Saturday, August 31, 2019
Biography and Artwork of Guy Harvey Essay
Guy Harvey was born in Lippspring Germany on September 16 1955. Guy Harvey is a 10th generation Jamaican as his family of German heritage immigrated there in 1664. Guy Harvey grew up next to the islands of Jamaica where there he spent most of his time diving and fishing of the islands southern coast. Guy soon fell in love and was fascinated by all types of fish and sea creatures. He then felt it necessary to re create all of these scenes in art so he began to draw a lot of marine life. Guy’s natural gift to recreate the underwater realm has propelled him from Professor of Marine Biology to a Wildlife Artist and Photographer. Guy initially opted for a scientific education, earning high honors in Marine Biology at Aberdeen University in Scotland in 1977. He continued his formal training at the University of West Indies, where he obtained a Doctorate in Fisheries Management. In 1985 guy began to recreate the novel â€Å"The Old Man and The Sea†by Ernest Hemingway into a b eautiful series of 44 pieces with pen and ink drawings. Guy enterered this artwork into museums in Jamaica. Guy received numerous awards and compliments on his pieces so by 1986 Guy went pro and then began providing artwork for merchandise such as apparel. Guy then became more involved with underwater photography where he traveled the world and became perfected the art of photographing free swimming billfish. Guy Harvey also became involved with scuba diving. Being underwater and on top of it enable guy to really get a better understanding of fish and marine life which makes his artwork that much more better and realistic. The Jamaica Committee presented Guy Harvey the Award of Excellence for his hands-on commitment to marine sciences, his inspired promotion of the protection of the marine environment and his philanthropy. The second is the Vasco Nunez de Balboa Grand Cross- the highest honor the country of Panama bestows on a non-Panamanian. Guy Harvey was presented this award for his work to preserve and publicize Panama’s marine resources. Lastly, the International Swimming Hall of Fame Gold Medallion Award. Presented each year to a former competitive swimmer for his or her national or international significant achievements in the field of science, entertainment, art, business, education, or government. Guy has also written numerous books toward the conservation of fish and other marine species as well as the biology aspects of his work. Guy Harvey is not only a full time artist, buy Guy is a huge conservationist. Guy has created organizations such as the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation to help ensure conservation with marine organisms. Guy donates thousands of dollars to other organizations as well to make sure that we have life filled ocean in another one hundred years. References
English Oral – Shark Cullings
Shark Culling Each year in Australia, the number of deaths from shark attacks ranges between zero to three deaths. To put this into perspective, more people around the world are killed as a result of falling coconuts or vending machines. Following a small rise in the number of shark attacks In Western Australia over the past two years, the Western Australian Government has legalized the culling of all sharks over three meters long caught on baited drum lines, In an attempt to reduce the risk of fatal shark attacks.The decision has sparked mixed reactions from the public, with a scarce amount purporting the Government's decision. Those who agree feel that the culling will make swimming at the beach a safer, more relaxing experience. On the other hand, those who disagree argue that the Government has made a quick decision without doing their research. They say that we will never completely prevent shark attacks and there are other ways to prevent shark attacks without going on a  "killing spree†. The first image presents a rather horrifying image of a dead shark covered in blood, with it's jaws open showing all of it's teeth.A man is kneeling down beside the shark with one arm appearing to be resting on the shark. The shark is a lot bigger than the man in the photo, this is magnified even more by the man kneeling down. The photographer is positioning the viewer to see the shark as a big, scary monster, and the man to be a hero for killing it†¦ As though killing a shark is something to be proud of. The second photo presents a beautiful scene of healthy green beach shrubbery, with the sand, beach and waves in the background as the water is populated by numerous surfers enjoying the morning waves.Hard to Ignore, however, is the warning sign In the foreground of the Image warning beach-goers of a shark sighting. It could be said that these surfers are Just plain stupid, but it could also be said that they know how small the risk of being attacked by a shark Is, especially when In a group of surfers close to shore. The mall figure In the photo Is the warning sign. It draws viewers attention to the risk that the surfers are taking and the viewer's focal point shifts from the sign to the surfers In confusion. The photographer has positioned the warning sign to be the largest, most obvious WARNING' to all people not to enter the water.However, by the photographer capturing the surfers in the background, viewers are bled to see that the surfers have ‘looked past' the apparently big warning and that the surfers don't see the sharks as big scary monsters to be afraid of. The photographer made the sharks appear to be a minor issue as opposed to an issue that makes the public so fearful of sharks that they're too afraid to enter the water. The third image is perhaps the most powerful image. It presents a photo of a human swimming or diving deep in the ocean, right next to a big shark. The shark looks big, but not in a scary wayâ₠¬ ¦ In quite a majestic and beautiful way.The photographer is positioning viewers to see that the shark is a beautiful creature f the ocean that means no harm to humans. The photographer has captured the blue ocean water in the photo which makes people feel calm and relaxed. This allows viewers to see the diver as relaxed and at ease, and also to see the shark as gentle and calm. In this image viewers are able to see how large the shark is in comparison to the human. Usually people are scared of things larger and greater in size than them, but in this case the person doesn't appear to be scared of the shark. Can't see teeth. Texture is smooth and not rough and scary. Calming.Majestic Light – glow of the light shining through the water which is beautiful and pretty. CONCLUSION Photographers can manipulate viewers to perceive a particular issue in either a negative or positive way. Quite often when pictures are used with articles or stories, the picture supports the story or ar ticle by the tone in the writing and agrees with what is stated. The shark culling topic has many different opinions, either negative, positive or neutral. The photos or images that accompany articles in the newspapers or magazines help to support what the writer is saying by providing the viewers with a biased approach to the issue.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Night World : Soulmate Chapter 8
Hannah sat up in bed, gasping. For several moments she didn't know where she was. Through a gap in her curtains she could see the gray light of dawn-just like Hana's gray dawn-and she thought she still might be in the nightmare. But then, slowly, objects in the room became clear. Her bookshelves, crammed with books and crowned with one near-perfect trilobite fossil on a stand. Her dresser, its top piled with things that belonged in other places. Her posters of Velociraptor and T. Rex. I'm me. I remember me. She had never been so happy to be herself, or to be awake. But that dream she'd just had-that had happened to her. A long time ago, sure, but nothing like so long ago as, say, when the T. Rex had been alive. Not to mention the trilobite. A few thousand years was yesterday to Mother Earth. And it was all real, she knew that now. She accepted it. She had fallen asleep and her subconscious had pulled back the veil of the past and allowed her to see more of Hana's story. Thierry, she thought. The people of Hana's clan tortured him. God knows for how long-I'm just glad I didn't have to watch more. But it puts sort of a different twist on things, doesn't it? She still didn't know how the story ended. She wasn't sure she wanted to know. But it was hard to blame him for whatever had happened afterward. An awful feeling was settling in Hannah's stomach. All those things I said to him-terrible things, she thought. Why did I say all that? I was so angry-I lost control completely. I hated him and all I cared about was hurting him. I really thought he must be evil, pure evil. I told him to go away forever. How could I have done that? He's my soulmate. There was a strange emptiness inside her, as if she'd been hollowed out like a tree struck by lightning. Inside the emptiness, a voice like a cool dark wind whispered, But you told Paul that he kept killing you over and over. Is that justifiable? He's a vampire, a predator, and that makes him evil by nature. Maybe he can't help being what he is, but there's no reason for you to be destroyed again because of it. Are you going to let him kill you in this life, too? She was torn between pity for him and the deep instinct that he was dangerous. The cool wind voice seemed to be the voice of reason. Go ahead and feel sorry for him, it said. Just keep him far away from you. She felt better having come to a decision, even if it was a decision that left her heart numb. She glanced around the room, focused on the clock by her bedside, and blinked. Oh, my God-school. It was quarter to seven and it was a Friday. Sacaja-wea High seemed light-years away, like someplace she'd visited in a past life. But it's not. It's your life, now, the only one that counts. You have to forget all that other stuff about reincarnation and vampires and the Night World. You have to forget about him. You sent him away and he's gone. So let's get on with living in the normal world. Just thinking this way made her feel braced and icy, as if she'd had a cold shower. She took a real shower, dressed in jeans and a denim shirt, and she had breakfast with her mother, who cast her several thoughtful glances but didn't ask any questions until they were almost finished. Then she said, â€Å"Did everything go all right at Dr. Winfield's yesterday evening?†Had it only been yesterday evening? It seemed like a week ago. Hannah chewed a bite of cornflakes and finally said, â€Å"Uh, why?†â€Å"Because he called while you were in the shower. He seemed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her mother stopped and searched for a word. â€Å"Anxious. Worse than worried but not as bad as hysterical.†Hannah looked at her mother's face, which was narrow, intelligent, and tanned by the Montana sun. Her eyes were more blue than Hannah's gray, but they were direct and discerning. She wanted to tell her mother the whole story- but when she had time to do it, and after she'd had . time to think it out. There was no urgency. It was all behind her now, and it wasn't as if she needed advice. â€Å"Paul's anxious a lot,†she said judiciously, sticking to the clean edge of truth. â€Å"I think that's why he became a psychologist. He tried a sort of hypnosis thing on me yesterday and it didn't exactly work out.†â€Å"Hypnosis?†Her mother's eyebrows lifted. â€Å"Hannah, I don't know if you should be getting into that-â€Å" â€Å"Don't worry; I'm not. It's over. We're not going to try it again.†â€Å"I see. Well, he said for you to call him to set up another appointment. I think he wants to see you soon.†She reached over suddenly and took Hannah's hand. â€Å"Honey, are you feeling any better? Are you still having bad dreams?†Hannah looked away. â€Å"Actually-I sort of had one last night. But I think I understand them better now. They don't scare me as much.†She squeezed her mother's hand. â€Å"Don't worry, I'm going to be fine.†â€Å"All right, but-†Before her mother could finish the sentence a horn honked outside. â€Å"That's Chess. I'd better run.†Hannah gulped down the dregs of her orange juice and dashed into her bedroom to grab her backpack. She hesitated a split second by the wastebasket, then shook her head. No. There was no reason to take the black rose ring with her. It was his, and she didn't want to be reminded of him. She slung the backpack over her shoulder, yelled goodbye to her mother, and hurried outside. Chess's car was parked in the driveway. As Hannah started toward it she had an odd impression. She seemed to see a figure standing behind the car-a tall figure, face turned toward her. But her eyes were dazzled by the sun and at that instant she involuntarily blinked. When she could see again, there was nothing in that spot except a little swirl of dust. â€Å"You're late,†Chess said when Hannah got in the car. Chess, whose real name was Catherine Clovis, was petite and pretty, with dark hair cut in a cap to frame her face. But just now her slanted green cat eyes and Mona Lisa smile reminded Hannah too much of Ket. It was disconcerting; she had to glance down to make sure Chess wasn't wearing a deerskin outfit. â€Å"You okay?†Now Chess was looking at her with concern. â€Å"Yeah.†Hannah sank back against the upholstery, blinking. â€Å"I think I need to get my eyes checked, though.†She glanced at the spot where the phantom figure had been-nothing. And Chess was just Chess: smart, savvy, and faintly exotic, like an orchid blooming in the badlands. â€Å"Well, you can do it when we go shopping this weekend,†Chess said. She slanted Hannah a glance. â€Å"We must go shopping. Next week's your birthday and I need something new to wear.†Hannah grinned in spite of herself. â€Å"Maybe a new necklace,†she muttered. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Nothing.†I wonder what happened to Ket, she thought. Even if Hana died young, at least Ket must have grown up. I wonder if she married Ran, the guy who wanted to â€Å"mate†her? â€Å"Are you sure you're okay?†Chess said. â€Å"Yeah. Sorry; I'm a little brain-dead. I didn't sleep well last night.†Her plan for Chess was exactly the same as for her mother. Tell her everything-in a little while. When she was less upset about it. Chess was putting an arm around her, steering skillfully with the other. â€Å"Hey, we've got to get you in shape, kid. I mean, first it's your birthday, then graduation. Isn't that psychologist doing anything to help?†Hannah muttered, â€Å"Maybe too much.†That night, she was restless again. The school day had passed uneventfully. Hannah and her mother had had dinner peacefully. But after her mother went out to a meeting with some local rockhounds, Hannah found herself wandering around the house, too wound up to read or watch TV, too distracted to go anywhere. Maybe I need some air, she thought-and then she caught herself and gave a self-mocking grin. Sure. Air. When what you're really thinking is that he just might be out there. Admit it. She admitted it. Not that she thought Thierry was very likely to be hanging around her backyard, considering what she'd said to him. And why should you want to talk to him? she demanded of herself. He may not be completely and totally and pointlessly evil, but he's still no boy scout. But she couldn't shake a vague feeling of wanting to go outside. At last she went out on the porch, telling herself that she'd spend five minutes here and then go back inside. It was another beautiful night, but Hannah couldn't enjoy it. Everything reminded her too much of him. She could feel herself softening toward him, weakening. He had looked so stricken, so devastated, when she told him to go away†¦. â€Å"Am I interrupting?†Hannah started. She wheeled toward the voice. Standing on the other side of the porch was a tall girl. She looked a year or so older than Hannah, and she had long hair, very long hair, so black that it seemed to reflect moonlight like a raven's wing. She was extraordinarily beautiful-and Hannah recognized her. She's the one from my vision. That flash of a girl telling me that Thierry was cunning. She's the one who warned me about him. And she's the figure I saw behind Chess's car this morning. She must have been watching me then. â€Å"I'm sorry if I scared you,†the girl said now, smiling. â€Å"You looked so far away, and I didn't mean to startle you. But I'd really like to talk to you if you have a few minutes.†â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Hannah felt strangely tongue-tied. Something about the girl made her uncomfortable, in a way that went beyond the dreamlike weirdness of recognizing somebody she'd never seen in her present life. But she's your friend, she told herself. She's helped you in the past; she probably wants to help you again now. You should be grateful to her. â€Å"Sure,†Hannah said. â€Å"We can talk.†She added somewhat awkwardly, â€Å"I remember you.†â€Å"Wonderful. Do you really? That makes everything so much easier.†Hannah nodded. And told herself again that this girl was her friend, and nobody to be hostile to or wary of. â€Å"Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The girl glanced around the porch, where there was dearly no place to sit. â€Å"Ah†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Hannah was embarrassed, as if the girl had asked, â€Å"Do you entertain all your visitors outside?†She turned around and opened the back door. â€Å"Come on in. We can sit down.†â€Å"Thank you,†the girl said and smiled. In the bright fluorescent lights of the kitchen, she was even more beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. Exquisite features, skin like silk. Lips that made Hannah think of adjectives like full and ripe. And eyes that were like nothing Hannah had ever seen before. They were large, almond-shaped, heavy-lashed, and luminous. But it wasn't just that. Every time Hannah looked, they seemed to be a different color. They changed from honey to mahogany to jungle-leaf green to larkspur purple to misty blue. It was amazing. â€Å"If you remember me, then you must know what I'm here about,†the girl said. She rested an elbow on the kitchen table and propped her chin on her fist. Hannah said one word. â€Å"Thierry.†â€Å"Yes, From the way you say that, maybe you don't need my advice after all.†The girl had an extraordinary voice as well; low and pleasant, with a faint husky throb in it. Hannah lifted her shoulders. â€Å"Well, there's still a lot I don't know about him-but I don't need anybody to tell me that he's dangerous. And I've already told him to go away.†â€Å"Have you really? How remarkably brave of you.†Hannah blinked. She hadn't thought of it as being so brave. â€Å"I mean, you do realize how powerful he is? He's a Lord of the Night World, the head of all the made vampires. He could†-the girl snapped her fingers- â€Å"call out a hundred little vampires and werewolves. Not to mention his connection with the witches in Las Vegas.†â€Å"What are you trying to say? That I shouldn't have told him to go away? I don't care how many monsters he can call out,†Hannah said sharply. â€Å"No. Of course you don't. Like I said, you're brave.†The girl regarded her with eyes the deep purple of bittersweet nightshade. â€Å"I just want you to realize what he's capable of. He could have this whole county wiped out. He can be very cruel and very childish-if he doesn't get what he wants he'll simply go into a rage.†â€Å"And does he do that a lot-go into rages?†â€Å"All the time, unfortunately.†I don't believe you. The thought came to Hannah suddenly. She didn't know where it came from, but she couldn't ignore it. There was something about this girl that bothered her, something that felt like a greasy stone held between the fingers. That felt like a lie. â€Å"Who are you?†she said directly. When the girl's eyes-now burnt sienna-lifted to hers this time, she held them. â€Å"I mean, why are you so interested in me? Why are you even here, in Montana, where I am? Is it just a coincidence?†â€Å"Of course not. I came because I knew that he was about to find you again. I'm interested in you* because-well, I've known Thierry since his childhood, before he became a vampire, and I feel a certain obligation to stop him.†She smiled, meeting Hannah's steady gaze easily. â€Å"And my name †¦ is Maya.†She said the last words slowly, and she seemed to be watching Hannah for a reaction. But the name didn't mean anything to Hannah. And Hannah simply couldn't figure out whether this girl called Maya was lying or not. â€Å"I know you've warned me about Thierry before,†she said, trying to gather her thoughts. â€Å"But I don't remember anything about it except you telling me. I don't even know what you are-I mean, are you somebody who's been reincarnated like me? Or are you†¦ ?†She left the question open-ended. As a matter of fact, she knew Maya wasn't human; no human was so eerily beautiful or supernaturally graceful. If Maya claimed she was, Hannah would know for sure it was a deception. â€Å"I'm a vampire,†Maya said calmly and without hesitation. â€Å"I lived with Thierry's tribe in the days when you lived with the Three Rivers clan. In fact, I'm the one who actually made him into a vampire. I shouldn't have done it; I should have realized he was one of those people who couldn't handle it. But I didn't know he'd go crazy and become†¦ what he is.†She looked off into the distance. â€Å"I suppose that's why I feel responsible for him,†she finished softly. Then she looked back at Hannah. â€Å"Any other questions?†â€Å"Hundreds,†Hannah said. â€Å"About the Night World, and about what's happened to me in past lives-â€Å" â€Å"And I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to answer most of them. There are rules against talking about the Night World-and anyway, it's safer for you not to know. As for your past lives, well, you don't really want to know what he's done to you each time, do you? It's too gruesome.†She leaned forward, looking at Hannah earnestly. â€Å"What you should do now is put the past behind you and forget about all this. Try to have a happy future.†It was exactly what Hannah had decided to do earlier. So why did she feel like bristling now? She weighed different responses and finally said, â€Å"If he wants to kill me so much, why didn't he just do it last night? Instead of talking to me.†â€Å"Oh, my dear child.†The tone was slightly patronizing, but seemed genuinely pitying. â€Å"He wants you to love him first, and then he kills you. I know, it's sick, it's twisted, but it's the way he is. He seems to think it has to be that way, since it was that way the first time. He's obsessed.†Hannah was silent. Nothing inside her stood up to say that this was a lie. And the idea that Thierry was obsessed certainly rang true. At last she said slowly, â€Å"Thank you for coming to warn me. I do appreciate it.†â€Å"No, you don't,†Maya said. â€Å"I wouldn't either if someone came to tell me things I didn't want to hear. But maybe someday you will thank me.†She stood. â€Å"I hope we won't have to meet again.†Hannah walked her to the back door and let her out. On the porch, Maya turned. â€Å"He really is insane, you know!†she said. â€Å"You'll probably begin to have, doubts again. But he's obsessive and unstable, just like any stalker; and he's really capable of anything. Don't be fooled.†â€Å"I don't think I'm ever going to see him again,†Hannah said, unreasonably annoyed. â€Å"So it's going to be kind of hard to fool me.†Maya smiled, nodded, then did the disappearing act. Just as Thierry had, she turned and simply melted into the night. Hannah stared out into the darkness for a minute or so. Then she went back into the kitchen and called Paul Winfield's number. She got his answering machine. â€Å"Hi, this is Hannah, and I got your message about making another appointment. I was wondering if we could maybe do it tomorrow-or anyway some time over the weekend. And†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She hesitated, wondering if it was something she should say in person, then shrugged. Might as well give him time to prepare. â€Å"And I'd like to do another regression. There are some things I want to figure out.†She felt better after she hung up. One way or another, she would get at the truth. She headed into her bedroom with a faint, grim smile. And stopped dead on the threshold. Thierry was sitting on her bed. For a moment Hannah stood frozen. Then she said sharply, â€Å"What are you doing here?†At the same time, she glanced around the room to see how he had gotten in. The windows were shut and only opened from inside. He must have walked in while I was in the kitchen talking with Maya. â€Å"I had to see you,†Thierry said. He looked- strange. His dark eyes seemed hot somehow, as if he were burning inside. His face was tense and grim. â€Å"I told you to keep away from me.†Hannah kept fear out of her voice-but she was scared. There was a sort of electricity in the air, but it wasn't a good electricity. It was purely dangerous. â€Å"I know you did, and I tried. But I can't stay away, Hannah. I just can't. It makes me †¦ crazy.†And with that, he stood up. Hannah's heart seemed to jump into her throat and stay there, pounding hard. She fought to keep her face calm. He's fast, a little voice in her head seemed to say, and with relief she recognized the dark wind voice, the cool voice of reason. There's no point in running from him, because he can catch you in a second. â€Å"You have to understand,†Thierry was saying. â€Å"Please try to understand. I need you. We were meant to be together. Without you, I'm nothing.†He took a step toward her. His eyes were black and fathomless, and Hannah could almost feel their heat. Obsessed, yes, she thought. Maya was right. He may jut on a good front, but underneath he's just plain crazy. like any stalker. â€Å"Say you understand,†Thierry said. He reached a pleading hand toward her. â€Å"I understand,†Hannah said grimly. â€Å"And I still want you to go away.†â€Å"I can't. I have to make sure we'll be together, the way we were meant to be. And there's only one way to do that.†There was something different about his mouth, Two delicate fangs were protruding, indenting .his lower lip. Hannah felt a cold fist dose over her heart. â€Å"You have to join the Night World, Hannah. You have to become like me. I promise you, once it's over, you'll be happy.†â€Å"Happy?†A wave of sickening revulsion swept over Hannah. â€Å"As a monster like you? I was happy before you ever showed up. I'd be happy if you'd just keep out of my life forever. I-â€Å" Stop talking! The cool wind voice was screaming at her, but Hannah was too overwrought to listen. â€Å"You're disgusting. I hate you. And nothing can j ever make me love you ag-â€Å" She didn't get to finish. In one swift movement, he was in front of her. And then he grabbed her.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Madagascar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Madagascar - Essay Example The geology of Madagascar consists of a backbone of Precambrian rock running from north to south down the length of the island, forming the central highlands (Figure 1, see Appendix). To the east of the plateau, there is an abrupt escarpment, while in the west the highlands slope more gently down to the Mozambique Channel. There is a wide variety of soil types, as well as considerable variation in elevation; several large massifs reach more than 2000 m. The trade winds, which come from the southeast across the Indian Ocean, produce moderate to high levels of orographic precipitation as they encounter this topographic relief. As a result, the majority of rain falls on the eastern side of the island. The western region is under the rain shadow of the central mountains, and conditions gradually become hotter and drier towards the Mozambique Channel. During the austral summer the western region is subject to a monsoon regime that originates in the north and dwindles to the south (Goodman and Benstead, 29). Consequently, there is a double rainfall gradient over the island, declining from east to west on the one hand, and north to south on the other. The northeast of Madagascar is the wettest part of the island and the southwest is the driest. The combined effect of Madagascar's rainfall re... Even within relatively short distances, there is notable turnover in species and flora composition. In 1921, the French botanist Henri Perrier de la Bathie proposed a two-tiered hierarchical classification of the vegetation of Madagascar, which has served as the basis for most subsequent biogeographic work on the island (Fig. 2, see Appendix). The major contribution of this study was the division of Madagascar into two major floristic zones corresponding to different climatic conditions and structurally distinct vegetation types. The flore au vent (windward flora) was defined as the area that comes under the direct influence of the moist southeast trade winds. The windward flora was later equated with the Eastern region of Madagascar, which includes the non-deciduous vegetation of both the coastal lowland region and central highlands (Goodman and Benstead, 239). The flore sous le vent (leeward flora) was defined as the area influenced by the drying effects of the trade winds as they descend after having crossed over the central highlands. This zone includes the deciduous vegetation of the west. The leeward flora was later equated with the Western region of Madagascar (Goodman and Benstead, 240). The fundamental biogeographic distinction between the "wet" non-deciduous forests of the east and "dry" deciduous forests of western Madagascar has been supported by numerous studies of plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate distribution patterns. Simultaneously, WWF ecoregion model divides the Eastern floristic zone into three primary regions that correspond to broad altitudinal ranges: humid ("lowland") forest (0-800 m), subhumid ("moist montane") forest (800-1800 m), and ericoid thicket (roughly above 1800 m). The major ecoregions of the Western floristic zone are
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Orientalism in Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Orientalism in Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Orientalism in Fashion" concerns the fashion and orientalism. One can attribute this invasion of Oriental elements into European art and fashion to Paul Poiret and his imaginative and bold style that he pioneered in the decade leading up to the First World War. After inaugurating his fashion house in 1903 on the rue Auber, Poiret’s business grew quickly. Parisian women found the clear lines and simple forms of his designs very appealing. Poiret is the first couturier to â€Å"raise the waist in women's dresses, recalling Empire lines and thereby creating an elongated silhouette, like a cue stick.†The invasion of oriental elements into Parisian fashion was so pronounced that by 1913, one can see everywhere loose-fitting waists, oriental chemises or Russian blouses, drawn into â€Å"a sash of velvet or satin, or where there is no sash, a band of embroidery encircles the hips to give the same effect." At the time Paul Poiret was establishing his career in fash ion design there was a sense of stagnation and limitation in fashionable expression for women. At the turn of the century when Poiret opened his couture house, women’s figures â€Å"were not only divided in two by a whalebone corset, but also constrained by masses of fabric†. Poiret went about changing this condition and hence freed a generation of women from constricted dresses. His wife and muse Denise was also his foremost model for trying new design prototypes. What Poiret wanted to achieve was to bring back the classical dressing sensibilities. that he so admired and assimilated into his aesthetics. He first encountered classical paintings at the Louvre as a school boy. His unique design style shifted the emphasis to the shoulders; the waist was raised to a considerable degree. His style reflected the neo-Grecian Directoire sensibilities of erstwhile art patrons Empress Josephine and Lady Hamilton. To accentuate the contours of the body Poiret employed fine fabric s such as silk, tulle and muslin. He also reduced the hemline into that iconic model called the hobble skirt. (Web 2007) The Oriental elements to Paul Poiret’s designs were manifest in his use of gold, fur, fringes and turbans – some of which are being reinvented contemporarily at Prada. Poiret’s embrace of Oriental elements reached its peak in Paris with the unveiling by Leon Bakst of the Ballets Russes. One of the stand-out designs in the years preceding the First World War is the Persian themed designs that were seen during the 1002nd Night party in 1911. Exhibiting his showmanship during the event, Poiret dressed up as a sultan and locked up his wife in a golden cage. As usual she modeled his latest creation: harem pants. Poiret was flooded with orders for these pants. Women saw in them an avenue for liberty, if only to let them dance to the emergent cultural craze for the tango. (Web 2007) Art 1. Two Dresses by Paul Poiret (Plate 2 from Les Robes de Paul Po iret), illustrated by Paul Iribe, 1908. The significance of Poiret’s Orientalist designs emerges from their widespread cultural effects. For example, the sultan harem pants were in such vogue that respected architecture journal commented and illustrated Poiret’s works through the artful photographs of Edward Steichen. The journal article went on to praise Poiret’s work as an â€Å"
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Non-Market Analysis of British Petroleum (BP) Research Paper
Non-Market Analysis of British Petroleum (BP) - Research Paper Example Also, an analysis of costs involved in non- market happenings and their repercussions have also been discussed in this paper.    Non- market environments involve variety of issues, interests, informational, and institutional affects that invariably impact the market environments of any public corporation. David Beach and David Bruce Allen (2010)i have rightly stated that â€Å"non market strategies recognize that businesses are social and political beings, not just economic agents. Because companies create a distribute value, a plethora of actors seek to influence them – formally through laws and regulations, and informally, through social pressure, activism, and efforts to shape the public perception of business. Companies cannot escape this. Smart executives, therefore, engage with their social and political environments helping shape the rules of the game and reducing the risk of being hemmed in by external affairs.† British Petroleum is no exception to this norm. Therefore, the non- market environments that BP faces also impact its market environments. Take the recent non- market happening of oil spill on the shores of US Gulf of Mexico, BP is responsible for operational errors for the disaster. The company is responsible to bear non- market cost for cleaning the oil spill. These costs are stated to surpass $20 billion, and will drastically impact the financial statements of the company. â€Å"The company is presently debating the issue of dividend distributions. Any impact on dividend is bound to carry uncontrollable and far reaching consequences on market forces, and thereby on the share prices of the company. The market for the shares of BP has crashed down because of the public and political hue and cry against BP. Accordingly, the market and non market forces are interrelated. A firm’s activities in its market environment can generate non- market
Monday, August 26, 2019
Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Benefits - Research Paper Example tended sick and vacation days, medical plan, profit sharing, stock option plans, pensions, IRA, 401k, maternity leave, paternity leave, wellness programs, flexible time, and telecommuting. A trend in the medical plans companies offer to its employees is increased costs. In 2013 medical costs in the United States are expected to increase by 5% (Mercer, 2012). Companies have to keep track of the medical profession since the government in the future might implement a universal health plan that would put the burden of the nation’s medical costs on the government, instead of the private industry. In the 21st century employees care a lot about having a work-life balance. A benefit that can help employees achieve that goal is flexible time. Flexible time is a work arrangement that gives the employees the ability to set their own hours during the workweek. Telecommuting is also a hot trend. Telecommuting involves having employees perform work from their homes. Telecommuters communicate and upload work tasks by connecting to the company’s information system using the internet. Some important factors to consider when designing a benefit plan are composition of lab or force, size of workforce, and budget allocated for employee
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Operational management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Operational management - Case Study Example In the work of Barnes (2008) operations management entails proper use of the available resources to make effective and quality production successful. McDonalds embraced the operations management strategy, validating the reason for its success in the market. First, Hill (n.d.) argues that McDonalds has spent a great deal of their energy on product planning. This is inclusive of coming up with products that are friendly to the clients in terms of cost and attractiveness. In the case of McDonalds, a lot of clients have indicated their passion for the chicken nuggets by the restaurant (Hill, n.d.). With the schedule manager on board, McDonalds is able to plan a sales chart, which allows production at any given time. The clients, therefore, return as they yearn for more from McDonalds and are rarely disappointed by the organization. New products are constantly added on the menu as seen in Hill’s (n.d.) work since the client’s preferences constantly change. The menu is inclusive of all foods and drinks for all weathers even the cold season (Hill, n.d.). McDonalds is keen to plan a way forward to deal with its high demand. Hill (n.d.) clearly indicates how McDonalds deals with the volume of production and how to deal with the demand of the clients. Planning the capacity in this case has led to the organization deal with the demand variations both on long and short term basis. Hill (n.d.) emphasizes that the McDonald’s managers are quick to respond to the peak hours of the business, for instance lunchtimes, Friday evenings and weekends in the Eastborough restaurant. With adequate stock of ingredients, McDonalds is able to maintain its large clientele base. In the McDonalds world, layout design has been of essence in making the organization a success. Hill (n.d.) quickly explains the arrangement of the organization that allows effective working, service provision, welcoming the clients, administration and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Managing Through Information Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing Through Information - Research Paper Example By analysing their opinions the exact points and places of developing infrastructure can be identified and the required action can be taken. The details are about expenditure and the tourist satisfaction. So every analysis and action taken must be on how far the tourists are using the existing infrastructure and the steps that can be taken to maximise them. The people are completely dependent on tourism for four months as they have no other occupation than fishing. It stresses the importance of developing tourism industry by increasing facilities for them, which makes them visit the Island frequently resulting in increase of revenue. Comments : The standard deviation for German is more and Italians follow them. This tells that the people from that nationality are using different types of accommodations, transport facilities from cheaper ones to costlyones. But the standard deviations of British and French are less compared to German and Italian. Though these to nationals also have much difference from the mean of spending that difference is however less telling that increasing of infrastructure and facilities for low cost increase more number German and Italian tourists. This may result in more than 25% percent increase in revenues from the tourism Comments: The individual spendin... British German French Italian Mean 105, 108, 106, 104, Sample Standard Deviation 14 18 16 15 Standard Error 2.5 3 2.8 3.1 Estimate of Mean Upper Limit 72 78 77 76 Lower Limit 125 135 130 134 Comments: The individual spending regarding each nationality also varies in the same way as group spending. But here French follows Germany and the increase of accommodation for individuals increase the tourists from Germany and France. The increase of facilities and accommodation for group or for family is capable of increasing tourists from British and Italy, as in the case of British and Italian nationals the deviation in spending from the mean is less. By increasing facilities for less charges may increase tourists from Germany and France. Task 1(c) - Difference in Means of Group Spending Standard Error British German French Italian British 0 5 1 2.9 German 5 0 4.9 2.0 French 1 4.9 0 4.1 Italian 2.9 2 4.1 0 Z-score British German French Italian British 0 2.2 1.1 3.5 German 2.2 0 6 2.2 French 1.1 6 0 2.2 Italian 3.5 2.2 2.2 0 Comments :The value of the Z Score is better for British and German, Italian and British, Italian and German , Italian and French. This means that gaining Italian tourists is more probable than gaining British nationals. Similarly gaining German tourists is more probable than attracting French. This means that the improving of infrastructure attracts tourists from Italy and Germany. Difference in Means of Individual Spending Standard Error British German French Italian British 0 3 1 1 German 3 0 2 4 French 1 2 0 2 Italian 1 4 3 0 Z-score British German French Italian British 0 2.2 1.1 3.5 German 2.2 0 6 2.2 French 1.1 6 0 2.2 Italian 3.5 2.2 2.2 0 Comments : The value of the Z Score is better
Friday, August 23, 2019
Questions on Shoeless Joe Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Questions on Shoeless Joe - Assignment Example The story of the novel of Shoeless Joe written by W.P Kinsella depicts the love of young farmer for baseball. The novel is a beautiful triumph of imagination of the author in the illustration of the individual’s love for the game. His love for the game made him convert his field of corn into a base ball field, in the fantasy of seeing his favorite base ball player Joe playing barefoot in the field. A magical mission of baseball was undertaken by the farmer. The farmer along with another character of the novel J. D. Salinger traveled all down to Minnesota in the search of a player who had played a single innings many a days before in the oldest living club of ex-Chicago. Wonderful myths of the game of base ball were depicted in the film in a very gentle and sweet tone. A world that is culturally conservative and restrictive had been depicted by the author in his book. The social history of the game in the framework of the Ronald Reagan’s presidential rule reflects the di scrimination of the society as well as the world of games on the basis of race and gender. In the novel the famous base ball player Shoeless Joe Jackson was the role model of the farmer who had been involved in a scandal and hence forced to quit the game. The farmer dreamt of his dream player playing in his field. The love for the game and the players were very truly and beautifully depicted in the film along with the racial discrimination. ... A magical mission of baseball was undertaken by the farmer. The farmer along with another character of the novel J. D. Salinger traveled all down to Minnesota in the search of a player who had played a single innings many a days before in the oldest living club of ex-Chicago. Wonderful myths of the game of base ball were depicted in the film in a very gentle and sweet tone. A world that is culturally conservative and restrictive had been depicted by the author in his book. The social history of the game in the framework of the Ronald Reagan’s presidential rule reflects the discrimination of the society as well as the world of games on the basis of race and gender. In the novel the famous base ball player Shoeless Joe Jackson was the role model of the farmer who had been involved in a scandal and hence forced to quit the game. The farmer dreamt of his dream player playing in his field. The love for the game and the players were very truly and beautifully depicted in the film al ong with the racial discrimination. The film Field of Dreams has been adopted from the novel of Shoeless Joe. The film is also about the base ball player, Shoeless Joe Jackson, the legendary leftfielder of Chicago White Sox. The player got involved in the scandal of the so called black Sox of the year 1919 in America. The film had the wish of bringing back the country into the days of innocent white baseball. The days free of scandals, dirty tricks involved in the world of game along with no stains in the honor of the country were the ultimate aim of the common people of the country. The main character of the film had always dreamt of those days which were clean simple along with being pure and white. The counterculture of the year 1960s for the country had been
The EU legislation and Labour movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
The EU legislation and Labour movement - Essay Example Moreover, while there has been progress in the study of managerial leadership behaviour in various countries of the globe (Den Hartog, House, & Hanges, 1999; Kuchinke, 1999; Maczynski & Koopman, 2000), world wide research in leadership styles of entrepreneurs is minimal (Ardichvili, Cardozo, & Gasparishvili, 1998). Lastly, while there have been several studies that have been undertaken on psychological and behavioural distinctions between entrepreneurs and managers within a Western setting (i.e. the UK) (e.g., Brockhaus, 1982; Brockhaus & Nord, 1979; March & Sharipo, 1987), there is a dearth of literature on the comparison of leadership styles of Western and non-western entrepreneurs and managers. While there is a wealth of literature discussing leadership styles across countries, there is a dearth of research specifically tackling the topic of entrepreneurial leadership. The fact that legislation is a catalyst for economic growth and development is well known. Differing economic, cultural and political circumstances abroad also suggest the need for a better understanding of employees with a broad context is important. Fortunately, the ability to study the implications of policies on economic growth abroad is expanding rapidly as a result of the emergence of global private equity markets and micro finance. International entrepreneur ship spans cultural boundaries and involves a variety of stakeholders, including the entrepreneur, investors and policy makers (Asel, 2003). "Social considerations must be given the same status as economic, financial and environmental concerns in a holistic approach. It is time for global thinking and local action. The implementation of the Core Labour Standards and the laws and regulations that give effect to them at national levels can be significantly enhanced if the capacities of national labour inspectorates are buil t up and strengthened. Labour inspectors have a crucial role to play because they are the only ones with the authority to directly access and impose changes in the workplace."(Albracht, 2005) The European union was expanded in May 2004 having 25 members. The aim of the creation of the union was to create the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of substantial economic growth with more, and better, jobs and greater social cohesion (Elizabeth Hunt Recruitment). All the member states of the EU have to follow common trade and employment laws, which on the one hand provided them with the ease of free trade and larger availability of work force and a vast product market on the other. Working Time in Europe: "According to the EU Working Time Directive (93/104/EC), implemented on 23rd November 1993 and laid down the following: - There should be a minimum rest period of 11 consecutive hours for every 24-hour period. - There should be a rest break if the working day is longer than six hours. - There should be a minimum rest period of one day per seven-day period. - There should be a minimum of four weeks' paid annual leave. - There should be an average of no more than eight hours work per night in a 24-hour period. Although there are significant variations relating to paid holiday leave across the member countries; in all cases the average paid annual
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The History of Curriculum Planning Essay Example for Free
The History of Curriculum Planning Essay An effective curriculum depends on its design. When developing and planning a curriculum, educators must focus on student success. According to Danielson (2002), â€Å"educators follow clearly defined steps that are designed to link the local curriculum to state and district content standards†(p. 81). Once a state has established a Standard Course of Study, educators can design a curriculum that will provide the most appropriate education possible for the diverse learners in that state. This will prepare students to become successful, contributing members in a 21st century society and global economy. In this paper, the author discusses the historical and political influences on the current curriculum practices, the effects of English Language Learners (ELL) and Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) laws have on curriculum development, and the impact of gifted education on the evolution of curriculum development. Many political and historical influences on education come to mind, notably, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act and cases involving religion. Politics plays a very important part in curriculum development. The main component of politics is funding. Educational institutions rely on funding from federal, state, and local governments. These funds are used to hire personnel, build and maintain educational facilities, and purchase resources needed to define established goals. Failed programs such as No Child Left Behind have proved to be expensive and caused an increase in the achievement gaps among students. Designed to bridge achievement gaps, NCLB has not helped, but because it focuses on high-stakes testing, increased funding is needed to pay for the training, testing materials, and administration. Furthermore, NCLB focuses on literacy and math, leaving little time in curriculum for history, science, and the arts. â€Å"Any balanced curriculum should highlight the interconnectedness of various fields of knowledge, expose students to a wide variety of experiences that can help them clarify their interests and talents, and incorporate appropriate ongoing assessment to gauge student mastery†(Cawelti, 2006, p. 67). Not only are there the issue of narrowed curricula and funding, research indicates NCLB has detrimental effects on minority and low-income students ((Woolhether, 2012). These students do receive the best education possible, because they are faced with overcrowded classrooms and teachers whose priority is â€Å"teaching to the test†. Education will continue to suffer as students are coached to pass tests and not taught a curriculum that will prepare them to live and participate in the 21st century. The other issue, school prayer and religion expression, has an impact on curriculum. Even though the court case Engel vs. Vitale (1962) sided with Engel concerning prayer in schools, it did not quell the issue of religion. Educators have to be careful when selecting resources for the curriculum. Choosing activities with religious undertones could pose problems for educators, such as musical and reading selections. However the move toward giving religion a role in education includes establishing guidelines that specify how students can pray in school, how religious clubs can have access to school facilities, and how teachers can incorporate religion into the curriculum (Brown, 2012). Increasing immigration in the United States has led to a large population of children who live in homes where English is not the primary language. To provide the best possible education for these diverse students, curriculum planning must include elementary school programs, such as ELL (English Language Learners) and SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) that address their needs. Some schools may offer several programs to accommodate these students while other schools may offer only one program. Some identified programs are (1) the English-language monolingual program where the child is in a regular English-language monolingual classroom; (2) the English-monolingual-plus-ESL program where the child is i n a regular English-language monolingual classroom, but receives instruction in English as a Second Language (ESL); (3) the Transitional bilingual education program where the child is placed in a bilingual education classroom and receives some form of English-language instruction, but also is taught in Spanish; (4) Maintenance bilingual education program, where children are placed in a bilingual education classroom and receives some form of English- Spanish instruction. This program helps students develop full proficiency in both languages; (5) the structured immersion program where the child is in a classroom in which the subject matter is presented in English, but in a manner that students with limited English-language proficiency is insufficient (Honigsfeld, 2009). These programs are beneficial if the number of ESL teachers to student ratio is sufficient. Often funding issues lead to budget cuts in these areas. A positive for NCLB is that it allocates extra support for programs designed to help ELL students’ progress. The impact of gifted education on the planning of the curriculum is positive, but may also have some negative effects. The use of the multidimensional Curriculum Model (MdCM) helps educators to better prepare gifted students for the changing world, providing them with the skills needed for the 21st century (Vidergor, 2010). This model could be used as a framework for curriculum design and development that will reach and teach gifted students. The negative effects of gifted education include funding issues for hiring teachers capable of teaching gifted students and allocation of funds. Again, movements such as NCLB have overlooked the population of gifted students. Collaboration and planning a curriculum that uses differentiated instruction is an effective way to reach gifted students. Since funding is in short supply for gifted education, reaching out to community leaders will help them gain an understanding of the needs of gifted children. This can help dispel the myth that â€Å"gifted children can make it on their own†(Roberts Siegle, 2012). To save gifted education and serve gifted students, some schools are turning to the Schoolwide Cluster Grouping Model (SCGM). â€Å"When implemented well, the SCGM represents one viable solution for providing effective and consistent gifted services within certain budget restraints†(Brulles Winebrenner, 2011, p. 35). This model allows school leaders to embed gifted education services into the school system, making it possible that all students’ needs are met (Brulles Winebrenner, 2011). Funds will still have to be allocated for teacher training. Classroom instruction should reflect societal needs, the needs of students, and recommendations of experts in their field of study. These are important components when planning an effective curriculum. It is clear that ELL program models do not work for everyone, in other words, ‘one size does not fit all’. NCLB has proven beneficial by the allocation of funds to certain departments; however, it must be revisited and revamped before it will be completely effective. Unfortunately, it does solve the problems that cause students to be left behind. NCLB also has a negative impact on gifted education. Emphasis is placed on lower achieving students and efforts to make these students proficient on standardized tests. A well-planned curriculum should be rigorous and demand from students higher-order thinking skills. References Brown, M. (2012). 50 years later: High court’s school prayer ruling still fuels religious liberty debate. Deseret News. Retrieved July 15, 2013 from Brulles, D., Winebrenner, S. (2011). The schoolwide cluster grouping model: Restructuring gifted education services for the 21st century. Gifted Child Today, 34(4), 35-46. doi:10.1177/1076217511415381 Cawelti, G. (2006). NCLB: Taking stock, looking forward. The side effects of NCLB. Educational Leadership(64)3. 64-68. Danielson, C. (2002). Enhancing student achievement: A framework for school improvement. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria, VA. Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962). Honigsfeld, A. (2009). Ell programs: Not one size fits all. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 45(4), 166-171. Roberts, J., Siegle, D. (2012). Teachers as advocates: If not Youâ€â€who?. Gifted Child Today, 35(1), 58-61. doi:10.1177/1076217511427432 Vidergor, H. E. (2010). The Multidimensional Curriculum Model (MdCM). Gifted Talented International, 25(2), 153-165. Woolhether, L. (2012). The effects of NCLB on low-performing and minority students. Retrieved July 16, 2013 from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Community Capacity Building Strategies | Evaluation
Community Capacity Building Strategies | Evaluation The article outlined below is an evaluation of the success or otherwise of the Community Capacity Building programmes within the United Kingdom. The original purposes of all the Community Capacity Building programmes in Britain was to increase the amount of social housing and also community based facilities actually available for those people that need the most. The Community Capacity Building programmes in Britain are as will be examined intended to maximise the level of local regeneration or renewal through the greater provision of social housing and community facilities without necessarily constructing large numbers of new purpose built buildings. The evaluation will seek to actively examine the examples of good practice as well as the examples of where the Community Capacity Building programmes have either gone wrong completely or have failed to live up to expectations. The Community Capacity Building programmes as will be examined are mainly concentrated in areas with higher num bers of black and ethnic minority community groups such as Birmingham, London, Manchester, and Glasgow. The over all objectives of the Community Capacity Building programmes is to improve the situation in local communities within the rural and urban areas with the greatest need for economic regeneration and renewal to be achieved. It was anticipated that such economic regeneration or renewal would strengthen local communities and thus go on to enhance their social cohesion.[1] The function of the Community Capacity Building programmes was to build up the most economically deprived local communities in a social sense at the same time as regenerating their physical environment by renovating existing buildings and facilities. The New Labour government also regarded the Community Capacity Building programmes as being connected to the other economic and social regeneration as well as renewal schemes that it introduced after coming into office in 1997.[2] It was the New Labour government that brought in the Community Capacity Building programmes throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. The Community Capacity Building programmes were administered differently in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales due to the New Labour government introducing devolution into Scotland and Wales.[3] To a large extent the Community Capacity Building programmes were regarded by the New Labour government as being complimentary to the already existing as well as the proposed regeneration and renewal schemes such as the Regional Development Corporations and the New Deal for Communities projects.[4] Indeed just like the New Deal for Communities projects the Community Capacity Building programmes were set up in such a way as to allow local communities to have a meaningful input into the regeneration and renewal schemes actually carried out.[5] The New Labour government hoped that the involvement of local communities in the decision-making process of the Community Capacity Building programmes would make such local communities feel more attached to those programmes. Due to the Community Capacity Building programmes being targeted towards the fighting of poverty and social exclusion inside the most deprived local communities these programmes have involved a high degree of participation from black and ethnic minority community groups.[6] Despite the Community Capacity Building programmes all having similar organisational frameworks as well as the same over all objectives there have been differences in the effectiveness and also the performance have become apparent. There have been good, indifferent, as well as bad practices can be discerned from those Community Capacity Building programmes which have been implemented in the United Kingdom.[7] There have certainly good practices, which have been followed in the implementation of the most successful of the Community Capacity Building programmes carried out within the United Kingdom. These good practices could also be followed in the Community Capacity Building programmes that have apparently failed or underachieved as well as helping to shape the structure and organisation of future regeneration or renewal programmes.[8] All of the Community Capacity Building programmes aim to increase the amount of social capital available within deprived local communities such as those in Birmingham, London, Manchester, and Glasgow whilst at the same time seeming to offer people better opportunities. The Community Capacity Building programmes are there to provide people in deprived areas the facilities and also the services that helps to improve the over all quality of their lives besides assisting the regeneration and the renewal of their local communities.[9] All of the Community Capacity Building programmes to differing degrees involve voluntary sector organisations as well as local community groups. It can convincingly argued that the Community Capacity Building programmes that have worked the best are the ones that have involved as many voluntary sector organisations and local community groups as possible in deciding the regeneration and renewal schemes that will be carried out. For the Community Capacity Building programmes the difficult part of involving a higher number of voluntary sector organisations and local community groups is that in can complicate the decision-making process, and thus lengthen the total time taken to fully implement the regeneration and renewal projects eventually agreed upon.[10] The ideal good practice for the Community Capacity Building programmes to achieve would be to effectively co-ordinate all the relevant voluntary sector organisations and local community groups in order to ensure the regeneration and the renewal projects are carried out without delay, and that such projects are finished successfully. The organisational key to achieving the intended regeneration and renewal projects is to arguably only to involve the most relevant voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that will have a part to play in ensuring the success of the Community Capacity Building programmes in any nearby areas.[11] Rural areas that have benefited from the introduction of these programmes included Teesdale and East Northamptonshire.[12] When it comes down to the successful completion of any of the Community Capacity Building programmes good practice has demonstrated the value of only involving the most relevant of the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups. These are the organisations and the groups that are needed to start and then finish the chosen regeneration and renewal projects previously agreed to. In the deprived areas of the United Kingdom in which the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups have exactly matching, or in fact similar outlooks it has proved to be easier to agree over the regeneration and renewal projects they wish to implement. There is the regeneration and the renewal projects that will add the most social value to the particular local area, the improvements that they have made possible in the first place. In the deprived areas in which the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups have co-operated in the Community Capacity Building progra mmes it has seemed that success has been most likely.[13] It has been assumed that the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that are most important are those which represent black and ethnic minority communities and they will automatically not to mention unanimously agree on the regeneration and the renewal projects they need to fully implement. Unanimous or comprehensive support for regeneration and renewal projects will allow the Community Capacity Building programmes that enthusiastic voluntary sector organisations and local community groups are part of to be more successful. It is logical to argue that the Community Capacity Building programmes that have worked the most effectively have been the ones that have managed to gain wide-ranging agreement between the diverse voluntary sector organisations and local community groups involved in the decision-making process.[14] Examples of successful programmes have included Canning Town Outlook as well as the Secret Garden in Highgate Newtown.[15] Perhaps the best way of obtaining good practice in the implementation and also the running of the Community Capacity Building programmes is to adopt several regeneration and renewal projects in order to meet the needs of as many voluntary sector organisations and local community groups as possible. However to maximise the social value achieved due care has to be taken to make sure that only viable regeneration and renewal projects are adopted. It is good practice to select viable regeneration and renewal projects rather than simply choosing to spend scare funds on projects that are realistically un-viable, and will therefore not increase social capital, or indeed increase economic as well as social opportunities. The achievement of good practice is to make sure that the regeneration and also the renewal projects carried out are the best possible use of limited budgets. The voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that are given advise by other organisations, governme nt departments, and also local authorities can also make better decisions than those that are not given sound advise. However not all of the Community Capacity Building programmes have been a success when it comes down to the achievement of their objectives in relation to the full implementation of regeneration and renewal projects. The failure or the underachievement of some of the Community Capacity Building programmes is frequently due to the poor practices relating to the decision-making processes, which mean that the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups do not co-operate with each other effectively. Alternatively the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that belong to failing Community Capacity Building programmes have contributed to the lack of success by failing to agree to regeneration and renewal projects.[16] The Community Capacity Building programmes across the United Kingdom have not all been able to make the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups enthusiastic about the community engagement required in order to successfully implement the regeneration and renewal projects to which they have agreed to. The voluntary sector organisations and local community groups may find it hard to find enough funds to carry out the regeneration and renewal projects that they want to implement the most to serve the needs of their local communities. The Community Capacity Building programme that has been widely considered to be the least successful was the one that covered the Glasgow area. The Glasgow Community Capacity Building programme was hindered by poor decision-making, as well as poor practices by the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that belonged to it.[17] The voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that were part of the Glasgow Community Capacity Building programme to a large extent were unable to co-operate effectively with each other. The over all lack of co-operation and co-ordination between the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups belonging to the Glasgow Community Capacity Building programme had a knock on detrimental effect. This effect was noticeable when it came down to the speed and also the stability of decisions made with regard to regeneration and renewal projects. The slow pace of decision-making as well as unsuitable tarnished the reputation of the Glasgow Community Capacity Building programme. The poor reputation of the Glasgow Community Capacity Building programme has in many respects overshadowed the aspects of the regeneration and renewal projects that contributed to the improving the lot of the local communities within the Glasgow area. After all the Glasgow area has the large st concentration of black and ethnic minority communities in the whole of Scotland. Given the size of the black and ethnic minority population that live inside the Glasgow area it is hardly surprising that were difficulties in balancing the diverse interests of the voluntary sector organisations and local community groups within the vicinity.[18] It could be argued in fact that the success or failure of the Community Capacity Building programmes within the United Kingdom is determined by more than just good or bad operating practices within these programmes. The New Labour government although it was keen to establish and promote the Community Capacity Building programmes right across the whole of Britain intended that they would be linked with other bodies and institutions in raising living standards. Various voluntary sector organisations and local community groups ideally co-operate and co-ordinate with each other when part of their respective Community Capacity Building programmes yet they could not be expected to right all the problems of local communities in deprived rural and urban areas throughout the United Kingdom. The Community Capacity Building programmes were meant to complement other programmes or social schemes such New Deal for Communities.[19] Some of the differences in the ways in which the Community Capacity Building programmes operate are due to the introduction of devolved government in Scotland and Wales as much as via good and bad practice.[20] Therefore to summarize the Community Capacity Building programmes have undoubtedly played their part in the improving of the lives of the people that live in the most deprived areas of the United Kingdom. It is noticeable that the most successful Community Capacity Building programmes have allowed voluntary sector organisations and local community groups to co-operate with each other in order to implement regeneration and renewal projects quickly as well as successfully. The involvement of voluntary sector organisations and local community groups has meant that local communities have had a greater influence over the regeneration and renewal projects carried out as part of the Community Capacity Building programmes. The Community Capacity Building programmes are thus a means of allocating extra central government funding into the most deprived areas of the United Kingdom. Although such programmes allow voluntary sector organisations and local community groups to varying degrees of inf luence over subsequent regeneration and renewal projects they do not have enough funds from the central government to end economic and social deprivation overnight. The New Labour government has used other programmes such as the New Deal for Communities as well as the extension of social housing schemes to tackle poverty alongside the lack of affordable housing. The voluntary sector organisations and local community groups that are part of these programmes aware that although there are merits to the scheme there are also limitations to how much can actually be achieved in the most deprived areas of Britain. Bibliography Balloch S and Taylor M, (2001) partnership working: Policy and Practice, Policy press Coxall B, Robins L Leach R (2003) Contemporary British Politics 4th edition, Palgrave, London DEFRA, (2003) Community Capacity Building and Voluntary Sector Infrastructure in Rural England, Crown Copyright. Diamond J and Liddle J, (2005) Management of Regeneration, Routledge Home Office, (2004) Firm Foundations – The Government’s framework for Community Capacity Building, Crown Copyright Dorey P (2005) Developments in British Public Policy, Sage Publications, London Jones B, Kavanagh D, Moran M, Norton P, (2004) Politics UK, 5th edition, Pearson Longman, London Kingdom J (2003) Government and Politics in Britain, An Introduction 3rd edition, Polity Press, Cambridge Moran M, (2005) Politic and Governance in the UK, Palgrave, Basingstoke Rydin Y, (2003) Urban and Environmental Planning in the UK, Palgrave, Basingstoke Seldon A Kavanagh D, (2005) The Blair Effect 2001 – 5, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1 Footnotes [1] Coxall, Robins, and Leach, 2003 p. 380 [2] Moran, 2005 p. 29 [3] Kingdom, 2003 p. 495 [4] Dorey, 2005 p. 25 [5] Seldon Kavanagh, 2005 p. 411 [6] Jones et al, 2004 p. 619 [7] Rydin, 2003 p. 47 [8] Balloch Taylor, 2001 p. 15 [9] Seldon Kavanagh, 2005 p. 315 [10] Jones et al, 2004 p. 619 [11] Home Office, 2004 p. 20 [12] DEFRA, 2003 p. 5 [13] Diamond Liddle, 2005 p.20 [14] Jones et al, 2004 p. 619 [15] Home Office, 2004 pp. 8 10 [16] Jones et al, 2004 p. 619 [17] Seldon Kavanagh, 2005 p. 316 [18] Jones et al, 2004 p. 619 [19] Home Office, 2004 p. 2 [20] Jones et al, 2004 p. 620
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
SMART Goals for Career Planning
SMART Goals for Career Planning The smart goal involved to the establishment of specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time targeted goals. My career goal is to work in the organization where I can utilize my marketing skills that I have learned from my educational course program. This smart goal can make me to work with the organization with the suitable marketing skills for the success of my organization. This smart goal was an effective process for me in making process by means of ensuring that participants in a group with a common goals. This goal helped to my career by working towards my own objectives that included the career based goals for me. This goal setting was also the major component of personal development and it established the positive relationship between identified goals and performance in the organization. Hence smart goal can help to achieve my career goals in the organization (Jeffrey H. Greenhaus, 2009). Action Step 2: Research the Career Field That Interests Me I am interested in marketing career field in order to achieve the organizational objectives as well as goals among global level. The marketing career field provided the technical ideas, case studies and strategies for making the perfect research for the success of marketing organization. The marketing field offered the various career opportunities and thats why it was easy for choosing marketing value, interest and personal style. The marketing field was to an entry level position as a market research analyst and in that I can utilize my strong quantitative as well as qualitative research skills and l interested in the marketing position with the strong organizational and interpersonal skills. Action Step 3: Research Companies within the Field That Interest Me I have interested to work some marketing firms in order to developing my career, attitude and my life goal. Roy Morgan Research, Print Measurement Bureau, Psyma Group, IMRB International, Segment Y were the marketing companies with in the field that I have interested for working to improve my objectives with the success of organizations. I have interested to work in a marketing firms in one of these companies and after getting the opportunity, my pleasure will be enhanced the business of one of these organizations. I have also interested to work in marketing companies and because of this marketing level can decide the success of organizations. The marketing field was also the great filed to ensure the organization among global level. The marketing field organization can compete with the global organization with the suitable perfection and quality as well as quality. Action Step 4: Research the Positions within the Organizations That Interests Me I have researched many positions within the organizations and but I have interested to get marketing distribution positions within the companies. The distribution position was the effective position in order to distributing the quality and quantity products as well as services within the organization. This position was also the one of four elements of marketing mix and it was the process of making the products and service available for consumption by a consumer or by the business user and I can develop the marketing position of organization by means of distributing high quality products and services. I can also motivate the marketing department by means designing the most suitable channels for the products of firm and offering higher margins to the intermediary and special deals. Action Step 5: Create a List of Networking Contacts Job obtained through networks Advertisements, direct contact with companies, employment agencies, college career services. Percentage of jobs through networks 52 % of people obtained jobs through networking and 42% of people obtained the jobs by other sources. Previous co-workers list Seller, Computer association, associative editor, distributor, sales administrator were the previous co-workers in the organization. Hired professionals list Accountants, banker and attorneys were hired by me in the organization in order to make organizational environment success as well as quality production and service. Action Step 6: Create a List of Professional Organizations Associated with My Target Career Field Association for Manufacturing excellence, Association of International Product and Management, Color Marketing Group, Institute of Management Accountants, International Association of Business Communicators were the professional organization that associated with my target career field. These professional agents or organizations make the marketing field perfect and they helped to the enhancement of marketing section in the organizations. My career will be successful by means of these professional organizations. Action Step 7: Schedule Information Interviews/Job Shadowing The best ways to gather the real world information about chosen field were informational interviews and job shadows. The steps for the informational interviews were figuring out whom and how to ask for an interview, conducting the interview as well as sending a thank you note. Initially, the organization has to announce the informational interview date by advertising. Scheduling the information interview included the duration for conducting the interview and the starting time for an informational interview was from 9.00 am in organizations. The informational interview included the way to find the effective people by means of asking the business field questions. During the informational interview, it was necessary to ask potential information interview questions in order to conducting the interview successfully. After the interview, it was essential to sending the thank you note to the person and to make the opportunity to talk with the person positively in order to approach the perso n. Action Step 8: Determine Next Steps After the interview, the asker must approach the person positively in order to motivate them. Then interviewer must say that the interview care will be sent for u to the person for getting the job. The positive approach of interviewer to person will provide the ethical environment to person. The thank you letter was the general format in all information interviews in order to satisfy or motivate the person and it was also used to convey additional information including experience, training the person forgot to mention during the information interview. The e-mail was the appropriate tool in order to send the feedback letters or thank you letters (Kandula, 2006). Action Step 9: Enter Formal Application Process The formal application process was the significant one when making the access application and it was used to ensure the existing application. The formal application process contained the personal information about another person and this process also concerned another persons business, commercial, professional interest. This process concerned the research that had been carried out by behalf of another person. The application process had been entered to carrying out the information of other organizational members and staffs. The formal application process involved the affairs of a government of the commonwealth or another state. PART-II:Â Career Management Plan Part 1: Career Central Assessment Reflection I could gain insights about myself that I can enhance the organizational management and procedural aspects of organization. I can gain the organizational improvement by means of ensuring the organizational products and services. I can also concentrate to achieve the life career as well as goals. The planning implementation and achieving results, influencing communication teamwork, problems solving and teamwork as well as commitment and I challenged these aspects of results and I can resolve these challenges by making organizational innovation. My result influenced the learning experience positively at CTU. In CTU, the effective training, practices and learning were provided for making the perfect experience hence the result was an excellent experience at CTU. The result influenced the creation of smart goals positively by satisfying the objectives and missions. The result has the positive implication on the leadership style and the leadership style will be made effectively by the imp lication of result. Part 2: SMART Goals and Target Jobs and Employers My short term goal was to know about the aspect of marketing tool that will help to me in order to perform in marketing department of organizations. This short term goal can also achieve my life time careers and I want to become the marketing analyst in order to gain the marketing aspects. I have also identified three types of marketing jobs and organization that supported to these short term goals (Carolyn boyes, 2010). These three marketing jobs and organizations helped to achieve my marketing short term goals and these organizations will promote me to the position of marketing analyst. These marketing jobs and organizations can fit with the short term goals in the case of enhancing the career. The role of professional association that I have identified was supporting to the short term goals and the identified professional association promoted me to the position of marketing analysts by seeking particular profession for me. My long term goal is to become the marketing manager with the perfection and attitude for achieving my career goals with the success of marketing organizations. My long term goal was also to make the ethical environment in marketing field and make the quality production and services. The three marketing jobs and organizations that I have identified were to support for these long term goals by satisfying the careers and goals. The identified jobs and organizations made better marketing environment to long term organizations and also they made the opportunities for these long term goals. Part 3: Skill Development and Learning Plan The technical skill, human skill and conceptual skill were skills that were used to develop further to successful for meeting the goals. The technical skill involved in executing the budgeting, accounting and marketing outcomes. Human skill involved in the case of working with the marketing groups in order to lead the marketing department. The conceptual skill was to understand the various functions of marketing environment. These three skills will be developed by means of setting definitive goals, maintaining positive attitude, creating effective communication and so on.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Constructivism Essay -- Philosophy Philosophical Learning Essays
Constructivism What is constructivism? Constructivism is a philosophy of learning that "refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves---each learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning---as he or she learns (Hein, 1991, p.1). In other words, "students construct their own knowledge based on their existing schemata and beliefs"(Airasian & Walsh, 1997, p.1) Constructivists deny the existence of one "true" body of knowledge that exists independently of the learners and espouse the idea that "there is no knowledge independent of the meaning attributed to experience (constructed) by the learner, or community of learners (Hein, 1991, p.1). Knowledge is "a personal and social construction of meaning out of the bewildering array of sensations which have no order or structure besides the explanations...which we [the learners] fabricate for them (Hein, 1991, p.1). To construct a meaning to the philosophy of constructivism, the misunderstandings of constructivism, its value in the world of teaching, a nd its influence in instructional technology will be discussed. Misunderstandings lead to an Understanding Because constructivism is sometimes viewed as a new pedagogy rather than a new philosophy of learning, many incorrect assumptions are made about its implications and applications to learning and the learners. By examining some of the misunderstandings surrounding constructivism, one can gain an understanding of the nature of constructivism and how its implications can be successfully applied to teaching. The first myth of constructivism is that "students should always be actively and reflectively constructing"(Clements, 1997, p.1). The constructivists view learning as "an active process i... ...The fallacy of constructivism. Clio, 24(3), 4 pages. Available at: Galileo Periodical Abstracts. Hein, George E. (1991, October). Constructivist learning theory: the museum and the needs of people. Paper presented at the CECA Conference in Jerusalem, Israel. Kamii, Constance and Janice K. Ewing. (1996). Basic teaching on Piaget’s constructivism. Childhood Education, 72(5), 4 pages. Available at: Galileo Periodical Abstracts. Lunenberg, Fred C. (1998, June). Constructivism and technology: instructional designs for successful education reform. Journal of Instructional Technology, 25(2), p. 75- 82. o’Donnell, Angela M. (June, 1997). Constructivism by design and in practice: a review. Issues in Education, 3(2), p. 285-294. Wilson, Brent G. (1997, March). Reflections on constructivism and instructional design. Instructional Development Paradigms, 18 pages.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Knight and the Cart Essay -- essays research papers
The Knight of the Cart By the end of eleventh century, Western Europe had experienced a powerful cultural revival. The flourish of New towns provided a place for exchange of commerce and flow of knowledge and ideas. Universities, which replaced monasteries as centers of learning, poured urbanized knowledge into society. New technological advances and economics transformations provided the means for building magnificent architectures. These developments were representative of the mental and behavioral transformations that the medieval world underwent and the new relationships that were brought about between men, women and society in the twelfth century. As in technology, science, and scholasticism, Literature was also reborn with a new theme.3 Very different from traditional writings of the past was the new flourish of troubadour poetry. Troubadour poetry, derived of courtly romances, focused on the idea of unrequited love. â€Å"A young man of the knightly class loved a lady†, most often, â€Å"the lady was married to the young man’s lord†. The courtly lover would compose highly lyrical and erotic poems in honor of his lady, and the troubadour was filled with rapture even at the slightest kindness that the lady might offer him.3 This new literary artifice provides us clues to the cultural changes that took place in medieval Europe during this time. Of the many writers of courtly romance, the most distinguished literature can be found in the work of Chretien de Troyes. Troyes was a native of Eastern Champagne and most of his career was spent the court of Marie de Champagne. He was the inventor of Arthurian literature and the first to speak of Camelot, and write adventures of the Grail. He may even have been the first to sing the tragic love of Tristan and Isolde. One of Chretein de Troyes’ works, Chevalier de la Charette (The Knight of the Cart) expresses the doctrines of courtly love in its most developed form. The plot of this story is believed to have been given to him by Marie of Champagne and has been called â€Å"the perfect romance†for its portrayal of Queen Guinevere’s affair with Lancelot of the Lake.1 The elements of courtly love operate at several levels simultaneously in The Knight of the Cart; they are expressed by the behaviors of Lancelot, Queen Guinevere, Meleagant and other characters in the story. Two vividly deployed elements are the concepts of loyalt... ...e’s heavenly elevation. In addition, Lancelot literally sacrifices himself for her, when he finds out mistakenly that she has died, he tries to kill him self. Guinevere is portrayed as a divinely creature. Only she had the power to save Lancelot and soothe his agony and pain. Lancelot reaffirming her alleviating power, begs Guinevere to allow him to go to her: â€Å"If you grant me permission, my way is clear. But if my scheme does not suit you, then the way is so difficult for me that my entry is impossible." Once she permits him to enter "†¦Lancelot had every wish †¦.as he held [Guinevere] in his arms†¦ greatest joy and pleasure,†confirming that his salvation was in her hands.2 When all the courtly love elements that flow through The Knight of the Cart are composed, in addition to a tale of love affair between Queen Guinevere and Lancelot of the Lake, a document revealing the enchanting history of the Twelfth Century Renaissance is created. Troyes, our powerful storyteller, was able to do this by taking us on a journey with Lancelot, not only though his exciting battles to Guinevere but, through his passionate and enamored thoughts and behaviors that yearns for his beloved.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Marketing Project Essay
Q: Conduct a household or market survey and report on the buying motive of consumers as regards price and quality, consumers being classified by age, sex and income given certain selected products. * Choose any five consumer durable products/services of high demand. (i.e., products with life span greater than 3 years.) FORMAT: * Main page (Name, Class, Year, Marketing Project) * Title (question) * Table of Contents * Explain buying motive and its types. * Introduction and information about each of the products chosen (only consumer durable objects; types are – medium expensive and very expensive). * Target group of customers for each product in brief. (Age; sex; income group etc.) * Must: Mention gender and age if product is bought a certain gender or age group only, along with reasoning for the same. * Form questionnaires with (10-15 questions) and do a survey with 10 customers. Make sure that the questions can be answered in sentences or provide statements with options. DO NOT use Yes/No questions. * Eg: What is the primary reason for which you buy this product? What other benefits do you derive from the product? Is the product convenient to use? Is the product safe? Is the product worth the value paid for realization? * Following the questionnaires, make a report for each and every product separately explaining the buying motive and reasons they buy it for. (1 page per product.) * Draw conclusions from the results of your questionnaires, graphs, reports, etc. * Depict graph (depending on any 5 criteria you have mentioned in your questionnaire in a bar diagram) for the number of consumers surveyed. * Add pictures and symbols throughout your presentation to add colour and life. * The project can be made using either MS PowerPoint or MS Word. Format of a Questionnaire: QUESTIONNAIRE TITLE ( Eg: Survey conducted to estimate buying motive of a product) (This survey is conducted by students of OOEHS for a marketing project. Kindly fill in the required details) Name: Location: (Start with your own questions.)
Cleopatra’s dramatic Essay
This request displays Cleopatra’s dramatic, attention seeking and indulgent side. She can be very histrionic which becomes more evident throughout the scene. Cleopatra’s words also portray her as a very manipulative person, able to bend people to her will. Cleopatra’s unexpected actions are what fascinates Antony and keeps him drawn to her. This could partly be the reason why Antony’s Egyptian side has such a strong hold over him. Furthermore, Cleopatra’s dramatic words accuse Antony of being unfaithful: â€Å"O, never was there queen/ So mightily betrayed!†This again shows Cleopatra as being manipulative, jealous and quarrelsome – a difficult aspect of her character. Her statement is very self-pitying and manipulative, she is accusing Antony and there is nothing he could say to please her. He cannot control or deal with her – possible part of what makes her so fascinating and intriguing. Therefore it can once again be seen that Shakespeare’s creation of Cleopatra as a manipulation and captivating character plays some part in Antony’s duality of character. Her hold over her lover is too strong and is making Antony a more Egyptian, hedonistic lover than a true Roman of his past. The audience are first introduced to Antony through the comments of Philo at the very beginning of the play, and the audience are informed of the duality of character in Antony. Philo begins by describing how he feels that Antony’s love for Cleopatra is out of control and damaging him and his reputation: â€Å"Nay, but this dotage of our general’s/ O’erflows the measure.†Philo continues with: â€Å" His captain’s heart, Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst The buckles on his breast, reneges all temper, And is become the bellows and the fan To cool a gypsy’s lust.† This refers to Antony’s past greatness as a soldier – a true Roman hero. Philo feels like Antony’s love for Cleopatra has overpowered him and destroyed what he once was. Philo then describes Antony as one of â€Å"the triple pillar of the world transformed/ Into a strumpet’s fool.†This shows the Roman contempt for Cleopatra, which is conveyed throughout the play. None of the Romans have a good thing to say about her and disregard her. The hugely eminent and powerful, magnificent Antony has been utterly diminished by his infatuation and obsession with Cleopatra. Philo once again makes reference to Antony’s past greatness: â€Å"Sometimes, when he is not Antony, He comes too short of that great property Which still should go with Antony.† It reminds the audience how great Antony was as a great roman, a great leader, strong politician and statesman. Through the conversation of Philo and Demetrius, it can therefore be seen that Antony is indeed caught in a tug-of-war between his Roman and Egyptian loyalty ties. He is supposedly loyal to Rome, yet he is loyal to Cleopatra and the inhabitants of her Kingdom in Egypt. In conclusion, it is the differing character’s comments and views that bring out the duality in Antony’s character in Act One. The comments from Antony uncover an underlying battle within himself, a battle fought by both his Egyptian and Roman side. Antony himself acts madly in love with Cleopatra, yet aside, he seems to know that his real loyalty lies with Rome, and his love with the queen can only lead to destruction and danger. Octavius Caesar’s remarks inform the audience of Antony’s past as a great and respected soldier of Rome. This reinforces the audience’s view of Antony’s character division and allows the audience to fully appreciate the difficult choice that Antony will have to make. In addition, Cleopatra’s comments on her lover give the audience her true personality traits of being manipulative and dramatic. These qualities fascinate Antony and encourage his lust and strengthen his Egyptian loyalty ties. Finally, Philo’s own observations of Antony give the notion of Cleopatra being a poison that has transformed Antony from a fully pledged guardian of Rome to an irresponsible and pleasure seeking fool.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Solubilities Within a Family Lab Report
Purpose/Objective The purpose of this experiment is to identify the periodic trends in the solubility of the alkaline earth metals and compare the results to that of lead Materials 1. Pencil 2. Lab notebook 3. 5 small test tubes 4. Droppers Chemicals 1. 0. 2 M Mg(NO3)2 2. 0. 2 M Ca(NO3)2 3. 0. 2 M Sr(NO3)2 4. 0. 2 M Ba(NO3)2 5. 0. 2 M Pb(NO3)2 6. 1 M NaOH 7. 0. 2 M NaBr 8. 0. 2 M NaI 9. 0. 2 M Na2SO4 10. 0. 1 M Na2CO3 11. 0. 2 M Na2C2O4 12. 1 M NaCl Data and Results Mg(NO3)2Ca(NO3)2Sr(NO3)2Ba(NO3)2Pb(NO3)2 NaOHCloudyMilkyCloudyCloudyMilky NaClNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionPowder NaBrNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionNo reactionCloudy NaINo reactionNo reactionNo reactionCloudyBright Yellow Na2SO4No reactionNo reactionWhite, yogurt-likeMilkyMilky Na2CO3MilkyMilkyPowderWhite, cotton-likePowder Na2C2O4No reactionMilkyMilkyPowderPowder Sample Calculations None ? Discussion and Comments This experiment tested the theory that the elements in the periodic table are arranged in a manner in which the elements of a group share similar chemical properties. The elements we used were the ones from the alkaline earth metal group. These elements tend to form 2+ cations and are very reactive. We also compared these elements to that of lead because lead also forms a 2+ cation. We used the chemical property of solubility to observe the periodic trends of the alkaline earth metals. As a general rule, reactivity increases as you move down a group in the periodic table. This means in regards to solubility that the more you farther you move down the group the more insoluble the element is when combined with hydroxides, chlorides, bromides, iodides, sulfates, carbonates, and oxalates. My results were consistent with this theory in that the mixtures went from no reaction to forming a precipitate or from forming a light precipitate to a heavy one as the elements moved down the periodic table. The precipitates that were formed gradually changed from a cloudy or milky mixture to a heavy solid precipitate that would settle on the bottom of the test tube. In some instances lead reacted very similarly with the alkaline earth metal but very different in the other reactions such as with iodide. This is due to lead’s position on the periodic table as compared to those of the alkaline earth metals. The position on the periodic table correlates to an element’s atomic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity. All of these properties affect an element’s chemical properties such as solubility. A systematic error occurred during my experiment when I observed a reaction between barium and iodide. There should have been no reaction. This error is probably the result of using a test tube that was not cleaned properly prior to combining Ba(NO3)2 with NaI. This experiment reinforced the concepts introduced in Chapter 8 of our textbook. Pre-Lab Questions 1. The names and symbols of the alkaline earth metals encountered in this experiment are: a. Magnesium – Mg b. Barium – Ba c. Strontium – Sr d. Calcium – Ca 2. a. The general electron configuration of the alkaline earth metals is [Noble gas]ns2. b. The electron configuration for lead, Pb, is [Xe]6s25d104f146p2. c. All the formulas of the oxides formed by the alkaline earth metals and lead have the general formula of RO. 3. The general formulas for the following compounds with alkaline earth metals or lead: a. RSO4 b. RCl2 c. RCO3 d. RI2 e. RBr2 f. RC2O4 g. R(OH)2 h. R(NO3)2 i. RCrO4 4. The general method that was used to examine qualitative solubilities in this experiment is observation. Post Lab Questions 1. The solubility of the alkaline earth metals with hydroxides increases as you move down the group; soluble with halides; with sulfates, carbonates and oxalates decreases as you move down the group down the group. 2. The solubilities between alkaline earth metals and lead with NaOH are similar ecause all of the reactions were either cloudy or milky. The solubilities between alkaline earth metals and lead with NaCl are different because all of the alkaline earth metals are soluble but lead is not. The solubilities between alkaline earth metals and lead with NaBr are different because all of the alkaline earth metals are soluble but lead is not. The solubilities between alkaline earth metals and lead with iodide are different because all of the alkaline earth metals are soluble but lead is not soluble and formed a bright yellow precipitate. The solubilities of Mg and Ca with SO4 are different because they are soluble but lead is not and solubilities of Sr and Ba are similar to lead. The solubilities between alkaline earth metals and lead with CO3 are similar since all of compounds form some sort of a white precipitate. The solubility of Mg with C2O4 is different from lead because it is soluble but lead is not and solubilities of rest of alkaline earth metals are similar because they all form some sort of white precipitate. . The solubilities of the alkaline earth metals and that of lead may differ markedly due to their respective electron configurations. The alkaline earth metals like to give up two electrons from their outer shell and form cations because by doing so their electron configuration becomes isoelectronic with the closest noble gas. Lead looses its to electrons from the 6p suborbital. Resources Chang, R. (2010). Chemistry: 10th Edition. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
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