However, it is also understandable that the company would like to empower distributors (without the necessity of holding a large stock reserve) and thus ensure that even the smallest distributor would be able to make a living. This would furthermore project the products as being more exclusive – not being able to walk into your nearest shop and pick it off the shelf, and in this way â€Å"justify†the price of the product. The home company is situated in Arizona, United States. The South African setup with four distributor outlets services distributors all over South Africa. iii)Promotion As mentioned earlier, products are primarily marketed by means of word-of-mouth, friends and family. Other means of marketing and advertising includes internet advertisements and online testimonials. All of these are rather inexpensive marketing tools being utilised. Through these channels is seems that there is sufficient affirmation to uphold the reputation of the products offered. However, with these channels used it seems to be difficult to obtain a clear estimation of the effectiveness of these efforts. On actual selling by distributors there is no clear indication of time spend, the only indication that could be used as a measure is the sum of â€Å"case credits†. Case credits determine the effective selling of a distributor. The more case credits accumulated during a month, the higher the incentives and possibility to progress to another level (often with even better incentives). The company tries to keep their products â€Å"exclusive†and thus the use of database marketing seems ineffective, as this would make the products seem â€Å"common†. In general, promotion of products for this company is based on testimonials from â€Å"regular consumers†who can recommend the benefits to others. Through this line of advertising, it would seem that benefits of the products are more creditable, true and trustworthy – due to the fact that you â€Å"know†the person who introduced you to the line of products. iv)Price Pricing on international products are generally seen as being expensive, especially on â€Å"niche†products. Even with Forever Living Products, this phenomenon occurs. However, focusing on health and cosmetic enhancements, the company can still make a reasonable stance in the pricing arena. 8.Implementation, Evaluation and Control The marketing plan appears to be in line with the goals set out by the company to achieve the desired goals. Primarily the activities required are achieved through sales of the distributors, which is measured on a monthly basis. Most probably the company would need to attempt a fresh approach on current marketing strategies such as e-commerce, although this could affect the purpose of the current structure and â€Å"mission†of the company – to empower â€Å"normal people to own a business of their own†. Seeing that performance standards are basically measured in the amount of sales per month (to achieve the desired â€Å"case credits†, this is the only way to measure the above mentioned. 9. Conclusion / Recommendations The Forever Living Products Company has set remarkable sales initiatives in place, rarely found in this type of marketing. For one, when a distributor has reached a certain sales level, there is no reverting back to a lower sales level. In every sale that is made down your line as distributor (no matter what level), you benefit from the inputs of â€Å"your team. Although the company follows a very plain marketing plan, which seems to be quite effective, some improvements can be noted. Lack of information is found in the distributors’ channels. As the company’s main aim is based on sales, it could be recommended that an on-line â€Å"portal†be created as to inform distributors of a current sales analysis (as of the first of every month, and therefore should be accessible and reflect updates any time of the month). This would pose to be a great motivational tool in driving this sales orientated business and ensuring that you as distributor acquire the necessary â€Å"case credits†required. It is also recommended that the use of social media such as e.g. television and radio, bill-boards and poster be used on a global and general scale to promote products. This would in turn mean that a central access point (like a website or telephone call centre be utilised to direct potential customers to their nearest distributor. References Forever Living Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd.(2014):, [Accessed 29-04-2014] Forever Living Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd.(2014):., [Accessed 29-04-2014], [Accessed 28-04-2014]
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Why Oppose Healthy Living essays
Why Oppose Healthy Living essays The United States is known worldwide for many reasons; one of which is our focus on health, and everything related. Our nations mindset has developed us into addicts focused on everything healthy. Diets and techniques for the best workout flood the airwaves and stream into our homes like a raging river. We the fanatics feel that everything affects our health. Aches and pains are never overlooked, if we get a headache a hospital visit may be necessary. This may be extreme however, it is not detrimental; many lives every day are saved because these small manageable things are looked into with vigor by the general population. Many people are so interested with health and the need for it in America for this simple reason. America is nearly the unhealthiest country on the face of the earth. We have good reason to be worried about all the obscene problems. America is obviously not unhealthy because of poor doctors or health care. However, most of America is unhealthy because of the demand for fast food, cheap cigarettes, and bars down every side street. America is unhealthy because we over indulge in the luxuries given to us because of our global strength and strong economy. One of these luxuries may be our strong health care system but we have reasons to be worried. When dealing with the one object we cannot replace, should we be careless with it. Every day checking into those small aches and pains that appear to be nothing, these actions save lives. Sometimes those small pains could have been the beginning to cancer, hepatitis or many other terminal illnesses. However these illnesses can be treated with their early detection. We as a nation are so involved with our health because of all the problems that are related with it. People would rather have a worry free life than be constantly plagued with the idea that they may be dying for whatever reason. This is because sickness affects everyone at some time or an...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Even Grammar Gurus Make Mistakes
Even Grammar Gurus Make Mistakes Even Grammar Gurus Make Mistakes Even Grammar Gurus Make Mistakes By Mark Nichol I’ve noticed that I’ve been overlooking more mistakes in these posts recently or perhaps it’s just that I haven’t been making fewer errors as I go along, as I would have expected after six months’ worth of almost daily submissions. Thanks to astute site visitors who (usually) politely point out typographical errors, I note that occasionally I type the wrong form of a word (necessary instead of necessarily, for example), or that, when I provide a sample sentence with an error and then provide an annotated correction, sometimes I forget to actually correct the sentence. (Does that jive I mean, jibe with your observation?) I’d like to be able to tell you, â€Å"I meant to do that I just wanted to see if anybody was paying attention,†but the truth is, I make mistakes. And, like most bloggers, I don’t have an editor to sweep up after me. And, as I’ve often said, especially to people unfamiliar with the professional publishing world’s writing-editing-proofreading protocol, everybody needs an editor even editors. But before you send me your resume, note that we’re not hiring blogs are, by their nature, a more or less spontaneous medium of communication (though I try to review my work carefully), and, anyway, doesn’t have the resources to implement a more traditional editorial procedure (not yet, at least). I realize all too well that in my advisory capacity, I have a responsibility to strive for rigorous flawlessness a nearly impossible task I will nonetheless continually attempt to accomplish, but I also thank you in arrears and in advance for your (good-natured, I hope) comments about each lapsus clavis. Speaking of slip-ups, there are mechanical errors, and there are errors of fact. I do not claim to be an unimpeachable authority on every topic I write about. But I have spent many years intensively acquiring a practical knowledge of language, and by teaching editing (which I used to do), writing about composition (which I do now), and researching language usage (which I have always done), I have learned and processed much about writing and editing. In this forum, I welcome the opportunity to share that knowledge and insight with you, and in this forum, you are welcome and encouraged to respond in kind. Note this well, however: If you disagree with anything I write about writing, that’s your prerogative. But don’t rely on your assumptions or your education. (Those influences often coalesce imperfectly, and educators make mistakes, too.) The best way to learn is to consult multiple sources and develop your own understanding at a point where those sources intersect and note that I didn’t refer to a fixed point. I endeavor to be consistent yet flexible, and I heartily recommend that attitude to all. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterTypes of Plots
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Conjugation of Creer
Conjugation of Creer Creer, an everyday verb usually meaning to believe, is irregularly conjugated in terms of spelling but not pronunciation. The -i- in the conjugation ending is either accented or changed to -y- as needed to avoid diphthongs or an awkward -eie- combination. Common verbs that follow the same conjugation pattern are leer (to read), poseer (to possess) and proveer (to provide). Uncommon verbs with the same conjugation include descreer (to disbelieve), desposeer (to dispossess) and releer (to reread). Note that proveer has an alternative past participle, provisto, in addition to proveà do. Poseer also has an alternative past participle, poseso, in addition to poseà do. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Infinitive of Creer creer (to believe) Gerund of Creer creyendo (believing) Participle of Creer creà do (believed) Present Indicative of Creer yo creo, tà º crees, usted/à ©l/ella cree, nosotros/as creemos, vosotros/as creà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas creen (I believe, you believe, he believes, etc.) Preterite of Creer yo creà , tà ºÃ‚ creà ste, usted/à ©l/ella creyà ³, nosotros/as creà mos, vosotros/as creà steis, ustedes/ellos/ellas creyeron (I believed, you believed, she believed, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Creer yo creà a, tà º creà as, usted/à ©l/ella creà a, nosotros/as creà amos, vosotros/as creà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas creà an (I used to believe, you used to believe, he used to believe, etc.) Future Indicative of Creer yo creerà ©, tà º creers, usted/à ©l/ella creer, nosotros/as creeremos, vosotros/as creerà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas creern (I will believe, you will believe, he will believe, etc.) Conditional of Creer yo creerà a, tà º creerà as, usted/à ©l/ella creerà a, nosotros/as creerà amos, vosotros/as creerà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas creerà an (I would believe, you would believe, she would believe, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Creer que yo crea, que tà º creas, que usted/à ©l/ella crea, que nosotros/as creamos, que vosotros/as creis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas crean (that I believe, that you believe, that she believe, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Creer que yo creyera (creyese), que tà º creyeras (creyeses), que usted/à ©l/ella creyera (creyese), que nosotros/as creyà ©ramos (creyà ©semos), que vosotros/as creyerais (creyeseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas creyeran (creyesen) (that I believe, that you believe, that he believe, etc.) Imperative of Creer cree (tà º), no creas (tà º), crea (usted), creamos (nosotros/as), creed (vosotros/as), no creis (vosotros/as), crean (ustedes) (believe, dont believe, believe, lets believe, etc.) Compound Tenses of Creer The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, creà do. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, creyendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Creer and Similar Verbs No puedo creer que lo hayamos hecho. (I cant believe we did it. Infinitive.) He leà do todos sus artà culos. (I have read all of her articles. Present perfect.) Posees muchos talentos pero no eres lo suficientemente tenaz para explotarlos. (You have many talents, but you arent perseverant enough to take advantage of them. Present indicative.) Los escritores proveyeron muchas clarificaciones como esa. (The writers provided many clarifications like that one. Preterite.) Creà an que era un perro perdido pero la realidad era muy diferente. (They believed he was a lost dog, but the reality was much different. Imperfect.) Lo creerà © cuando lo vea. (Ill believe it when I see it. Future.) La abogada leerà a los contratos buscando una clusula de revocacià ³n. (The lawyer would read the contracts looking for a revocation clause. Conditional.) La felicidad no se encuentran en los bienes que poseamos. (Happiness isnt found in the goods we possess. Present subjunctive.) Era una manera para que proveyeran para sus familias de una manera digna. (It was one way for them provide for their families in a dignified manner. Imperfect subjunctive.)  ¡Lee este libro! (Read this book! Imperative.)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Define TQM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Define TQM - Essay Example ic upon seeking to manage the organization as a whole and develop all of the processes and levels of integration that exist within it in such a manner that a level of synergy can be realized between all of these factors (Alfalla-Luque et al., 2012). Obviously, as can quickly be noted, such an approach is difficult to achieve on any macro scale and ultimately breaks down into a situation in which micro processes will dictate whether or not total quality management, or some lesser achievement, will ultimately be realized. Whereas many different approaches to management had existed over the past several decades, total quality management, although still employed within a litany of different fields, has not experienced the same widespread level of success that it did during the late 1980s and early 1990s (Zatzick et al., 2012). Instead, approaches such as ISO 9000 and Six Sigma have permeated the management field and slightly turned the focus away from total quality management; at least a s compared to what it was two decades ago. Alfalla-Luque, R., Marà n-Garcà a, J. A., & Medina-Là ³pez, C. (2012). Is worker commitment necessary for achieving competitive advantage and customer satisfaction when companies use HRM and TQM practices?. Universia Business Review, (36), 64-88. Zatzick, C. D., Moliterno, T. P., & Fang, T. (2012). Strategic (MIS)FIT: The Implementation of TQM in Manufacturing Organizations.Strategic Management Journal, 33(11), 1321-1330.
Friday, October 18, 2019
America's response to the Flat World Case Study
America's response to the Flat World - Case Study Example Apart from World Trade Organization (WTO) and General Agreement on Tariffs Trade (GATT), the United States has entered into small trade deals as part of their plan to pursue trade liberalization on multilateral, regional and bilateral fronts. Securing ties with strategic partners enables the United States to expand its already booming economy. It can conquer overwhelmingly small and developing economies through these trade agreements (McMahon, 2006). As of 2005, America has entered into ten Free Trade Agreements. The first trade agreement is with Israel in 1985. This was followed by Canada and Mexico which comprises the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which took effect in 2004. A free-trade agreement with Jordan went into effect on December 17, 2001. Negotiations for free-trade areas with Singapore and Chile, begun in December 2000, have been completed. On January 21, 2003, the United States and Morocco announced their intention to negotiate a free-trade agreement, and on May 21, 2003, the United States and Bahrain announced such an intention (, 2006) . It was then followed by the partnership with the countries such as Australia, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. An agreement with Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica have passed congress and has yet to be enforced. There are three more agreements that are being considered by congress, with Oman, Peru and Colombia. Talks are be ing done with 11 more would be trade partners, either bilaterally, as part of regional deals or as members of customs union (McMahon, 2006). Free trade agreements (FTAs) are arrangements or pacts between countries to secure preferential deals with strategically important countries. It can help the companies to enter and compete more easily in the global marketplace. In these kinds of agreements, this will help level the international playing field and encourage foreign governments to adopt open and transparent rule making procedures, as well as non-discriminatory laws and regulations (McMahon, 2006). FTAs also help strengthen business climates by eliminating or reducing tariff rates, improving intellectual property regulations, opening government procurement opportunities, easing investment rules, and much more. These deals may be lowering or in some cases elimination of tariffs and other hindrances on goods. NAFTA for instance, has set limits for safety and inspection of meats sold in the grocery stores, new patents for medicines that raised its prices constraints on local government's ability to zone against sprawl or t oxic industries; and elimination of preferences for spending the tax dollars on U.S.-made products or locally-grown food (Gruben,1997). Related to this, international trade is an integral part of the U.S. economy, accounting for more than one-quarter of U.S. gross domestic product and supporting more than 12 million U.S. jobs, including 1 in 5 manufacturing positions. FTAs can be a catalyst for accelerating economic growth by allowing greater competition, encouraging the formation
A Critique of the relationship between power and desire in Foucaults Essay - 1
A Critique of the relationship between power and desire in Foucaults analyses of the Repressive Hypothesis - Essay Example Sexuality was gradually divided into smaller pockets of desire, and some preferences isolated as ‘perversions’. At the same time, the ethics of the confessional made it seem necessary to analyse and judge every sexual preference; power was created in this way for the benefit of the listener; in exchange the teller gained a system of knowledge, and the release of discourse. Power remained linked to sexuality through discourse and the importance of knowledge. The eighteenth and nineteenth century saw the classification of women’s bodies as ‘hysterical’, children’s bodies as ‘innocent’, family bodies as ‘ritual’ and ‘social’ and abnormal bodies as ‘medical’. â€Å"A sexuality without sex†: Paedophilia and the problem of repression in the current age. Feminists and Foucault: problems and sympathies. Male-repression, chosen sexuality, and the problems of sexual liberation movements; rebellio n and convention: is there a sexual difference? Controlling the body. Conclusion. Michel Foucault has become one of the most influential of the French philosophers of the twentieth century. While Foucault has been connected with both the postmodernist and post-structuralist movements, he was in essence a social theorist and historian, not unlike Lawrence Stone, although Foucault worked more on the interplay of ideas, while Stone concentrated more upon the impact of social alterations on family, sexual relationships, and society at large. While some may wish to study their fellow humans and as ‘does such a thing as human nature exist?’, Foucault instead concentrates upon how the idea of human nature has interacted with other parts of society. In order to truly comprehend what it is that Foucault is saying about power and desire within repression, and (even harder) understand what he means by these terms, the reader must have some understanding of Foucault’s
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Interview project Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Interview project - Article Example e from bullying at schools to the interactions between the staff and students in ways that would benefit the school and the environment for education in the school. The interview also covered aspects like involving the parents in assessing the needs of their children and helping out the teachers in mentoring them better. The main purpose of the interview was to find out from the leader in education about the project on which she was working while she was in Australia. The idea behind the interview was to implement some of the methods that she worked upon as part of a comprehensive student management policy that she developed as part of her work in Australia. To give an idea about her experience, she was a principal in a primary school that taught classes KG- 7 for over thirty years and hence she has a wide range of expertise and enough experience in the field of education. The person whom I interviewed introduced far ranging changes in her school and helped the school make a name for itself in the field of imparting quality education and treating its children well. The overall objective was to make the students leaders in their chosen fields and equip them with the necessary skills to face the future without fear and with confidence. The stakeholders in the project that she was involved with are the students, teachers, parents and the leadership forum. From the outset, it was made clear to all the stakeholders that the agenda for the project ought to be clearly defined and understood and if any of them had any issues with the agenda, they were to report the same in writing to the leadership team to get them clarified and spelt out exactly what they wanted. The common goals for the project was the express purpose of implementing a comprehensive student management policy that included an anti-bullying plan among other things and the fact that every school must have a code of conduct that makes corporal punishment illegal and hence an offence. Upon reflection of
Strategic Analysis report on pharmaceutical sector company - Essay
Strategic Analysis report on pharmaceutical sector company - GlaxoSmithKline (gsk) - Essay Example GlaxoSmithKline Plc. (GSK) is a British pharmaceutical multinational corporation dealing in various drugs, biologics and vaccines. The company has its headquarters in Brantford, London. In the year 2014, GSK was ranked number six among the world’s largest pharmaceutical company. It only trails Johnson & Johnson, Hoffmann La Roche, Novartis, Sanofi and Pfizer. This ranking was done in terms of revenue, making it one of the largest corporations in Britain. GSK came into existence in the year 2000 following a merger between SmithKline Beecham Plc. and Glaxo Wellcome (Anon, 2003). While disruptions in manufacturing and the unfavorable market conditions in key geographical areas have affected its performance, it has always taken necessary steps and strategies to ensure future success. The UK pharmaceutical market is the sixth largest in the world. The market is driven by over 35,000 general practitioners. This implies that it is an open market. However, the leading companies like GSK have stronger presence compared to the smaller companies. According to Towse (2014), the growth in the market has been decelerating in the last three years. Despite this trend, there is still a high worldwide demand for versatile and quality products. Climate has emerged to be a key issue in the industry, with stakeholders striving to come up with products that do not have detrimental impacts on health and the environment. Being an open market, little regulation is usually witnessed. The main economic regulation, however, comes through the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS), which limits the rate of returns associated with medicine sales. The intended rate is that which is equal to the overall UK rate. The pharmaceutical industry has generally performed well and managed to preserve various incentives to invention. There are, however, some current issues that are facing the industry and having an impact on the overall performance. Being a dynamic sector, various
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Interview project Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Interview project - Article Example e from bullying at schools to the interactions between the staff and students in ways that would benefit the school and the environment for education in the school. The interview also covered aspects like involving the parents in assessing the needs of their children and helping out the teachers in mentoring them better. The main purpose of the interview was to find out from the leader in education about the project on which she was working while she was in Australia. The idea behind the interview was to implement some of the methods that she worked upon as part of a comprehensive student management policy that she developed as part of her work in Australia. To give an idea about her experience, she was a principal in a primary school that taught classes KG- 7 for over thirty years and hence she has a wide range of expertise and enough experience in the field of education. The person whom I interviewed introduced far ranging changes in her school and helped the school make a name for itself in the field of imparting quality education and treating its children well. The overall objective was to make the students leaders in their chosen fields and equip them with the necessary skills to face the future without fear and with confidence. The stakeholders in the project that she was involved with are the students, teachers, parents and the leadership forum. From the outset, it was made clear to all the stakeholders that the agenda for the project ought to be clearly defined and understood and if any of them had any issues with the agenda, they were to report the same in writing to the leadership team to get them clarified and spelt out exactly what they wanted. The common goals for the project was the express purpose of implementing a comprehensive student management policy that included an anti-bullying plan among other things and the fact that every school must have a code of conduct that makes corporal punishment illegal and hence an offence. Upon reflection of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Finding a solution to the cancer rate in pottstown, Essay
Finding a solution to the cancer rate in pottstown, - Essay Example Often, the effects of draining waste or spilling industrial waste, into rivers affect the health of living things such as aquatic life and other non-aquatic living things that depend on the contaminated water. It is obvious that chemicals that find their way in the water can cause cancer in people who consume this water. In effect, this explains the growing number of people diagnosed with cancer over the world, which implies that the city of Pottstown is not an exception. In this case, the city’s cancer rate has been increasing at an abnormal rate, and it is incumbent about the authorities to ensure that there were efforts aimed at extenuating the rate of cancer in the city. Since cancer rates are abnormally high in the city of Pottstown, the city government of Pottstown needs stricter rules to protect the water supply from chemicals that cause cancer. According to Dr. Jeffrey Griffiths, â€Å"Health risks in drinking water are increasing, not declining, but we are not equipped to assess them from a public health surveillance standpoint†(as cited in League of Women Voters, 2005, p. 1). In this case, the measures that governments took to ensure public safety and health were not adequate since they lacked the capacity in carrying out efficient inspection regarding the quality of water human beings consumed. It is the responsibility of the city government to ensure that the quality of water residents consumed was free of waterborne diseases. However, Griffiths noted that the public health system appears overwhelmed with its resources stretched thin while the Center for Disease Control, which backs the efforts of the state government, face budget cuts (as cited in League of Women Voters, 2005, p. 1). In effect, the failure to have effective systems meant to ensure public safety implies that the public remains unaware of the pr esence of harmful chemicals or waterborne diseases present in the water
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Nightingale and Amy Clampitts poem Essay Example for Free
The Nightingale and Amy Clampitts poem Essay Sir Philip Sidney’s poem The Nightingale and Amy Clampitt’s poem Syrinx are two very different poems. The Nightingale is a poem based on the mournful song of a bird, as it expresses grief and pain: ‘And mournfully bewailing/ Her throat in tunes expresseth/ What grief her breast oppresseth.’ (lines 5-7) Whereas the Syrinx is a poem based on how the sound of words, have no real meaning and are simply just sounds. The Syrinx can also be defined as a water reed which prohibits birds from singing: ‘syrinx, that reed/ in the throat of a bird,’ (lines 7-8) The abrupt stop at the end of the line, is a technique used by Amy Clampitt, to make the reading of the line feel like choking on the words, like a reed in a birds throat would cause. Therefore there are many comparisons and contrasts between the two poems, thus in order to examine what these are I am going to look at the use of rhyme, imagery, diction, structure and metre in each of the poems to try to identify the similarities and differences between the two. The Nightingale is divided into two stanzas of equal length, whereas Syrinx is divided into two stanzas of equal length, then a final short verse paragraph. The effect of this is to highlight that The Nightingale is a very regular poem, where Syrinx is a very irregular poem. It is as if Amy Clampitt teases the reader by making the first two stanzas of equal length, then throws in another couple of lines at the end. This therefore highlights her desire to make the poem seem irregular. This difference in regularity can also be seen through the metre of the poems. The Nightingale is mainly iambic pentameter throughout, with hypermetrical stresses on each of the last words in each line. The effect of this is to make the poem flow better and lead on to the next line, whereas Syrinx is extremely irregular switching between iambic and trochaic regularly. This switch in metre throughout the poem acts as a technique to again frustrate the reader. The tone of each poem is greatly affected by the contrast in layout and metre. The Nightingale seems to flow much better, giving the effect that reading the poem, is like listening to a mournful song. Syrinx on the other hand is very difficult and frustrating to read. The Nightingale also seems a more personal poem as it is written in the first person, whereas in Syrinx Amy Clampitt seems to be addressing her listeners and just uses: ‘we’ (line 10) once. Therefore this gives The Nightingale a more deep and meaningful tone, where Syrinx has a very controversial tone. Also not only is the metre and layout of Syrinx irregular, But Amy Clampitt’s over use of enjambement only serves to slow the reading of the poem: ‘what ails it, the aeolian/ syrinx, that reed.’ (lines 6-7) This not only makes the poem appear fragmented but is used as a device to slow the tone of the poem so that the reader can value the sound of the words. In both of the poems the difference in regularity is further expressed through the use of rhyme. The Nightingale has a regular rhyme scheme of ABABCDDC this serves to make the poem flow better as if making it appear some what musical. There are also a lot of heroic couplets present; they appear emphatic on words which are the antithesis of each other, for example: ‘O Philomela fair, O take some gladness/ That here is juster cause of plaintful sadness.’ (lines 9-10) Therefore this helps to understand the meaning of the poem, as if the song of the Nightingale is sad searching for some gladness. Syrinx however, has no real rhyme present. This again serves to add to the irregularity of the poem. It could be argued that in fact there is some half rhyme used by Amy Clampitt, for example: ‘Like the foghorn that’s all lung/ the wind chime that’s all percussion.’ (lines 1-2) However, it is as if it needs to be forced out again frustrating the reader. It also depends on how you pronounce the words, this links to the meaning of the poem. Amy Clampitt through her use of all these irregularities and emphatic use of half rhyme appears to be trying to put across a message to the reader. That it is important how we pronounce words and sometimes how words sound can mean more than their actual meaning.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Process Of Change In The Workplace
The Process Of Change In The Workplace In recent years, changes in the economy and the business environment have forced some organisations to modify the way in which the business was transacted. It is the duty of the managers and supervisors to bring about changes to the organisation so as to face the competitive world and to have existence in the business world. It is important on behalf of the business unit to understand the importance of changes in the modern business world.(Burnes, 2004) Organisations must to alter themselves in the business areas since eachday our world present new things kind of thing for us. And too all the big organizations have extensively choice of employee. So, organizations always have a intention and they can get their aims with their employee. Furthermore they have to know and understand them to get utmost success from them. In contrast , day to day the new employees are taking their position in the organizations but we can see simply many people who has different culture in the organizations. Consequently the subject is on that state of affairs, managers have to get a ample communication with them As a consequently, the major reason of this assignment is How significant is it for managers have a good understanding of cultural diversity in the work place? Conversely , we will look at some communication hypothesis to hold up our main question. There is nothing in the world which is steady except for changes. So as to stay successful the organisations has to believe changes and stay on having ground-breaking thoughts to have competitive compensation over other firms in the competition. Only the fittest organisation can survive - Charles Darwin and in the rivalry only those organisation can survive which adapts altering process. No business man is in the business to undergo losses.(Jaffe, 2004) The organisational changes signifies main changes undertaken via an organisation quite than the pair of slight changes been undertaken by them for e.g. appointment or dismissal of employees otherwise making changes in the program, which might be in assignment of the companys survival , reform operations, new technologies, mergers, major collaborations, novel programs which includes Sum Quality Management, re-engineering etc. Alter is predictable in the modern workplace. Changes in technology, changes in procedure and changes in the market and the wider economy all present their own sole challenges to employers and the employees. optimistic or pessimistic way . If the change is taken in a optimistic way than it is going to be in a great being for the firm. On the opposing if the employees takes the changes in a pessimistic way than it will be result the working of the organisation and the organisation will not be up to attain its preferred results. Alter have been defined by many authors in numerous way . According to Laura and Harmony Staff ( Accessed on 18th April, 2008, A concerted, planned effort to add to organizational effectiveness and health by means of changes in the organizations dynamics using behavioural discipline information Changes in organisation comes in two levels: Level one, |Consulting to make changes in the row for organisation of a structural, rule or technical nature. Level Two, The purpose for one person or many people in the row organisation to have learned something new.( Carr, 1995) There are several views about how organizations expand and change over time. In the 1970s, Greiner recommended that, as organisations turn out to be additional grown up and possibly get bigger, they go through a number of important changes in order to maintain an satisfactory level of performance. There are five stages of organisation growth, and the change from one to the next is triggered by a disaster. Change management is a methodical approach to dealing with change, both from the viewpoint of an organisation and on the individual level. A rather indistinc term, change management has at least three different aspects, counting: adapting to change, scheming change, and effecting change. A practical approach to commerce with change is at the centre of all three aspects. For an organisation, change management means important and implementing events or technologies to deal with changes in the business environment and to profit from changing opportunities. (Burnes, 2004) Harrison complaint that there are a number of levels of intercession and that the depth of intercession have to be shallow as the problem permits. Cognitive and irrational problem-solving techniques for instance those used in management accounting and operational research are located at the shallow end of the range of available strategies. Manufacturing psychology based methods, focusing on the individual and their task relationships are at a rather deeper level and include occupation improvement and management by objectives (MBO) At the sincer level are those instrumental approaches, which effort to change attitudes and social orientations as well as task-related behaviour. Organisational improvement is such an approach: see later in this chapter. A lot of business managers center their alter efforts at a specific level within the organisation such as the level of the: Individual; in the belief that organisational behaviour is determined by the characteristics of the a members. The aspire is a to develop personals skill levels, behaviour and motivation. Techniques employed incorporate education and teaching and management improvement. Organisation of structure and systems; claiming that organisational behaviour is determined by characteristics of the organisational situation in which people work. The aspire is to direct members behaviour to organisational goals and techniques subsumption structural and technical modifications such as divisionalisation, matrices, size, jop redesign, reward systems and management by ojectives. Organisational climate and interpersonal style; such managers believe that emotional and social processes, which characterise the relations among members, determine organisational behaviours. Their aims are to create system with a wide climate of high interpersonal trust and openness and a reduction in the dysfunctional consequences of excessive social conflict and competitiveness. The principal technique is organisation development. Obviously no one level should be focused on exclusively and a balance of approaches should be the aim. (carr, 1995) According to the Leavitts model of change management Leavitt argued that succeeded in one organisation were not necessarily successful in another. He suggests that the chosen approach to change in a particular organisation should reflect the underlying beliefs within that organisations. Seeking improved solutions to tasks will be largely technical, that is seeking to improve the quality of decisions. The task approach, even were it involves clear changes of methods, is clearly interrelated to the other three approaches. This approach covers: The traditional performance approaches of ensuring proper division of labour, levels of authority and responsibility, defining chain of command, span of control. Decentralisation, the creation of project centres and localising of decision-making creating a high level of local autonomy. Communication patterns, the consideration of communication channels and flows; thus for repetitious, predictable work a highly centralised communication structure seems most efficient, whereas for novel, loosely structured tasks, a more open multi channel communication network seems more appropriate. Taylors Scientific Management is an early example of this approach category, which includes method study approaches where an outsider views the work pattern and suggests changes in a technological approach. Updating and replacement of equipment is a natural example of an external approach. The essence is that the approach occurs outside of the work group itself.(Jaffe, 2004) Team working, approach preparation, changes in styles of organization are for instance of the people approach. Each change can therefore be move toward through one of these main four methods other than it must be remembered that there is strong coaction between these categories. For instance , a change in technology ( introduction of a computer) will power tasks (production may be quicker or better) and a change in arrangement could mean less staff needed. A change in any category is likely to have an effect upon people approach. According to the change theory of Kurt Lewin, who put forward ideas about how planned change should be introduce in an organisation. His views are from time to time called prescriptive planned change theory. A intended change procedur should begin with an analysis and diagnosis of the current situation, in order to recognize the sources of the problem and recognize the opportunities for improveme The change procedur be supposed to experience three stages the first one is called as Unfreeze, second group considered as change and lastly it is named as Re-Freeze. Unfreezing implies change will mean abandoning obtainable put into practice before the new practices are implemented successfully. In order to conquer resistance they should be allow to have their current behaviour which are being influence by them. Unfreezing will guide to formation of misgivings and the fear of the unknown. It will help to motivate the staff and overcoming the desirability of the fright situation of the staff. Managers can bring in the process of instruction and teaching at this phase. In this process communication plays an significant position. Managers should communicate to the staff who are going to sway these changes so as to help them to understand clearly the procedure of change and accepting it. Changes should be made understood to additional bet holders who are going to be affected by changes and the process of unfreezing their proves behaviour to helpful in adopting changes successfully. (Lewin, 1951) Movement is the which procedure comes after the procedure of unfreezing which means touching from current position to the intended new changes responsibility. Management of this process involves wining the support of people who are affected in the process of change. When we look at the helping point, manager should try to create contribution via others in the change process. It helps to decrease the resistance to change as well as become successful in adapting the changes and make it more successful. It will too help to develop communication of the cause for change and in knowing the cause so as to for the changes undertaken. In order to make change successful, there must be support from employees. Employees have to be convinced for successfully adapting changes. In the rule of Re-freeze, Lewin argued that even if the change is implemented successfully,the success could be short -lived because the employees might to back to their former behaviour and methods. An important way of making the change stick is through the use of rewards. Motivation theory suggest that, If individuals have strong need for reward, and if they see that they will probably achieve those rewards by acting in certain manner.(Lewin 1951) The re-freeze process is essential in order to stabilise the change and to reinforce the new pattern of the working or behaviour. An important way to undertake changes is y giving rewards. If the employees feel that they will receive rewards for sticking to act in the way managers want they will surely provide support in the changing process. Reporting system are essential to provide better performance and in trying to ensure that the targets and the targets. The control system might use benchmarks in order to compare performance and the standard of performances as well as for specifying the responsibilities of key managers and the work groups. |The following Examples will illustrate how this system works out: British Airways on becoming privatisation: From being bureaucratic public sector to commercial organisation which had to be serviced oriented having a market driven culture. Changes which were to be undertaken were reducing the strength of the organisation from 59,000 employees to 37,000 employees, flatten the hierarchical structure and introduce changes in the operational system and structures.(Slomon, 2004) Now the following analysis will demonstrate the view of managers who work as managers in several Companies. However following questions were asked to the manager and taken their answers from their point of view on business change. 1. How is it important for managers to have greater understanding of the process of change in a work place? In recent years the banking and finance sector has been subject to great changes, specially because of the global credit crisis sparked by the sub-prime lending in the American Market. Due to these, it is essential for the line and cost centre managers to understand the drivers for changes as well as the processes that governs the changes. says Peter Leach who work in FitchRating ltd as managing director. Basically he suggests that the process of change may adapt by itself in order to suit the circumstances. If managers do not understand the reasons for undertaking changes then they will not be able to meet the unforeseen challenges 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of change in the work place? According to the John Lionson who is one of the change managers in HSBC group saying that changes come in many form, say it might come in form of a major business change (takeover) or indeed in the senior management change which is quite often these days in the banking and finance sector. Advantages can be considered to be such which often brings challenges to the staff resulting in the innovation and new ideas. It may act as springboards for talented staff members and increase their efficiency and prove to be an asset for the firm. These changes can prove to be profitable as well as successful. 3. How often a company should make changes in the working environment? This question was answered by Peter Leach who told that this issue depends on the nature of the business. It is common in the field of banking and finance. It is common for the field of banking and finance to have major changes once in every 2 to 3 years. This may not be applicable to public sectors wherein the changes are less common as well as subjected to external factors. It is said that changes should be undertaken whenever the need arises not for the sake for doing so. 4. What are the factors that forces the company to make changes? According to the answer of Ian Williams, works for Bizzforyou ltd as senior manager counted these in order which are, take over/mergers, major advantages in the technology, changing market place, foreign exchange factors, cost of materials, cost of resources and productivity. 5. How do you measure of the value change? The only real values are share holders sentiments, profits and the stock market value of the company in the banking and finance sector. While staff morale is important, it is likely that a company is likely to have a lower churn rate than a unsuccessful one. added Peter Leach. In my conversation, I observed that 50% of managers consider that change must be done equally among the staff, however, 80% of them mainly think that company can be successful if managers drive it in a correct way.70% of managers support the idea of changing process due to achieve the companies goals. In conclusion, change can never be fully planned due to unexpected problems and follow on effects, many organisations are adopting a positive attitude to the need for change , Leavitt recognised four variables, which can be affected by change and claimed that these entry points can be come specific targets for managerial efforts to instigate change. The variables are : task, structure, technology, people. With these process change can work out successfully in businesses. REFERENCES: Carr D, (1995) Managing the Change Process: A Field Book for Change Agents, Consultants, Mcgraw hill professional, pp98-107 Jaffe D. (2004) Managing Change at Work: Leading People Through Organizational Transitions Thompson Crisp Learning,pp45-56 Burnes B., (2004) Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics Pearson education, pp358-376 Slomon, J.(2004) Essantials of economics Printence Hill,pp89-103 Lewin, K.(1951) Theory of Change7th edition, pp105-112 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTIONS: Peter Leach, Fitch Ratings, Managing the director.02074173504 e-mail: [emailprotected] John Lionson, HSBC group ,Change manager, 02074351976 e-mail: [emailprotected] Ian Williams, Bizzforyou ltd, senior manager, 02081759091 e-mail:[emailprotected]
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Religion and the Cause of War Essay example -- Religion War
Many times we can’t pin down the precise reason as to why wars are caused, but we can say as to why we choose to fight. We fight to defend what we believe in. Many would say that war is not caused by religion, but what exactly is religion? Religion is â€Å"Something one believes in and follows devotedly; a matter of ethics or conscience.†(dictionary) Although many things cause war, one cannot discount the role religion plays in the cause of war. According to Prominent US Catholic theologian Dr. William Cavanaugh â€Å"If one tries to limit the definition of religion to belief in God or gods, then certain belief systems that are usually called â€Å"religions†are eliminated, such as Theravada, Buddhism, and Confucianism. If the definition is expanded to include such belief systems, then all sorts of practices, including many that are usually labeled â€Å"secular,†fall under the definition of religion.†(Cavanaugh) This is a rather interesting s tatement, if we broaden our view on what religion actually is we can clearly see that â€Å"Religion†does have an impact on war. Some would say that religion only deals with those that believe and or follow God or gods others like Dr. Cavanaugh say that religion can consist of something entirely different. With this in mind we will begin our search on the role religion has in war we will first take a look at six out of the many recognized world Religions and what their beliefs are about war. A â€Å"Holy War†or a â€Å"Just War†is how some Religions justify war. The chart below shows six religions of the world and what their stance on war is. The outer ring shows the religions that do believe in any type of war and the inner ring shows the religions that do not believe in war, as you can see there are more religions t... ...Dictionary of World History. Oxford University Press, 2000. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Lake City Community College. 29 October 2010 "Crusades" World Encyclopedia. Philip's, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Lake City Community College. 29 October 2010 .html?subview=Main&entry=t142.e2980> Cavanaugh, William. T. Lyrical Ballads. London: Oxford U.P., 1967. Print. "Civil War, American" World Encyclopedia. Philip's, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Lake City Community College. 30 October 2010 Alchin, Linda.â€Å"Middle Ages†16 July 2006. 24 Nov. 2010 .web.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gender and Family
Gender and Family By: Sherrica Newburn CJS 230 Gender and Family As juvenile delinquency continues to be a growing problem in America, research and analysis have shown that gender and family can have a huge impact on juvenile delinquency. When it comes to gender, many differences take place during the development and socialization in the male and female causing different juvenile offending patterns. Changes in family structures will also have implications on socialization for both male and females. In this paper, one will learn how the role of family structure and gender can be a contributing factor in juvenile delinquency. Gender differences in development begin as early as infancy. These differences begin with socialization, cognitive and personality. On a social level, males are believed to be more aggressive than females. The cause of this is believed to be because males are taught and encouraged to be tough, while females are taught to be lady like and act on emotions. Cognitive differences also start in early childhood. Females tend to speak earlier and have more communication than males. â€Å"Males excel in tasks that assess the ability to manipulate visual images in working memory, whereas females do better in tasks that require retrieval from long-term memory and the acquisition and use of verbal information â€Å"(Siegel & Welsh, 2005). Personality is one of the most obvious differences in gender. Females tend to have low self-esteem and they are more emotional than males. Males tend to have low attention spans while females have better attention spans. Delinquency affects gender because the differences in socialization, cognitive skills, and personality are what make up gender specific behaviors. Most children are used to growing up in the traditional family of a mother, father and siblings. The makeup of families today is no longer consisting of the traditional family structure. Children are being raised in single parent homes with the absence of either their mother or father. In these cases, the single parent has to struggle even harder to make ends meet causing that bond between parent and hild to diminish. Children need guidance from both parents, and when one parent is absent, the guidance will not be there and it can leave a long lasting impact on the child. The affect that family makeup has on delinquency is that if a child’s needs are not being met in the home, the child is more inclined to turn to their peers for some type of fulfillment. Family behaviors such as breakup, conflict, neglect, and deviance can all have an impact on delinquency. Because a child is first socialized at home, any disjunction in an orderly family structure can be expected to have a negative impact on the child†(Siegel & Welsh, 2005). When a family structure is broken, it can impact delinquency on a male because males are more affected by the absence of their father than females are. Females tend to be affected by the absence of both parents which can impact female delinquency. Conflict, neglect, and deviance can set a bad example for children. Family behaviors such as parental neglect can provide a bad example for delinquents. Children growing up in homes with no supervision and minimum care are more likely to turn to violent and antisocial behaviors. Parents who show deviant behaviors are more likely to produce children who show deviance. For example, parents who smoke around their children often result in the child believing that it is okay to smoke because they see their parents do it. Even though research shows that female delinquency has increased, females are known to be treated differently by members of the juvenile system than males. Female delinquents are more inclined to commit sex related crimes associated with relationship problems or sexual abuse. This is a benefit to females because members of the juvenile system to focus more on male related crimes than female related crimes. When it comes to females, they can be treated unfairly because members of the justice system expect certain gender specific crimes from female delinquents. Male delinquents are known to commit more serious crimes than females, so the justice system goes off expectations of each gender. In conclusion, family and gender plays a huge role in the juvenile justice system. In our society, juveniles are expected to commit crimes based on gender, and family structure. In order to prevent increasing juvenile delinquency, preventive programs for delinquents and their families should be provided to help children cope with broken family structures. References Seigel, L. J. and Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile Delinquency: The core. (2nd ed. ). Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth. Retrieved January 31, 2010 Gender and Family Gender and Family By: Sherrica Newburn CJS 230 Gender and Family As juvenile delinquency continues to be a growing problem in America, research and analysis have shown that gender and family can have a huge impact on juvenile delinquency. When it comes to gender, many differences take place during the development and socialization in the male and female causing different juvenile offending patterns. Changes in family structures will also have implications on socialization for both male and females. In this paper, one will learn how the role of family structure and gender can be a contributing factor in juvenile delinquency. Gender differences in development begin as early as infancy. These differences begin with socialization, cognitive and personality. On a social level, males are believed to be more aggressive than females. The cause of this is believed to be because males are taught and encouraged to be tough, while females are taught to be lady like and act on emotions. Cognitive differences also start in early childhood. Females tend to speak earlier and have more communication than males. â€Å"Males excel in tasks that assess the ability to manipulate visual images in working memory, whereas females do better in tasks that require retrieval from long-term memory and the acquisition and use of verbal information â€Å"(Siegel & Welsh, 2005). Personality is one of the most obvious differences in gender. Females tend to have low self-esteem and they are more emotional than males. Males tend to have low attention spans while females have better attention spans. Delinquency affects gender because the differences in socialization, cognitive skills, and personality are what make up gender specific behaviors. Most children are used to growing up in the traditional family of a mother, father and siblings. The makeup of families today is no longer consisting of the traditional family structure. Children are being raised in single parent homes with the absence of either their mother or father. In these cases, the single parent has to struggle even harder to make ends meet causing that bond between parent and hild to diminish. Children need guidance from both parents, and when one parent is absent, the guidance will not be there and it can leave a long lasting impact on the child. The affect that family makeup has on delinquency is that if a child’s needs are not being met in the home, the child is more inclined to turn to their peers for some type of fulfillment. Family behaviors such as breakup, conflict, neglect, and deviance can all have an impact on delinquency. Because a child is first socialized at home, any disjunction in an orderly family structure can be expected to have a negative impact on the child†(Siegel & Welsh, 2005). When a family structure is broken, it can impact delinquency on a male because males are more affected by the absence of their father than females are. Females tend to be affected by the absence of both parents which can impact female delinquency. Conflict, neglect, and deviance can set a bad example for children. Family behaviors such as parental neglect can provide a bad example for delinquents. Children growing up in homes with no supervision and minimum care are more likely to turn to violent and antisocial behaviors. Parents who show deviant behaviors are more likely to produce children who show deviance. For example, parents who smoke around their children often result in the child believing that it is okay to smoke because they see their parents do it. Even though research shows that female delinquency has increased, females are known to be treated differently by members of the juvenile system than males. Female delinquents are more inclined to commit sex related crimes associated with relationship problems or sexual abuse. This is a benefit to females because members of the juvenile system to focus more on male related crimes than female related crimes. When it comes to females, they can be treated unfairly because members of the justice system expect certain gender specific crimes from female delinquents. Male delinquents are known to commit more serious crimes than females, so the justice system goes off expectations of each gender. In conclusion, family and gender plays a huge role in the juvenile justice system. In our society, juveniles are expected to commit crimes based on gender, and family structure. In order to prevent increasing juvenile delinquency, preventive programs for delinquents and their families should be provided to help children cope with broken family structures. References Seigel, L. J. and Welsh, B. C. (2005). Juvenile Delinquency: The core. (2nd ed. ). Belmont, CA Thomson Wadsworth. Retrieved January 31, 2010
Thursday, October 10, 2019
However, security, trust and convenience are among the major contending factors affecting the adoption of e-payment systems in Nigeria. This paper presents issues on the factors necessary to facilitate the development of PEPS Niger a and devise ways to enhance its adoption by users. Keywords: electronic payment system, e-money, and e-payment, Internet. 1. Introduction The worldwide proliferation of the Internet has led to the recent birth of electronic payment system : a payment service solution-software that enables monetary value to be transferred digitally.Today, electronic payment system s flourishing due to the openness, speed, anonymity, digitization, and global accessibility characteristics of the Internet [1 2], which has facilitated real-time payment transactions and the r business activities. In this paper, we considered some critical examinations on the existing payment structure in Nigeria. AY so reviewed, was different related literatures on e-payment system, and data fr om research reports. T chemical Journals, newspapers, and magazines were likewise examined.. 2.A Brief Review of the General Payment System in Nigeria In a country like Nigeria, where almost eighty percent of TTS population rely on physical cash rather than electronic payment, it is not so simple Just for people and employers of labor, to consider and decide on the basis of cost and benefit of using e-payment systems [2]. In the course of preparing this research, we had the opportunity of visiting few/remote places to find out the perception of the people about electronic money. It was observed that most people have no common knowledge about the Internet, let alone the existence of e-payments.People are quite far from all the CIT developments take Eng place in banking. What people know about banking is the use of physical cash for opposite and payment, but not electronic payments. The existing structure of the Nigerian payment system is fully based on traditional payment instruments of cash and cheeses [18]. Even for large-value payments, like sale and purchase of land and building, people prefer physical cash rather than receiving any other form of payment. This also applies to the general popular Zion. In businesses, people prefer using cheeses and drafts.Thus, Apex Bank (Central Bank of Nigeria – CAB) operates a clearing house, with many network centers for performing queue clearing throughout the country. The clearing house renders revives to the member banks and financial institutions only. Generally, all the banks and financial institutions are members of the clearing house. 2. 1 Electronic Payment Initiative in Nigeria Electronic Payment initiative began recently in Nigeria. Not all the banks and FL uncial institutions are participating in the e-payment system [11]. Although to date, most of the commercial I banks have engaged in providing some form of e-banking services.It is to be noted that not all of these institutions extend their e- banking facilities to their entire branch network. The e- payment services are mostly provided in the capital city ND some bigger cities nationwide. As mentioned, the e-payment facilities available in Nigeria are Automated Teller Machine (ATM) service, debit card, credit card, mobile banking and Internet banking [5]. Intertwines Nigeria Ltd provides the switching and settlement facilities for trans actions performed on ATM; and transact Nigh. Ltd provides mobile e-payment solutions switching and service provider.Banks purchased their software from different vendors to provide all these services to their customers. Authenticity, inter-operability, validity and confidence solely depend on the supplier of hat software [3]. However, the central bank of Nigeria and the supervisory authority of the Nigerian financial system, has thus initiated steps towards the regulation of electronic payment cyst ms in Nigeria [2]. Electronic payment system has also experienced a lot of setback in recent years due to limited availability of ATM services [5].These machines are only made available to few bank branches and clients, while the demand for the card is higher than the services provided. Infrastructure and Information Technology (IT) constraints also contributed to some of the setbacks experienced (such as: gig cost of internet connectivity, energy challenges, banks not fully automated, banks not ready for electronic payment services, and contentedness of people with the existing system because of lack of awareness on the benefit of the new technology [11]. CICS. Reapers/locals-9-2-1-462-467. Dif Facilitating the adoption of e-payment systems: theoretical constructs and empirical analysis Document Information: Title: analysis Author(s): Gives Ó ¶azans, (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey), Guyana Binaural, (Brunet University, Submerged, I-J), Ray Hackney, (Brunet University, Submerged, I-J) Citation: Gives Ó ¶azans, Guyana Binaural, Ray Hackney, (2010) à ¢â‚¬Å"Facilitating the adoption of e- payment systems: theoretical constructs and empirical analysis†, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Volvo. 23 Sis: 3, up. 05 – 325 Keywords: Electronic commerce, Payments, Risk, Trust Article type: Research paper DOE 10. 1108/17410391011036085 (Permanent URL) Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited Abstract: Purpose – The emergence of online transactions, enabled through internet media, has led to an increase in the availability of electronic payment (e-payment) systems. This research aims to investigate, through theoretical constructs (technology acceptance model, theory of reasoned action) and an empirical analysis, the critical factors that may ensure consumer adoption of these facilities.Design/methodology/ approach – This research study mainly uses the deductive approach to consider secondary sources and primary data, where hypotheses have been developed in order to demonstrate the findings. An init ial literature review revealed six issues that are considered critical for e-payment considerations. An anonymous and self- administered survey based on the research model was developed and e-mailed to he respondents. A total of 1 55 questionnaires were coded and analyses using SAPS to analyses the hypotheses.Advances in information technology and changes in laws, institutions and regulations in some countries have encouraged the emergence of new payment instruments as well as the delivery and processing arrangements for small and large value, time critical payments. With e commerce now in the mainstream of economic activities, we can therefore expect more major changes in the payment systems worldwide in the next five years than we have in the last five decades. Obviously, the e Philippines cannot escape from this sea change.This paper discusses key operational concepts involved in a payment system and describes the emerging payment systems in industrialized countries. This gives d eveloping countries, like the Philippines, a preview of the likely evolution of their payment systems in the next few years as they deepen the integration of their economies with the rest of the world. The paper gives a detailed description of the existing payment system in the Philippines and disc uses innovations in payments media, especially noncoms payment instruments, and facilities for the clearing and settlement of payments.Areas for improving the efficiency and reducing risks in existing payment system have been identified. Developments in the payment system have implications for the conduct of monetary policy. The second to the last section of this paper, therefore, deals with this issue. In particular, it discusses specific payment system innovations, such as the switch to ARTS system m and use of electronic payments media, that can enhance or attenuate the effectiveness of traditional monetary tools. The last section presents some recommendations.Key words: payment system ; electronic payment system; credit transfer; debit transfer; electronic money; transmission mechanism; seignior; queue clearing. President, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PITS). The author wishes to thank Dry. Vaccine Alden's, Jar. , member of the Monetary Board, and Mr.. Francisco P. Yap, Jar. , President of the Philippine Clearing House Corporation, for their insightful comments on the first draft of this paper. Thanks are also due to Mr.. Gill Olivarez Lime, Mr.. Francis vela, Mr.. Jerome A. Archangel, Mr.. Alton Offering, Ms. Carlisle Scintilla, and Mr..Joel A. Ramose for sharing their insights on how the payment system in the Philippines operates. The author s grateful to Ms. Sharon Theta Vital, Ms. Merle Galvan and Ms. Juanita Deletion for their excellent assistance in preparing this paper. The usual disclaimer applies. 2 INTRODUCTION It is commonly known that a country's infrastructure system determines to a large extent the efficiency of the economy. In a mod ern economy, the payment system I s a major component of the country's infrastructure system. Indeed, no country nowadays can afford to take its payment system for granted.Firms pay wages to their employees and purchase raw materials from their suppliers. In turn, they receive payments for the sale of their rodents and services. Consumers make payment transactions several times in a day. Needless to say, value is transferred among participants in the economy every minute of the day, and it increases as the economy grows. The country ‘s payment system, therefore, must be efficient so that funds can quickly move among market participants for productive use, thereby promoting more activities in the economy. According to Humphrey et al. 2000), the resource cost of a nation's payment sys tem can account for 3 percent of its GAP. Modernizing a country's payment system can certainly reduce that resource cost. Thus, while the country continues to spend on roads, bridges, power supply, etc. , it must not neglect to invest in its payment system m to improve the efficiency of economy, in general, and the financial system, in particular. Through the years, payment systems have considerably changed as forms of payment have evolved from precious metals to currency and checks and recently to electro ionic payments.These changes have been made because of the need to facilitate voluminous transactions occurring in rapidly growing and increasingly more sophisticated economies. Customers naturally seek the most efficient payment teeth, while providers of payment services normally seek the most profitable payments system. Advances in information technology and changes in laws, institutions and regulations in some countries have encouraged the emergence of new payment instruments as well as the delivery and processing arrangements for small and large value, time critical payments.With commerce now in the mainstream of economic activities, we can therefore expect more 3 major changes in the payment systems worldwide in the next five years than we have I n the last five decades. Obviously, the Philippines cannot escape from this sea change. Developments in the payment system have implications for the conduct of monetary policy. Well functioning financial markets can improve the effectiveness of Indore CT instruments of monetary policy because it is through these markets that the signal of monetary policy is transmitted to the intermediate and ultimate targets of the policy Monsoons et al. 998). The effective functioning of the financial market is, in turn, affected by the extent of the efficiency of the country's payment system. Also, rapid innovations taking place in the country's payment system can unpredictably alter the emend for and supply of money, thereby affecting the effectiveness of convene national monetary tools. Monetary authorities, therefore, cannot afford to be indifferent to the rapid innovations taking place in the payment system.A coun try's payment system, no matter how advanced and sophisticated, is not immune to risks. One part y in a payment transaction may not be able to receive or use the funds at a time when she needs them for another transaction for one reason or another (e. G. , fraud, bank closure, clearing and settlement failures, etc). More importantly, failure of one par captain to settle one large payment transaction could quickly spread to other transactions and institutions involved in the payment system, causing disruptions to the entire payment system.Systemic failure of the payment system can inevitably undermine t he effectiveness of monetary policy and adversely affect the real sector of the economy. The monetary authorities, therefore, have great interest in promoting efficient and sound payment system and in seeking ways to minimize systemic risk in the payment system because it has important implications for the conduct of monetary policy, the soundness of the uncial institutions and the fu nctioning of the economy as a whole (Baling et al. 996). Recently, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CAP AS) of the Bank for International Settlements (IBIS) has developed core principles for systematically 4 important payment systems (see Table 1 These are certainly relevant to emerging market and transition economies especially since they are in the process s of improving their payment systems in order to better handle the growing payment flows within and across their borders.The development of these core principles clearly demonstrates he amount of attention currently given by developed as well as develop ins economies in modernizing payment system in light of increasing financial market integration worldwide. This paper in general attempts to assess the efficiency of the existing payment system in the Philippines and its implications for the conduct of MO notary policy. Section II discusses key operational concepts involved in a payment system. This provides a gen eral background to the issues discussed in the subsequent sections.Section II discusses emerging payment systems in industrialized countries. Modern payment systems have evolved in industrialized countries and rapidly spread to developing countries, especially to those that have already substantially liberalized their financial markets. This evolution has continued in response to the growing v illume and complexity of the transactions and as new technologies emerge. Thus, the emerging payment systems in industrialized countries provide developing countries, like the Philippines, a preview of the likely evolution of their payment systems.Socio n IV describes and makes an assessment of the existing payment system in the Philippines. Section V assesses the implications of the existing and likely evolution of the country's payment system for the implementation of monetary policy. The last section presents some recommendations. The IBIS is an international organization, which fosters coo peration among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial sat ability and serves as the central bank of central banks.Its head office is in Basel, Switzerland and its representative office for Asia and the Pacific is in Hong Kong. 5 Economic transactions involve the rangers of goods and services and the corresponding transfer of value . As illustrated in Figure 1 , these transfers flow in opposite direction. A pa Yemen system, which is indicated in the lower part of is a method of transferring value between buyers (payers) and sellers (payees). In reality, a payment system is much more complex than what is suggested in the figure above. 1998) provides the following comprehensive description of a payment system: â€Å"A payment system encompasses a set of instruments and means generally acceptable in making payments; the institutional and organizational framework overdoing such payments (including prudential regulation); and the operating procedures and co mmunications network used to initiate and transmit payment information from payer to payee and to settle payments. †This section discusses the functions, types of risks and payment instruments in a payment system.A. Functions of a Payment System Any payment transaction has essentially two parts: the flow of information providing payment instructions and the flow of funds . Both flows may have different timing and direction. Each payment trans action requires some form of payment instrument o convey the information about the transactions, which may include the face value of the payment, the identity of the parties (I. E. , the payer and the payee) and their intermediaries, the transaction date, ND the value or settlement date.Regardless of the type of payment instrument used to effect payment, the payment system's functions of clearing and settlement occur. Clearing is the process of transmitting, reconciling and in some cases confirming Payne NT orders or security transfer in structions prior to settlement, possibly including netting of instructions and the establishment of final positions for settlement. This will be clarified further below. 6 Settlement is the act of transferring â€Å"good and final funds†between two parties.A Payne NT is settled with finality when the payer can no longer revoke the transfer of funds to the payee and the funds have been delivered unconditionally to the payee. This is the ultimate objective of a payment system. B. Various Types of Risk in a Payment S http://drips. Pits. Gob. PH/iris/PDF/peptidase's. PDF Retail Electronic Payments Systems for Va lee Transfers in the Developing World Bill Manure Department of Anthropology University of California, Irvine [email protected] Deed Work in Progress This is a draft concept paper.You are welcome to cite or quote, but please do not do so without the author's perm session. Comments welcome. Summary A new â€Å"payments space†has emerged in the past five to ten years that promises to bring access to funds transfer, banking and financial SE revives to millions of unbaked people in developing countries and in the diasporas that remit funds to them. This payments space is characterized by the I innovative use of new information and communications technologies. This paper summarizes the expel irenic to date of us chi new electronic payments systems.
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