Friday, December 27, 2019
A Rose for Emily Factors the Impacted Miss Emilys Behavior
A Rose for Emily: Factors the Impacted Miss Emilys Behavior A Rose for Emily is a fictional short story written by 1949 Nobel Prize winner William Faulkner. Faulkners A Rose for Emily is about an aristocratic woman who lived a very secretive and unusual life. Miss Emily had always been very sheltered by her father. He was the only man in her life and after his death, her behavior became even more unnatural. However her fathers death cannot be seen as the only cause of Miss Emilys insanity. Miss Emilys behavior was also influenced by her own expectations of herself, the townspeoples lack of authority over her, and her neighbors infatuation with her. The narrator tells us the Griersons had always had always†¦show more content†¦The narrator also reveals that Miss Emily had too much pride to accept any charity or pity from others. Miss Emily knew no authority. The townspeople would at times attempt some type of control, but they gave in easily when Miss Emily resisted. When the man who had deceived her into not paying taxes passed away, the next generation of alderman attempted to make Miss Emily once again pay her taxes. They met no success in doing so and did nothing further. The same was so when Miss Emily bought arsenic. The pharmacist requested a reason for buying it, but without an answer, he let Miss Emily do as she pleased. When a disgusting odor came from Miss Emilys House, instead of telling her to fix the problem and hurt her pride, four men attempted to fix it themselves in secret. Overall Miss Emily answered to no one. The information that we do have about Miss Emilys genuinely mysterious life was obtained through her prying neighbors. They did everything possible, without disrespect, to find out more about her. They knew where she had been, with whom, and when. The secrecy of Miss Emilys life fascinated everyone that knew her. The more that time went on and the more that neighbors pried, the less Miss Emily appeared until soon she was hardly seen at all and let no one into her home. Even at Miss Emilys funeral the whole town came to satisfy some of their curiosity. Miss Emily seemed to enjoy being secretive and did her best to be so.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Street Parties And Music Of The Favelas Of Rio De Janeiro
Introduction The street parties and music of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, called baile funk, are a topic that has been studied by relatively few scholars. Perhaps it is due to the violent nature of the parties, as one person familiar with the realities of favelas states â€Å"[Do researchers] have any idea what a real favela is like? 14 year-old kids with AR-15s, AK-47s, and MAC-11s all around?†(Robinson, 2004, p. 1). Furthermore, it is difficult to gain an honest account of the cultural significance from the point of view of people who have not grown up in the favelas and build their impressions of the favelas through the lens of the media. Yet, the moral panic as a result of the negative perception of bailes funk from outsiders is a†¦show more content†¦Gangs dictate and control the operation of more than six hundred identifiable favelas as they battle for power, resulting in more than fifty homicides per week. The police believe they are fighting in a civil w ar of resiliency, killing nearly nine hundred people living in favelas per year. Despite the moral panic of outside citizens, one in five people living in Rio de Janeiro identify themselves as â€Å"favelados†, leading them to fight for what they consider to be normal life within the favelas (Favela on Blast, 2008). A subculture has emerged in the favelas since the early 1980s, shaped by street parties called bailes funk, literally defined as â€Å"funk balls†. The bailes funk are the heart of the favelas – consisting of street parties driven by a musical genre of dance and hip hop, which was developed in the favelas and influenced by Miami bass and African-style music, called funk carioca (Favela on Blast, 2008). The music makes frequent use of samples and looped tracks, often resulting in unoriginal content with minimal production. The music is identifiable as loud, sexual, shockingly vulgar, and focuses on subjects such as romance, sex, violence, humor, and social aspects of the favelas (Sneed, 2008). Brazilian funk does not sound similar to funk genres typical of other countries from around the world. With the emergence of funk carioca, a new subculture was born. Funk proibidà £o, meaning â€Å"prohibited funk†, is the result of authorities trying to hide
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Story of John Updike free essay sample
Is Sammy a person of principle or simply an immature young man? John Updike’s â€Å"AP†is a story of a young boy Sammy, a cashier at AP supermarket who allows his romantic desires and his anger overcome him and in the end winds up quitting his job. John Updike shows how Sammy goes from an immature young boy with lots of imaginary ideas and fantasies, to a young man who about to realize how life altering the choices he makes can be. Updike teaches us that actions and decision that we make in life have consequences and that either we like it or not we are responsible for our own actions. Sammy is simply an immature young man, not a person of principle. Sammy’s immaturity can be seen through his reactions, interaction and attitudes toward its customers, the three girls visiting the store, the â€Å"AP†establishment, and the staff. We will write a custom essay sample on The Story of John Updike or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The immaturity led him to quit his job as a cashier without thinking it through or realize the consequence. Sammy’s attitudes toward the customer show him as an immature young man. Sammy’s comments and how he described customers as being old, dull, and unable to relate to young people. He addressed the first customer he comes across as â€Å"one of these cash-register-watchers, a witch of about fifty with rouge on how cheekbone and no eyebrow, and I know it made her day to trip me up†. He also described them as a â€Å"sheep pushing their carts down the aisle†. Through Sammy’s attitude toward the customers, we can say that his tired of regular customer, regular customers including these older married women, with kids, the overweight lady, and the old ladies who spend years trying to catch an error by cashier. We can simply see his immaturity and he does not particularly care for the customers. Sammy attitude toward the three girls visiting the store reveal his 19 years old immaturity. Sammy started by describing first girl and then another in detail. He later concentrates on the most beautiful one who he called the leader – Queenie. He critiques them in his head as he watches them shop about the store. Like an immature young 19 years old boy, he analyzes them and described them one by one, but focused on Queenie. She was the queen, she did not look around, not this queen, she just walked straight on slowly, on these long white primadona legs †¦.. †But in the end, Sammy really reveal his immaturity when he relate the girls mind to â€Å"just a little buzz like bee in a glass jar†. Sammy attitudes toward the â€Å"AP†establishment as being rigid and policy organization, the policy that a bathing suit is not allow in the store especially if the shoulder is n ot covered. Sammy’s sees this AP policy as against the human constitution freedom. He believes that anybody should wear whatever they feel like wearing to anyplace. He forgets to realize that most establishments have their dress code. For example, some restaurant does not allow people to wear jeans pant to dinner. Sammy’s attitude toward the staff especially Mr. Lengel was not good at all. Mr. Lengel is a friend to Sammy’s parent and he sees Sammy as a young boy who needed to be nurture. When Mr. Lengel, the store manager told the girls that the policy of AP is to have one’s shoulder covered while shopping in the store. Sammy replies â€Å"policy is what the Kingpins want. What the others want is juvenile delinquency. †The others in this contest I believe it refer to himself. For Sammy to be a person of principle, he must realize that you must have a policy. They always say that a person of principle is a policy person. Sammy’s attitude toward Mr. Lengel and the comment he made revealed his immaturity in this stage of his life. Sammy decision to quit his cashier job at AP supermarket because of girls shows his immaturity. Sammy believes that he stand up for the rights of the girls that is the reason why he quit. If Sammy is a person of principle with common sense, he will think before he makes that decision. Sammy doesn’t think before he says â€Å"I quit†to Mr. Lengel. He let his emotion overcome him. Sammy just wants to show off to the girls, he says â€Å"I quit, to Mr. Lengel quickly enough for them to hear, hoping they’ll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero†. Sammy does not arrive at this decision because it is against his principle. Sammy even agreed with Mr. Lengel that e doesn’t want to quit, but he says when you start the gesture you need to finish it. He imagines â€Å"how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter†. Sammy immature attitudes towards its customers, the staff, the girls and the â€Å"AP†and his decision to quit revealed his immaturity in this story. Sammy wants to impress those beautiful young girls that end up leavi ng him unemployed. Also, Sammy immature action has gained him nothing and cost him everything. He allowed his romantic desires for the girls to overcome him before making the decision to quit.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Occupational Therapy Essays (1540 words) - Computer Keyboards
Occupational Therapy We are a group of occupational therapists and a new client has come to our office with the following case history: Don is a 63 year-old amateur poet. He has several of his poems published in the local newspaper but has not yet been accepted by any literary journals. Three months ago, Don had a cerebellar cerebrovascular accident that has given him significant fine motor control limitations. He is not able to hold a pencil or a pen, and when one is taped in his hand, he can not produce recognizable printing. He is able to reach a range of nearly 5 feet from side to side but cannot pick up a 1-inch cube from the table. When asked to use a keyboard, he is as likely to strike two keys away from the target as the key he is aiming for. He is able to put his finger reliably into a square that is 2 inches on a side wherever it is located within his reach. He is not able to accurately place his finger into a square that is 1.5 inches on a side, however, unless it is located directly in front of him (Anson, 1997, p. 104). Don is frustrated by his condition and needs some assistance to continue his writing. We used the decision tree to evaluate which computer adaptation would be best for Don. We determined that Don has physical limitations to the computer but has full range of the keyboard. Due to his trouble targeting specific keys, it would be increasingly difficult to simultaneously press more than one key at once. The client has frequent accidental keystrokes because of the size of the small keys. His inability to strike a single key on demand led us to expanded range of motion. Having assessed that Don could strike larger keys accurately; we reached the alternative of expanded keyboards. Upon researching expanded keyboards, we found a great variety in what each keyboard offered. The 32 key layout with 2.5- inch keys did not provide an adequate selection for Don's writing needs. Most of the standard expanded keyboards with 128 keys only have 1.5-inch keys. Some examples are Key Largo and Unicorn Expanded keyboards. Key Largo is an expanded keyboard, which works through Discover KENX. It is useful for one with coordination problems. Unicorn Expanded keyboard established the standard 128 key expanded keyboard design. We had the opportunity (in A.T. lab) to try and compare the different expanded keyboards. We appreciated that a client with difficulty reaching small keys would find these keyboards more beneficial. All keyboards require an encoder, which interprets the key. When pressed it converts it to a keyboard code, that the computer could understand. Some computers come with a built in encoder and some without. These keyboards with encoders can be connected directly to the keyboard port of the computer. Therefore no internal adaptation is needed for the computer and it doesn't interfere with any software in the computer. This is beneficial because it can be used with any operating system and software the client may need. A disadvantage to this is that the keyboard codes are not readily adaptable. This means that the keyboard layout is fixed and can't be changed by the clinician. Another consideration is that this keyboard can not be connected simultaneously with the standard keyboard. Since plugging and unplugging the keyboard is not recommended, this option is better suited for a client who would be the sole user of the computer. Expanded keyboards that do not have the built in encoder, require an external device that would interpret the codes to the computer. Although this keyboard has the disadvantage of an external device, it offers flexibility in the keyboard layout and allows for various overlays that change the layout. An example of the latter is the Key Largo keyboard mentioned above. The problem with 1.5-inch keys is the client's inability to accurately reach a key of that size unless the keyboard is positioned right in front of him. An option would be to position the client in front of the computer with the keyboard mounted close enough for him to access. Although this alternative was a possibility we preferred to find a keyboard with 2- inch keys. After researching this alternative on the internet, we found a product that matched Don's needs more efficiently. The name of the product is Expanded Keyboard for Apple II+ and IIE. This keyboard operates as a standard keyboard with the choice of 1.5 or 2-inch keys. With continued research,
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Personality and Leadership Traits
The success of organizations in different economic sectors is extensively determined by the leadership style adopted. Findings from studies conducted to determine the relationship between leadership and personality reveal that there is a strong connection between an individual’s leadership effectiveness and his or her personality (Ewen, 2003, p. 300).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personality and Leadership Traits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Individuals’ personalities determine their behavior. An individual’s personality is a strong predictor of his or her performance across different occupational levels and jobs. Different frameworks have been developed in an effort to establish the relationship between leadership style and personality. One of the dimensions used is the Big Five traits, which include agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, introversion-extraversion, a nd conscientiousness (Ewen, 2003, p.302). The agreeableness trait refers to the degree to which an individual is trusting and helpful as opposed to being uncooperative. On the other hand, neuroticism entails an individual’s emotional stability while introversion-extroversion deals with an individual’s socializing characteristics. The openness trait refers to an individual’s ability to welcome new ideas and opinions. Finally, conscientiousness evaluates an individual’s personality based on his or her reliability and hard work (Ewen, 2003, p. 302). To understand how an individual’s personality is related to his or her leadership traits, the paper uses the observations made on a 31-year-old black female supervisor with an experience of 6 months. The paper aims at evaluating how the results of the Big Five Traits compare or contrast with the observations made. From the observation made, the supervisor portrays a number of personality traits that have m ade her successful. For example, in the course of executing her duties, she illustrates a high degree of agreeableness. Agreeableness entails the degree to which an individual is helpful, cooperative, understanding, trusting, and able to relate with others effectively (Ewen, 2003, p. 302). This has arisen from the fact that most employees have developed trust in her decision-making capability as evidenced by their agreement to her supervisory judgment. Her agreeableness has enabled her to offer help to subordinate staff. Additionally, the supervisor’s enthusiasm has enabled her to connect with the employees thus establishing an effective learning opportunity for employees (Biech, 2007, p.52). As one of the dimensions of the Big Five traits, the conscientiousness trait asserts that a leader should be reliable and hardworking (Ewen, 2003, p. 302). Analysis of the supervisor’s personality reveals that she is very conscientious.Advertising Looking for assessment on bu siness economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Considering that the supervisor works for a service company that specializes in providing care to individuals with mental challenges, the supervisor is very concerned about the effectiveness of the staff in the delivery of their services during their training. This is evidenced by the fact that she conducts comprehensive analysis of each employee’s strengths and needs. This has significantly contributed towards ensuring effective crisis stabilization services for staff. An understanding of the needs of employees is very important in the success of an organization (Biech, 2007, p. 53). This arises from the fact that it contributes towards the development of an environment conducive for working. One of the factors making the supervisor conscientious is that she has developed effective communication skills. By nurturing effective communication within a firm, organizational lead ers are able to develop a high degree of cohesiveness (Ewen, 2003, p. 302). As a supervisor of a service based institution, she appreciates the fact that development of an effective human capital is one of the major sources of competitive advantage for firms. Additionally, her conscientiousness has enabled her avoid possible misunderstanding that may occur in the course of executing her duties. This has had significant effects in her decision-making with regard to the best course of action in line with findings of the analysis conducted. The resultant effect is that she has been very successful in influencing the employees positively. Additionally, her conscientiousness has also enabled her to be effective in offering directional influence to employees. Provision of directional influence to employees is very vital in firms’ effort to achieve their goals. As a result, she has nurtured a working environment that all the employees like. The supervisor’s conscientiousness, as one of the leadership traits, is also evidenced by the fact that she is hardworking. For example, she is ready to sacrifice her time and work overtime when requested by her seniors. Therefore, it is possible for the supervisor to inspire the employees to develop such a behavior in order to be successful (Griffin, 2007, p. 217). To be an effective leader, one should associate and socialize with others effectively. Through socialization, a leader will understand the employees and issues affecting them. Additionally, socialization contributes towards the development of a strong bond between the leader and the followers.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personality and Leadership Traits specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In executing her duty, the supervisor is very committed towards understanding the staff’s strengths and needs. This has been attained by nurturing an effective communication environment with the employees. This makes it evident that the supervisor is not an introvert but rather an extrovert. In their operation, organizations cannot rule out the occurrence of challenges considering that they constitute different employees of different backgrounds. An example of such challenges entails the occurrence of conflicts amongst the employees. For example, conflict between employees may arise because of cultural and ideological differences. To ensure that such employees’ conflicts do not affect the operation of the organization, it is paramount for the leadership to be effective with regard to problem solving. This means that team leaders should act as mediators to situations facing them. One of the ways through which leaders can be effective in problem solving is by fostering an atmosphere that results to the development of openness between the management staff and their subordinates (Biech, 2007, p. 53). One of the factors that have contributed towards the supervis or’s effectiveness with regard to problem solving arises from the fact that she is a team player. Because of her openness, the supervisor is willing to provide her staff with an opportunity to air their opinions and ideas with regard to certain issues facing them. This has played a critical role with regard to the organization being successful in attaining the established goals. In line with this, her ability to nurture and maintain an effective relationship with the employees enables her to recognize the problems they are experiencing. Additionally, her openness to new experience has significantly improved her creativity with regard to problem solving. This is evidenced by the fact that she can incorporate effective problem solving method thus maintaining cohesiveness amongst the employees. Considering the dynamic nature of the business environment, it is paramount for organizational leaders to be non-conformist and creative (Biech, 2007, p. 54). On the other hand, neurotici sm refers to the degree to which an individual is either emotionally stable or unstable (Ewen, 2003, p. 302). In their operation, leaders have an obligation to provide direction to their subordinate’s staff. As a result, they are supposed to act calmly despite the fact that some situations may be emotionally destabilizing. From the observations made, the supervisor is quick in recognizing and adapting to staff problems.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has enabled the employee to dispel possible anxiety that might arise. Her ability to interpret situations facing employees enables her to be calm. According to Griffin (2007, p. 265), possessing less negative emotionality is very important amongst organizational leaders. This arises from the fact that they can cope with job pressure, tensions, and stress. Based on the detailed expositions made in the paper, it suffices to declare the Big Five Traits test a working criterion of telling where a person lies in terms of his or her characteristics. Therefore, an analysis of the observations made reveals that the supervisor has a relatively higher rating based on the Big Five traits. This is evidenced by the fact that the supervisor depicts a high score with regard to being agreeable, an extrovert, open to new experience, and conscientiousness. Because of these traits, the supervisor has been able to develop a high degree of cohesiveness, in addition to creating an effective working environment. Additionally, these traits have enabled the supervisor to be effective in inspiring the staff towards ensuring the attainment of optimal performance in the course of executing their duties. With regard to neuroticism, the supervisor portrays a relatively low score with a degree of emotionality. In summary, the supervisor’s success with regard to her leadership ability is strongly related to her personality traits. Reference List Biech, E. (2007). Thriving through change: A leader’s practical guide to change Mastery. Alexandria: ASTD Press. Ewen, R. ( 2003). An introduction to theories of personality. New York: Routledge. Griffin, R. (2007). Fundamentals of management. New York: Cengage. This assessment on Personality and Leadership Traits was written and submitted by user Elle Spears to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
College SAT Requirements How to Find What SAT Score You Need
College SAT Requirements How to Find What SAT Score You Need SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Maybe you already know your top college choice. Now you want to know what SAT score you need to get into your dream school. Unfortunately, there’s no simple answer. Generally, there is no SAT score requirement that guarantees you admission, especially for the most selective colleges. Conversely, there usually isn’t an SAT score that will automatically disqualify you from admission because schools use holistic admissions. Your application will be evaluated on your GPA, extracurricular activities, recommendations, personal essay, and SAT score. However, your SAT score will significantly increase or decrease your likelihood of admission, and you can use available statistics to determine the SAT score you need to improve your chances of being able to attend a certain college. Colleges generally say that they don't have SAT requirements, but if you get an 800 and want to go to Harvard, statistically, you have nearly a 0% chance of gaining admission. In this article, I will discuss SAT score requirements and how your SAT score impacts the college admissions process. Will Your SAT Score Guarantee Your College Admission? Alone, your SAT score can't guarantee your college acceptance. At the most selective schools, even students with perfect SAT scores are routinely rejected. Remember that your SAT score is only one component of your application, albeit a very important one. An article from a 2013 edition of Stanford Magazine stated that 69% of Stanford applicants from the previous 5 years with perfect 2400 SAT scores (on the old test) were denied admission. And, since then, the overall acceptance rate to Stanford has dropped even lower. While your SAT score alone can't guarantee your admission to a specific college, there are colleges where your SAT score combined with your GPA can guarantee admission. For California students, at the University of California, if your grades and standardized test scores combined are in the top 9% of California high school graduates and you're not accepted to any of the UC campuses you apply to, you'll be offered a spot at another campus if space is available. Additionally, other states have guaranteed admission at some or all of their public universities if you obtain a certain GPA and SAT score. Some of the states that offer guaranteed admission include Iowa, Nevada, Texas, and Missouri. You should check the admissions requirements on a college's website to see if there is a similar program and to find out the GPA and SAT score requirements for automatic admission. What Score Do You Need to Increase Your Chances of Admission? The SAT score required to improve your odds of gaining admission to a school varies depending on the school. Generally, you should aim for at least the 75th percentile SAT score of that college for your score to positively influence your application. Most schools publish their 25th and 75th percentile scores. The logic behind this strategy is that if your SAT score is well above the score of the majority of students at the school, then your SAT score will undoubtedly help you when your application is evaluated. Remember that if you score above the 75th percentile for a school, then you've scored higher than at least 75% of the students who go there. Your scores will compare favorably to those of current students and that will significantly improve your chances of getting in. Even during the years when Stanford rejected 69% of applicants with perfect SAT scores, the 31% acceptance rate for students with perfect SAT scores was much, much higher than the overall acceptance rate. During that time, the acceptance rate was 6%-8%. Students who got perfect SAT scores gave themselves a dramatically better chance of being accepted than if they had gotten an average score for a Stanford applicant. If your SAT score is closer to the 25th percentile, then another component of your application should be outstanding to have a realistic shot at admission. If your score is significantly lower than the 25th percentile, your odds of getting in are very slim. How to Find a School's 25th/75th Percentile SAT Scores To find a school's 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores, you can use the PrepScholar database. We've done the work for you. On your favorite search engine, you can plug in "(school name) SAT requirements prepscholar" and you'll get the answers you're looking for. For example, if you're searching for UCLA, just Google "UCLA SAT requirements prepscholar." Here is all the information for Stanford University. For another example, here is all the information for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Also, you should find out a school's policy regarding score choice and superscoring. PrepScholar college profiles provide that info to you as well. How to Determine Your SAT Target Score When preparing for your SAT, you should have a target score in mind. Your target score can influence your studying, test-taking strategies, and motivate you to keep improving your SAT skills. Here's how to determine your SAT target score. Make a list of the schools you're interested in applying to. The average of their 75th percentile SAT scores will be your target score. To determine your section target scores, divide your SAT target score by 2. If you're applying to an engineering or science program, your math score can be slightly higher. Similarly, if you're applying to a humanities program, your reading and writing score can be slightly higher. For more specific information about SAT target scores, check out the post on what's a good SAT score. Will Getting a Low SAT Score Prevent You From Going to College? Getting a low SAT score may prevent you from getting into the college of your dreams, but it shouldn't stop you from going to college. There are a number of schools that don't require SAT scores at all. Also, most community colleges don't require SAT scores. You always have the option of going to a 2-year college and transferring to a 4-year university. Keep in mind that if you do poorly on your SAT, high grades in college prep classes can compensate for low test scores. How well you do in four years of high school is more important to colleges than how well you do on one standardized test. However, if you want to compete in NCAA sports, there are minimum SAT and ACT scores you need to be eligible to compete. It's still possible to get into college if you have low SAT scores. There may not be strict SAT requirements for specific colleges or college in general, but doing well on your SAT should give you more college options and increase your likelihood that you'll be admitted to the colleges you want to attend. What's Next? For those of you still hoping to reach your SAT target score, read these articles on how to improve your SAT score and how to get a perfect SAT score. Also, learn how to build the most versatile college application. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Justin Berkman About the Author Justin has extensive experience teaching SAT prep and guiding high school students through the college admissions and selection process. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discuss the relationships between ethnic nationalism and the body Essay - 1
Discuss the relationships between ethnic nationalism and the body - Essay Example Ethnic nationality and the individual’s identity are closely interrelated. Roginsky (34) points out that nations are comprised of sexed objects, a statement which means that sexuality has an important role to play in the social construction of national as well as gender identities. The author argues that the interrelationship between gender, nationalism and sexuality is amoral code which is beneficial one gender, nation, and sexuality over others. In ethnic nationalities, the leaders are normally men, while women normally are given roles to stay in the background and let men run things. According to Roginsky, individuals normally contest or construct â€Å"their ascribed ethnicity within specific social contexts of power and domination based on class and gender inequalities†(44). When looked at from a gender point of view, this statement means that individuals, both men and women, all have a role to play in the creation of states and their ethnic identities. These roles are shaped by the individuals being citizens or members of a nation, or by being members of a certain ethnic group. Nationalism has been known to function with masculine imperatives (Eisenstein 66). Women have so far had very little chance to play national roles, which have all been left to men. When it comes to ethnic nationalism, it is evident in many communities that men call the shots. Men chart their own paths, but they also play a big role in deciding the roles that should be played by women. Ethnic nationalism has in many cases led to conflict and sometimes violence that has seen many people loose lives. The main cause of these conflicts is the lack of inclusion of certain groups of people in the region in the general leadership structures. Ethnicity has the negative effect of dividing people and thus making it hard for them to collaborate to achieve a common objective (Sofos 42). Ethnic nationalism has been one
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Corporate Financing Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Corporate Financing Report - Essay Example The company's chief also stated that this is done to increase the value of business for shareholders and to utilize the cash which is lying idle. The article is about financial management, because according to the fundamental principle, any cash lying idle is decreasing its future value. Therefore, all cash must be earning some returns too keep up with the future value. On the other hand if you look at the article critically, there are some weak arguments in it. When the firm says that it want to diversify to spread the risk, it should be aware that recession hits all the business and they may not be able to cover the losses. Similarly, firm will also have to make deep analysis about the future value of their investment. They cannot just invest in anything but they should make sure that they investing at the right place where the firm is not using future value of their cash, in other words, returns on this investment or profits should be greater than inflation rate in the country. Only this way future value of their money will remain stable and writer should have discussed this point in his article. If you have been able to crack a continued trend in the market about inflation rate and interest rate, you should adjust your capital spending on the basis of these. You should always go for those assets which are going to give you more return than inflation rate. ... you 12% returns whereas inflation rate in your country is 13%, then you should not buy this assets because you will be 1% worse off or your money value will be decreasing over time. Similarly, you should go for those assets which are giving you returns of more than the inflation rate and in this way purchasing power of money will not be deteriorating. Similarly, you should borrow money to invest in capital expenditure, only if it is deemed that you'll get more returns than the interest rate. If you buy an asset giving you 5% return whereas you have borrowed money at the rate of 8% then you will not be benefiting from that purchase but instead you will be losing money. So, identifying the market trend, it is imperative that all capital spending should be linked with inflation and interest rate. Such expenditures should only take play if the returns of this spending are greater than the forecasted inflation and interest rate. References James Pethokoukis, Reuters, Written on 10 June
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Planar Ultra Wideband Antenna for Microwave Imaging System for Medical Essay - 2
Planar Ultra Wideband Antenna for Microwave Imaging System for Medical Application (Project Debrief) - Essay Example I am feeling fortunate to have got an opportunity to work under IAP on the project titled ‘Planar Ultra Wideband Antenna for Microwave Imaging System for Medical Application’. For me it was a God sent opportunity as I had got an opportunity to not only put theory to practice at a workplace setting but had even got a chance to work on the subject (medical technology) whose wonders have been inspiring me for over a decade when we got a wireless hearing aid for my grandmother – now an octogenarian. For this project Centre for Wireless Monitoring and Applications (CWMA) was my industry partner. CWMA has a number of achievements to its credit and the research at CWMA is powered by a battery of internationally acclaimed researchers. Prof. Amin Abbosh – a international expert and a point of reference in Ultra-Wideband Imaging, accepted me as his researcher and it was a very exceptional learning experience to work with him. The 15 weeks assignment started on 27th July. I prepared a Gantt chart for the project and it was designed on the basis of the Table 1. (Annexure I). From the beginning of the project I followed project management principles. After preparing the project plan and the Gantt chart, since I had not worked on any simulation tool, and to design the antenna the simulation tool had to play a crucial role. Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio (CST MWS) being a specialist tool for the 3D EM simulation of high frequency was used. The first jolt I suffered in the project was the delay I had to face in getting CST MWS from the University, I got it almost a month later than desired. I had to double up to meet the project milestones. While working on CST MSW, I started working on the literature survey. I utilized IEEE Explore (IEEE’s the digital library) at the University. Since I reside away from the University I
Friday, November 15, 2019
Healthy and Safety Review of Business
Healthy and Safety Review of Business WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY BOLT AND CATCH PTY LTD AUDIT AND REVIEW An in-depth review of work health and safety from within the Bolt And Catch Pty Ltd business. This report will additionally include a formal WHS audit and recommendations for improvements to various workplace health and safety aspects of the company. Reported conducted and written by Edin Jusupovic. Scope of Report Report Objectives The objectives will be listed below for this report. Identify Workplace Health and Safety legal requirements for Bolt and Catch. Identify all potential hazards in the B C risk register. Identify potential hazards, assess any associated risk and, in turn, develop appropriate controls for the identified risks additionally record any responsibilities and set key performance indicators in the form of completion dates for any actions that are to be taken. Develop a draft procedure for identifying hazards, hazard assessment procedures and controlling any associated risks. Provide recommendations for ensuring continual compliance with any relevant legislations for workplace health and safety. Conduct an audit of the workplace that will later be used to achieve the outlined report objectives. Parameters The parameters, otherwise known as limitations or scope of this report will be outlined below. Limited to the results obtained through the audit of the report. Parameters limited to the Bolt and Catch business only. Constraints Any applicable constraints to the report will be listed below. Any research must be using appropriate legislations that are applicable Australia wide or local (applicable to NSW) and as such, must not use other any other states workplace health and safety laws or legislations for the purpose of this report. COMPANY BACKGROUND Bolt and Catch is an ASIC registered proprietary limited company located in Australia, New South Wales. The company is a large manufacturer of gate bolts and hinges with a long reputable history of well over seventy years in the industry. The company provides a variety of manufacturing products tailored for both commercial and agricultural use. STAFF Bolt and Catch currently employs 120 people spanning a large variety of company areas. These staff departments include areas such as; Human Resources Marketing and Sales Engineering Trade and Production Personnel. AREA OF WORK Bolt and Catch has a primary area of work in manufacturing gate bolts and hinges. These manufactured goods are then deployed by other businesses for a variety of purposes such as commercial and agricultural use. The company engages in both manufacturing and marketing of the products, alongside sales; this is made possible through dedicated departments within the business. The BC risk register can be seen in Appendix A. This register was obtained through Safe Work Australia Code of practice for management of work health and safety risks, 2011 edition. The BC risk register has several functional components; Hazard Harm as a result of identified hazard Likelihood of hazard occurring Level of risk Effectiveness of current controls Further control requirements and suggestions Control implementation information The following may be used in the risk register as identifiers; Level of Risk Scoring CRITICAL A HIGH B MEDIUM C LOW D Likelihood Scoring HIGH A MEDIUM B INTERMEDIATE C LOW D The BC risk register is an important audit tool for reviewing the workplace health and safety at Bolt and Catch Pty Ltd. Purpose The purpose of this document is to create a procedural system for ensuring hazards are identified, assessed based on risk and are controlled to provide effective safety management in the Bolt and Catch workplace. Introduction Through New South Wales workplace health and safety legislation, we identify a PCBU, or otherwise known as a Person Conducting A Business or Undertaking with certain core safety responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety act of 2011. This legislation states that a PCBU must manage risks to health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable. A risk management system involves considering the careful identification of applicable hazards and providing assessment of these risks and hazards followed by the expulsion and removal of any risks in the first occurrence, or, if this is not possible reducing these risks as far as is reasonably practicable. The risk management system is highly recommended for the following reasons; It is an extremely feasible and easily applicable approach and system. Cost effective when compared to similar management systems. Provides a wide range of support for all associated parties including workers, contractors, visitors and any other people associated with Bolt and Catch. Allows Bolt and Catch Pty Ltd to provide the required level of duty of care to all staff, customers and contractors and, so that the company may meet all necessary legislations pertaining to health and safety. Workplace health and safety hazard identification, assessment and potential control is a continuous process that must be executed throughout various periods and situations, these can include; When new data is made available about a risk and/or if issues or concerns are raised about any existing risk. Continuous improvement by ensuring regular reviews at appropriate times in the workplace. The process should be undertaken if it has not been conducted before. The process should be conducted if a hazard has been identified. Undertaken as part of responding to an incident, regardless of whether an injury has or has not occurred. The process should be executed when any changes are introduced and/or any changes that may affect a hazard or cause a potential new hazard. The scope of this can include any changes in the workplace, equipment, procedures, general environment or practices. The procedure outlined below is designed to be an easily applied guide to assist in ensuring the safety for workers, contractors, visitors and any applicable associated parties with Bolts and Catch Pty Ltd. The policy will assist both workers and management, through careful consulting, to comply with workplace health and safety legislation. Recording and bookkeeping of any risk management activities, such as risk assessments and consultation processes will be required. This process will assist in; Discovering any potential new hazards in the workplace. Monitoring, auditing and reviewing the effectiveness of any applied control measures. Setting and determining control measures in order to expel or minimize the magnitude of any risks in the workplace. Conducting assessments to assess the risks that may potentially result from hazards. Definitions This section will provide clarification for any definitions in the policy. PCBU: A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) is a legal term under WHS laws for individuals, businesses or organizations that are conducting business. A person who performs work for a PCBU is considered a worker. Risk: A situation involving exposure to danger. Risk control: Risk control is the method by which firms evaluate potential losses and take action to reduce or eliminate such threats. Risk assessment: a systematic process of evaluating the potential risks that may be involved in a projected activity or undertaking. Hazard: A danger or risk. Hazard identification: Hazard identification is a process used to identify possible situations where people may be exposed to injury, illness or disease, the type of injury or illness that may result from these and the way in which work is organized and managed. WHS: Occupational safety and health (OSH), also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS), occupational health, or workplace health and safety (WHS), is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work. Monitor and review: Monitoring and reviewing is a planned part of the risk management process and involves regular checking or surveillance. The results should be recorded and reported externally and internally, as appropriate. The results should also be an input to the review and continuous improvement of the firms risk management framework. ACCOUNTABILITY Ensuring the efficient and effective management of risk requires continual commitment to the process and system from all managers and officers, including any input and involvement of workers or applicable staff. The responsibility of workplace health and safety additionally extends to all management and supervisory staff the scope of their role in WHS is to ensure that this policy, in its entirety, is completely implemented in their areas of potential control and, to consult where possible with workers, contractors and any other applicable staff as part of undertaking the hazard identification, risk assessment and control process outlined in this policy. A key accountability area in any WHS policy are officers; whom have a direct responsibility of safeguarding and ensuring that their area or areas of control are completely compliant with all relevant legislative requirements. Risk Assessment Procedure The bibliography section of this report will provide any references to links, images or resources that have been utilized in production of this WHS report. This page has been left blank Appendix A Location: Date: Hazard What is the harm that the hazard could cause? What is the likelihood that the harm would occur? What is the level of risk? How effective are the current controls? What further controls are required? How will the controls be implemented? Action by Due Date When Completed Some staff in the press room are failing to wear protective equipment. Personal Injury. B B Current controls are intermediate however, not enforced. Further safety training required. Supervision. 05/01/2017 10/01/2017 No protective equipment around the three new Chinese press machines. Limb loss. Personal Injury. A A Current controls are poor as the machines lack protection. Implement and add safety equipment to machines. 05/01/2017 08/01/2017 Noise pollution in progress room, staff shouting to communicate. Prolonged exposure can lead to hearing loss. Inability to communicate. C C Current controls are very poorly effective. Supervision to minimize risk. Find new communication methods Implement safety equipment for ears. 05/01/2017 10/01/2017 New Chinese presses do not have adequate safety features no head guarding around stamp press. Machine may malfunction, cause serious safety issue. C A Current controls are extremely poor and nonexistent. Purchase and implement new safety features for the stamp presses. 05/01/2017 07/01/2017 Imported Chinese presses do not have English instructions and have text translated by an employee. Misuse of machine as a result of poor instructions. B B Current controls are intermediately effective. Obtain certified translated instructions by a translator. Ensure staff review new instructions. 05/01/2017 08/01/2017 Sign placement is incorrect start, jog and stop buttons placed out of sight and directly above operators head, outside line of sight. Inability to shut machine off in event of emergency. Inability to reach controls correctly. Operator(s) hurt or injured. A B Current controls in their current state are poor. Placement of signs will need to be moved and adjusted to ensure it is within compliance. Ensure signs can be viewed. 05/01/2017 10/01/2017 Fork lift drivers in carpark. High risk for people who frequent hotel area may result in accidents. B C The current controls in place are not existent and poor. Implement signage. Train and development for forklift drivers. 05/01/2017 09/01/2017
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Conextualizing Homebody/Kabul Essay -- Essays Papers
Conextualizing Homebody/Kabul In the aftermath of the bombing of the Twin Towers on September 11 th, Tony Kushner’s Homebody/Kabul has received remarkable acclaim from its opening in New York City in December of 2001. Written â€Å"before September 11th, before we began bombing,†Kushner’s play is a startling look into Kabul, Afghanistan, a world once ruled by sharia hudud and strangled by poverty, violence and the world’s apathy (Homebody/Kabul 144). It chronicles the story of one middle-aged British woman, the ‘Homebody,’ and her life-changing encounter with an Afghan refugee in an import shop in London, her subsequent flight to and disputed death in Kabul, and the stories of her daughter and husband who travel to Kabul to recover her. Brushed with dark humor and realism, this play offers a haunting glimmer of the ignorance the West to war-torn countries of this world. The Homebody only appears for the opening monologue, an excerpt of which I have selected to perform, yet her character sets the plot for this entire award winning drama. Throughout her monologue, her speech is lyrical, loquacious to the point of being ridiculous, and in moments, magnificently contrived to illumine connections between her life and the sorrow of others. As the play opens, she is seated in an armchair on stage, a guidebook to Afghanistan in her lap, which she proceeds to read aloud, interrupting herself with tangent thoughts that spiral and twist away from any tangible organization of ideas, save that of relying the story of the man in the hat shop and the imaginary world she creates from this encounter. The excerpt I have selected is remarkable for the gravity of feeling the Homebody relates, and the sensitivity she exhibits, empathizing with ... ...bombs rendered them. In preparing the delivery this monologue, I have learned much about Islamic extremism and my own ignorance of the suffering of the Afghan people, women in particular. As an avid advocate of reading and writing for every person, I found the restrictions placed on Muslim women in particular to be hideous. Through this drama, I have learned that extremists of a faith to not constitute the spirit of a faith, and that Islam is a religion as equally misinterpreted by the public as Christianity is today. Wherever people are permitted to let their own political and cultural philosophies override the truth and tradition of sacred scripture, there is a crookedness of reality; Afghanistan was one such nation, and its pain depicted in this play is real and running with living blood today. I hope to do justice to this depiction in the delivery of my monologue.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Blindside
The blindside movie versus the book Robert ward Chowan University This paper was prepared for [critical thinking 102, section c], taught by Professor Collins Blindside truths and lies In the movie the blindside there are many truths and differences from the book. Some of them more evident than others. In this movie/book critique I will explain the many truths and lies, to better explain the real story of Michael oher.Some key examples of the truths are the truth of big mikes parents; also what are the toughys real professions. Key examples of lies between the two stories would be how the toughys actually discovered big mike, was Michael really a timid player as portrayed in the movie, and did mike really throw a rival player a fence in a high school game. The Blind Side true story reveals that Michael’s birth mother had been addicted to crack cocaine. (ChasingtheFrog. om, 2013) this was also clearly stated in the movie, just like mikes father which in the movie we learn he was murdered but in the book we learn in detail that he was shot and thrown off an over pass. (The Blind Side: Evolution of Game 2012). other than the truths about big mikes real parents we also learn about the toughys. In reality Leanne was actually an interior decorator who eventually helped Michael decorate his own house. Sean toughy was also an owner of a major fast food chain.One of the most disputed facts was when in the movie did Michael ever have a bed to himself. We learn from a comparison of the book and movie that is was truly stated that until moving in with the toughys Michael had never had a bed to himself being he had eleven other siblings growing up. There are actually a lot of similarities in the movie and the book but most are very small and not easily noticed. What you have to understand when looking at a movie or reading a book based on the same story is that it is basically impossible to have everything due to the facts that they are ortrayed by two different direc tors perspectives , and a movie can’t last nearly as long as a book. There are many false truths about the blindside either to make a better story or the actual truth was not known at the time the movie was created. One example would be who was the first family member to make contact with Michael. In the movie we find that big mike was first approached by Leanne when she spotted him walking in the rain at night. The book says that sean senior saw him Collins volleyball game picking up old popcorn.The actuality is that Collins noticed the large man mike and told her father who began to pay for mikes lunch when he realized he did not have the money to buy it himself. Another example would be did mike actually fight in hurt village as seen in the movie. The truth is that was false to he did fight but the person who he fought was a teammate at ole miss. The reasons for the fight are the same though. Works Cited ChasingtheFrog. com. (2013). Retrieved march 3, 2013, from Chasingthe Frog. com: http://www. chasingthefrog. com/reelfaces/blindside. php
Friday, November 8, 2019
Lab report calibration of volumetric flask Essay Example
Lab report calibration of volumetric flask Essay Example Lab report calibration of volumetric flask Paper Lab report calibration of volumetric flask Paper The accuracy of the measurement the volumes is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantitys actual volumes while the precision of the volumes is the degree to which repeated agreements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Each of volumetric glassware is marked with its total volume, the notation of AD for to deliver and ETC for to contain and also with the temperature at which the calibration applies. For greatest accuracy, volumetric glassware should be calibrated to measure the volume that is actually contained in or delivered by a particular piece of glassware. The calibration is done by measuring the mass of water contained in or delivered by the glassware. The density of water at a particular temperature is used to convert mass into volume. Pipettes and burettes are calibrated to deliver specific volumes whereas, volumetric flasks are calibrated to contain basis. MATERIAL AND PROCEDURE The materials used in the experiment were:- 10 ml volumetric pipette 25 ml volumetric pipette 100 ml volumetric flask 50 ml measuring cylinder Distilled water Plastic dropper 100 ml beaker 250 ml beaker The procedure 1. Calibration of a volumetric pipette ( 10 ml and 25 ml ) a) An empty ml beaker was weighed to the nearest milliard using electronic weigh balance. B) The ml pipette was filled to the mark with distilled water. C) The water was drained by gravity (remove pipette bulb or pump) into the beaker and caps the bottle to prevent evaporation. D) The bottle was weighed again to find the mass of water delivered from the pipette. E) Then used the following equation to convert mass to volume. F) The above procedure was performed on each of the pipette. G) The experiment was repeated for 2 times. The calibration was done by measuring the mass of water contained in or delivered by the glassware. The density of water at a particular temperature which is measured is used to convert mass into volume. Pipettes is calibrated to deliver specific lumen whereas volumetric flasks are calibrated on a contain basis. BRIEF THEORY: In this experiment, we were exposed to a variety of important concepts related to quantitative experimentation, including the proper use of measuring cylinder, volumetric glassware, analytical balances and statistics. We calibrated a volumetric pipette that was where experimentally determined what volume a pipette or flask really delivers. We also calibrated a beaker and 50 ml burette. A table was constructed according to the result. In this experiment, accuracy and precision is important. The brief theory of calibration of glassware is accuracy and precision. Accuracy is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantitys actual volumes while the precision of the volumes is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results. For the accuracy and precision of the measurement, scientists need to calibrate their volumetric glassware periodically. Calibration of Volumetric Glassware experiment is designed to help participants to learn both theories and practical skills to effectively calibrate and verify their volumetric glassware. The mass of water, container and temperature is measured and recorded. From the data recorded, we can observe that all the experiment results are not in accurate and stable. For the Mimi pipette experiment, the result is increase from Trial 1 to Trial 2 but decrease from Trial 2 to Trial 3. Then for the ml pipette experiment, the result is decrease from Trial 1 to Trial 2 but from Trial 2 to Trial 3, the result is increase. After that, for ml volumetric flask the result is decrease from Trial 1 to Trial 2 but increase from Trial 2 to Trial 3. For ml measuring cylinder, the result is decrease from Trial 1 to Trial 3. When the results are compared to he theory, we can conclude that our result for experiment is not accurate but precise. It is not accurate because of the different pressure from surrounding. But then, the results are precise because all the measurement recorded shows the same results. From this experiment, there are possible error occur. Firstly, error occurs during measure on electronic weigh balance. Second, the apparatus is not dry and cleaned in a proper way. Third, parallax error occurs during measure the apparatus. CONCLUSION In conclusion, this experiment is conducted to investigate how to calibrate the quid accurately and precisely by using volumetric glassware. In order to study the problem, we did three complete trials for each of the calibration of volumetric glassware. My results showed that the trial with the highest relative standard deviation was 100 ml volumetric glassware while the lowest greatest relative standard deviation was 50 ml measuring cylinder. This can conclude that the accuracy of the volumetric glassware is affected by the sensitivity of the instruments. In order to overcome the error, we have to make sure that the eye position is perpendicular to the reading scale of the apparatus to avoid parallax error. Besides that, the beaker should be clean and dry properly so that there is no water left which can affect the mass of the next trial. Apart from that, the volumetric glassware should be weight properly in order to get the accurate and precise results. APPENDIX Questions 1 . Please tell in simplest way what calibration is.. Calibration is a comparison between measurements which is known as magnitude or correctness made or set with one device and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device. 2. Draw a flowchart for the calibration of 50 ml measuring cylinder. . With the reference to the capacity of the glassware you have chosen, give a set of reading to illustrate the meaning of good accuracy and poor precision. With reference to the capacity of the glassware you have chosen, give asset Accuracy is how close the measurement is to the actual measurement. Good accuracy and poor precision means the readings of the measurements are not particularly close to each other but the readings are close to the actual reading of the glassware chosen. Example: The capacity of the measuring cylinder is ml. The measurements taken: 48. Ml, 50. Ml, 49. Ml, 47. Ml, ml, 50. Ml. This distribution shows no impressive tendency toward a particular value (lack of precision) but each value does come close to the actual volume (high accuracy). . What does standard deviation, o, indicate? The standard deviation is a measure that summaries the amount by which every value within a dataset varies from the mean. Effectively it indicates how tightly the values in the dataset are bunched around the mean value. It is the most robust and widely used measure of dispersion since, unlike the range and inter- quartile range; it tak es into account every variable in the dataset. When the values in a dataset are pretty tightly bunched together the standard deviation is small.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pager Vs. Cell Phone Essays - Mobile Technology, Free Essays
Pager Vs. Cell Phone Essays - Mobile Technology, Free Essays Pager Vs. Cell Phone What Does This Message Mean? Today devices known as Pagers are over flooding the world of communication. Pagers are devices that bring confusion to their users. The most common problem would be the method of sending a message. To send a message is very simple but you cannot give the message its sense of seriousness. That is why some Pagers owners discard messages that in fact might be a serious matter. Beginning in the late seventys when pagers started to gain popularity, more problems occurred after the necessity to add more area codes. This also affected the people who dont own Pagers. In the late eighties a solution to the problem was introduced. The Cellular Phone was to be the next generation of wireless communication. The features that the Cell Phone provides prove it is better than a pager. Therefore eliminating the pager out of the market is justified, and can be done in a few years. Since the first day pagers were available, they didnt provide many features. One negative aspect of a pager is that the receiver cannot determine if the message is important or not. Other than displaying the senders number, it can display time and date - big deal. Some newer pagers are able to display text messages. This feature gives the owner more information about the page that he receives but he cannot determine the importance of the message. The message that a sender composes isnt as articulate a verbal conversation would be. The Positive aspects of a Pager are questionable. The popularity of pagers is most common among teenagers. Some people say that Pagers can be a good start for teenagers into their adolescent life. Some parents do not allow their children to own beepers. But later these parents notice the importance and eventually change their mind. A mother from Chicago, Kathy Nelson says We (parents) were adamantly opposed to beepers because of the drug connotations and the ban in school, they both got them without permission, then they told us. But I've had a complete turn around. Now I can always reach them and they always call me back. Robert Sack, psychiatrist from Virginia says, Pagers should be a privilege, like having your own phone. They shouldn't be abused. But in a lot of cases it keeps the kid honest because they can be tracked down. The reason these two examples are questionable is because the parents arent the users of the pagers. They know that they are sending a message to their child , and they think that their child will perceive it the way they do. Most of the time the message isnt perceived by the receiver the same way the sender does. This doesnt happen in a verbal conversation. The nineties are the decade of the Cell phone. Service providers are running out of numbers, new area codes are required, and more confusion is created. But the up of this down would be that no matter what the cell phone is better than the Pager. The cell phone has more convenient features, and is classified as the number one candidate for the exchange between a pager. The cell phone is a very unique unit. It can be used as a pager, and regular phone, with the convenience of being mobile. Cell phones may also have a feature known to most people as caller ID. This feature can be utilized as a pager. Cell phones are a very quick way to reach a person immediately when in need. The best feature of a cell phone is that the user verbally communicates with the other person. There are no numbers, no awkward codes, or twenty-second limits. On a cell phone, just like any other phone, the user can be more expressive and to the point. This function is very important because pager users dont have this function, and they arent as reliable as phones. The most important feature every consumer is looking for is the price of operating such devices. Pagers range from $20 to $100 per unit. The service ranges from $0 (caller pays) to $40 a month. A Cell phone costs a slightly more. Price ranges from $40 to $200 per unit,
Sunday, November 3, 2019
HIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HIS - Assignment Example 4. What group was targeted for employment in American factories? American factories targeted poor recent immigrants to work. Irish, German, and French immigrants worked in American factories in the first half of the 19th century. 5. How did banks stimulate the economy? Banks stimualated the economy by lending money to entrepeneurs who wanted to capitalize on the ever-growing American movement West. They also helped finance speculators buying real estate and investing in industrialization. 6. Why did voter turnout continue to rise in the 1830s?Voter turnout continued to rise in the 1830s because more and more people were given the opportunity to vote. Voting was becoming more democratized, with less restrictions on people to vote (ie. Land owning, Christian, etc.). As America settled westward, more people were involved politically. 7. What had happened to the Republican Party by the election of 1832?By 1832, the Republican party of Jefferson had crumbled, replaced by the Democrats and the common man party of Andrew Jackson and the federalist Whig Party. It would reappear in the 1850s with Abraham Lincoln and an anti-slavery focus, and continue to be the Republican party of modern times. 8. What most defined Jacksons presidency?ANdrew Jackson’s presidency was most defined by the first election of a â€Å"self-made man.†He was not highly educated or an Eastern elite, but a westerner, a sel-made man, and a man of battle, who represented the common man and the West in his ascendancy to the presidency. Some would say his ignoring the US Supreme Court in Worcester v Georgia and moving the American Indians westward on the Trail of Tears to be an infamous legacy as well. to save them? Why?Of course, there were other ways to â€Å"save†the American Indians of the East, but would have come at a cost to American expansion and
Friday, November 1, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36
History - Essay Example Hence, this admirable character enhances the effectiveness of the results in activities Germans engage in. Hence, Germans are viewed as thinkers while Americans are action oriented (Nees). Germans often pass as individuals who do not have a â€Å"can-do†attitude. In this case, they tend to take caution when approaching issues and accept that there are some challenging situations. Therefore, Americans view this as a typical negative attitude in Germans since Americans believe everything is possible. In fact, Americans instill the â€Å"everything is possible†attitude to their children when young. Case in point, any American child would say that they would want to become anything in life, even being the president of the United States. However, the cautious character in Germans is admirable since it represents practicality in life although Americans associate it as with a lack of creativity amongst the Germans (Nees). Germans’ listening style during communication is very different from the Americans. In this regard, Germans listen keenly to a conversation waiting for pauses in order to respond. On the other hand, Americans tend to nod, gesture, or even make a comment when the other party is talking during a conversation. Therefore, Americans stereotypically view the Germans’ listening style wondering whether they listening to a conversation. However, the Germans’ listening style is crucial since they pay attention to every detail put forward in a conversation and hence put forward a calculated response (Nees). It is evident from the foregoing discussion that Americans and other nationalities may view some characters in Germans stereotypically. However, some of these characteristics viewed stereotypically are admirable and can be a learning lesson not only to Americans but also to other nationalities. Overall, it is part
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
EVENT PLANNER Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EVENT PLANNER - Assignment Example With my goal of starting and running an event planning business, I have decided to pick an organization in the same business category of event planning and design. The organization I will be reviewing is known as Joyful Occasions. It is an event planning and design firm located in Columbus, GA 31901. The company is a â€Å"multi-faceted, full-service event planning company that offers services throughout Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina†(Eventective, 2013). The company’s primary market area includes planning, styling and catering for weddings, birthdays, corporate events, business lunches and office parties, military retirement parties, hail and farewells among other events (Joyful Occasions, 2013). I currently do not have a direct link to the company and their services; however, I have vast interest in their line of business as I have mentioned. Being a medium sized business that serves a wide region Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, information about the comp any can easily be outsourced from their website and their customer care hotline or inquiry email address, which are readily available on their website. I will utilize these essential tools in gathering information about the organization. Business Process A business process refers to related activities that generate or produce a particular product or service, with the main aim being to satisfy the customer. In running a business, there are three key business processes that ensure continuous productivity of an organization whether profit or non-profit making. These processes include management, operational, and supporting processes (Harmon, 2007). Under these three categories of business processes, many other processes can be established depending on the service or product at hand. When an organization is significantly large, it becomes necessary to adapt new strategies to manage these processes. It is for this reason that adopting Business Process Management (BPM) becomes necessary. As stated by Jeston and Nelis, (2008) â€Å"achieving an organization’s objectives requires improvement, management, and control of essential business processes. Event Planning Event planning is an operational level business process aimed at creating the core business or primary service offered by event planning and catering organizations. In relation to Joyful Occasions, the main objective in event planning is to turn peoples’ dreams into reality. This is achievable by ensuring that they do not feel the stressful and tiring experience of organizing and managing their events. They therefore, get to enjoy their special occasions or work experiences while exhibiting their unique personality and style (Joyful Occasions, 2013). Event planning is a process that can be broken down into several steps from the beginning of the process to the end. These stages include Pre-planning At this stage, information is gathered about the event including the pur pose, size of the event, audience, client requirements and realistic expectation of the event. Planning This is the most important stage as it paints the real picture of what is required for the event and what is going to happen at the event. At this stages, budget is created, formal documentation are prepared, locate the venue and establish a contract
Monday, October 28, 2019
Historical Materialism Essay Example for Free
Historical Materialism Essay Social structures fall and crumble, and new ones take their place. This is a fact of civilization that has been with humanity since before the beginning of recorded history. Marxist theory takes this concept of change and asks an important question of it. Why do societies revolutionize themselves? Marxist theory, in this particular vein of thought, concerns itself with society’s motivations for change. In answer to this question Marxists use two distinct yet related forms of Materialism, Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. They seek to use these concepts to apply logic to a seemingly random event, and there are indicators in history that this interpretation works. The important question to ask afterwards is do these interpretations still apply in a modern context. First, though, it is important to understand the Marxist concept of how revolution occurs. The Marxist interpretation of Materialism can be roughly broken up into two groupings, Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism. The aims of both of these concepts are the same though. Based on Marxist ideals these two concepts aim to explain the development of human history and give concrete motivation as to significant changes in human history. By considering both concepts in tandem one gains a full understanding of the Marxist interpretation of Materialism. Dialectical Materialism is based in two separate concepts, Dialectics and Materialism. Dialectics is one of the three original liberal arts, first developed in the classical world by the Ancient Greeks. (Saksena p543) Together with Rhetoric and Grammar, these liberal arts were developed as a means to fully understand the art of persuasion. Dialectic itself refers to the logic behind the argument, having a sound backing for your points. As such it is heavily grounded in logic. By combining this with materialism, the monist concept that everything in existence is made up of matter, you get a unique understanding of the basic makeup of Marxism. (Saksena p544) This is the lens through which the Marxist views the world, analytical and logical, with all things made up of a base product. When considering this with history, Historical Materialism is formed and Marxist understanding is applied to historical developments. Historical Materialism concerns itself with asking why and how Social progress is driven. The basic idea of this theory is that Human Society is based around how humans work to produce the means to live, and that all actions present in history are intrinsically tied to this. (Sober p310) There is also, in tandem with this, the concept that labour is divided into social classes, and that class division is dependant on the means of production. Finally, in terms of social movements, this theory states that these actions only occur when the dominant class is displaced by a newly emerging one. Eckstein p912) There are a series of ideas that go along with this concept of Historical Materialism. First and foremost is the concept that social progress is directly related to material progress, without some advancement in the process of production, social change will not occur. (Crimmins p523) Innate to this, it should be mentioned, is the concept that humans are involved with production. By tying societal progress intrinsically into manufacturing process, it ties the development of humanity, at its base level, to the worker. The worker then, becomes the means through which social progression is achieved, and also has some power over how humanity develops as a society. This power is not to be ignored, as this power is the central means to change in the Marxist view of history. By giving the workers this power it puts the means to change directly into their hands and makes them responsible for the future, and also for the past. But there is still the question of how this sect of society is motivated to action. Two distinct and yet related forces act in the concept of Historical Materialism, Production Relations and Productive Forces. Production Relations, here, can be understood to refer to the interaction between those producing the product and those paying the labourers to produce the product. (Manicas p241) Productive Forces refer to the actual labour pool that powers the productions. (Manicas p241) Understanding those two distinct terms, there is another sequence of required concepts in Historical Materialism that go along with those two concepts. Production Relations, it should be noted, develop relative to the development of productive forces. Manicas p244) An emphasis on production determines the speed of production force development. In other words, social progression is inversely relative to the way workers are treated. The change, for Marxist theorists, comes from dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. If the workers are happy they will have no desire to change the situation. If the current state is not in their favor, however, they will be motivated to action. This of course will result, op timally, in a change in society. That is what is central about this concept, the impact it has on society. The theory believes that the structure of a society is intrinsically tied to the mode of production, or in other words the structure of a society is an expression of the mode of production. (Manicas p245) For example, a society built around a production structure heavily dependant on mechanical production will find an increase in the repair and maintenance industry, whereas a society based around manual labour will require a large number of individuals working to achieve its product. Stating that the product developed by a society has an impact on its structure can essentially sum up this whole concept. Moving beyond simply the types of jobs that would be desired, this speaks towards what the educational system of that society would be like, what the pay scale would be, what the living conditions would be at. This is all relative to the skill of the labour and the amount of education necessary to do the job. If the market is based around specialized jobs that require immense amounts of schooling, then the pay scale and standard of living for that society will be higher than a manual labour society which requires little to no education for the job. To put it simply, the more difficult the standard job for the society, the better off that society will be. But what of the problems that would arise form this formation. Critical Marxist theory believes that these concepts are tied in to some of the problems present in societies. Every state, they believe, is an institution of the ruling class. (Mayer p143) As such the laws and values of that state would seek to reinforce the means to profit. They would be utilizing everything down to the structure of the state to optimize the goal of the collective. In a capitalist structure, for example, the value structure is built around profit. As such, according to the Marxist theory, the values and systems inherent to this state would reinforce this ideal. Taking into account modern corporate practices of exporting service and manual labour to other countries where it is cheaper to attain, one sees the profit-based value structure of the capitalist system affecting their policy. The second important factor in this consideration is that State power is usually only transferred through upheaval. Sober p323) This is an extremely destructive means to achieve change, and this should be noted. It does not make it untrue, however. This violent upheaval, combined with the obliteration of the previous system, combine to show the means to change. As upsetting as it may be to think that our system is based on a wholly violent means to achieving its end, every indication through history shows this factor working time and again. Finally, this particular mode of production has to give out at some point as new technologies discover more efficient means of production. Thus the final belief of the Marxist Historical Materialist perspective is that when current production relations no longer function, progress is either stalled, or there is revolution. (Stiermotte p112) So the final catalyst, the straw that will break societies back, will be the death of production. This idea makes perfect sense when taken in terms of the whole of the argument. If motivation for change were present in the means to production and the relations between producer and employer, then the death of production would mean the end of that society producing. That is a perfect catalyst for setting off change. If there is no profit then the system, inherently built on it, fails and must be replaced. This is the full circle of Marxists Historical Materialism, the concept that when production fails, revolution will occur to re-imagine production systems to increase profit and thus advance that society. The hard question, however, is to what extent does this view of Historical Materialism apply today? Is it still a prescient means to understand societal development? If it is then perhaps it can be applied to see the future of society, maybe as a means to ensure we are not heading down a path we would not agree with. The system that comes afterwards is based in the values of those who are generally in opposition to the ruling class they have just ousted. As such they, logically, would seek to be as contrary to the original as possible. Before revolution occurs, one must contemplate what the most likely scenario would be and whether it is favorable. But before that can even occur, the question of whether this theory does indeed apply or not must be answered. As such there are four basic questions that must be answered in the affirmative for this to be the case. Is the motivation still present? Is there still a need for change? To this the answer would be affirmative. Present still in this world are primary causes for change; poverty, social inequality. These motivators are still present as a means to have the â€Å"poor†class desire change. The best example would be the rising unemployment rate in the UK. As is stated in the article, the rate of employment in the UK has descended from a â€Å"low unemployment economy to the high unemployment reality of the present era. (Leslie p371) So not only is there the sort of motivator to initiate change, the situation is actually getting progressively worse. Are there current social classes? Is there immense inequality between the classes? Yes, there are rich and poor classes in our current time and there is a distinct difference between them. Moreover the capability to move between classes is but a faint hope and it is not often that this occurs. Are these classes developed based on the mode of production? If one observes the poorer classes and their particular jobs, then one must see that their poverty is indeed tied in to the mode of production. Most often the only means of employment is to work for the rich class in a company owned by them. (Mayer p144) The ruling class here is utilizing the labour forces as a means to production. Is the state an institution of the ruling class? Does it enforce their values? In a capitalist society the values are based around profit. The values inherent to the state thus reinforce the values of the ruling class, the desire for profit before any other considerations. This is seen through the mutually declining state of employment and also health care in the UK. Through putting profit before the welfare of the employee, considerations that should normally be considered mandatory are lost by the wayside. Healthcare, in particular neonatal health care, declines as suicide and para-suicide rates increase. (Cook p73) All together this forms the impression of the powers in charge of production being unmoved by the plight of the labour force they are using. The factors for change, as outlined through Historical Materialism, are still present in current culture. Action, however, is not present. But this action, according to Historical Materialism, will only be sparked when production fails. This failure will either stall production or bring about revolution. Production, at this time, has not stopped so the final motivation for revolution is not present. But Marx never did suppose that any progress would be instantaneous, rather he stated quite the opposite. His logic was grounded in the development of the world from a proto-communist/tribal society, through ancient civilization, to feudalism, to capitalism, and finally to the ideal communist state. Marx’s worldview is that humanity is slowly progressing towards a communist state of peace, yet by his own admission; the world actually began in a proto-communist state, and then progressed away from this. Is the end state of Communism actually a step back, or is it a cyclical view of the world wherein, upon reaching the communist state at the end, the cycle begins anew and humanity goes back to ancient civilization. Progression does not necessarily entail constant forward movement in the Marxist view, only that a new class will replace the ruling elite, and society will be accordingly supplanted with a new structure. Nowhere does it emphasize this progress as a positive development. What we must really ask ourselves is, is this the future we want for our society? Do we want to go back to where we began? Do we want to develop the same way we have for years or have the myriad of problems that have arisen accordingly shown us that perhaps searching for a better means to development is the best option? Do we want history to repeat itself, or do we want to shape it?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine Essay
The Character of Oedipus in Oedipus and The Infernal Machine   The stories of Oedipus, as told through Seneca's Oedipus and Cocteau's The Infernal Machine, contain both similarites and differences. Both authors portray the character of Oedipus as being obstinate, ignorant, and inquisitive. Yet Seneca and Cocteau differ on their interpretation of the motives that propelled these characteristics of Oedipus. Seneca portrays Oedipus as a mature man who, in seeing the troubles of the plague that has descended upon Thebes, feels true sorrow for his dying people and wishes to cure his moribund city. On the other hand, Cocteau's Oedipus is a pretentious, immature, and overweening young adult who seeks to indulge himself in the fast and wealthy lifestyle of the royal class. Seneca and Cocteau seem to agree that Oedipus is a very persistent, curious, and yet unwitting character. Furthermore, they believe that it these qualities that ultimately bring about his demise. In Seneca's tale, Tiresias tries to warn Oedipus that only bad will result from his need to know the identity of Laius's killer-"Avid your hung er for such knowledge now , but you will come to rue the things you know." (Sen. Oed. p. 22) Even when his horrible actions are discovered by all the other characters, Oedipus, oblivious to the truth, persists with the search. Creon describes the area in which the King Laius was slain, yet Oedipus seems to realize nothing and instead, continu es to demand the identity of Laius's killer. Oedipus. . . .Whom did I murder? Through a blunder, a pure blunder, an old man on the road- a stranger. Tiresias. Oedipus, your blunder killed the husband of Jocasta, King Laius. Oedipus. The two of you. Now I see the shape of you... ...presence of his mother at his side. In the end, Oedipus, according to Cocteau, doesn't even solve the riddle, but instead is told the answer by the Sphinx herself. Both Seneca and Cocteau regard Oedipus as a stubborn and curious man whose necessity to identify the killer of King Laius, despite warnings from Jocasta, Tiresias, and Creon to leave it be, lead him to his horrible fate. Yet there is a distinct difference between the motives of the authors' characters. Seneca's wise and gracious Oedipus persists in his quest to find the killer in order to free Thebes of its pollution. While Cocteau's puerile and arrogant character must know the identity of the killer, simply for personal knowledge. Works Cited: Cocteau, Jean. The Infernal Machine and other plays. New York:New Directions, 1963 Seneca. The Tragedies Volume II. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins, 1995 Â
Thursday, October 24, 2019
In school suspensions, out of school suspensions and expulsions Essay
Expulsions and suspensions refer to the disciplinary sanctions and dispensations that are imposed and rendered to students who have committed behavioral misconduct while at school. Expulsion refers to the permanent removal of a student from the schooling system. Expulsion comes following the commission of certain offenses that are deemed extraordinarily serious. In the case of such an expulsion, the law provides that such a student may not be absorbed within any other schooling system (Skiba, Eaton, Sotoo, 2004). According to the federal education law on District schools, an expelled student is never allowed to be ploughed back to any school. Schools are therefore supposed to adhere to strict guidelines and regulations for students that are under expulsion. Suspension on the other hand while in or even out of school refers to a partial and short lived detachment of a student from the normal schedule of the school. This may either be for some three days, some ten days or a period that could be longer than this. An indefinite suspension by a school principle demands that a student is rendered with all the laid down protections as he/she was under expulsion. The federal law provides that disabled students be given a different treatment which provides them a greater capacity of protection towards their discipline while at school. Consequently, the district is supposed to evaluate whether students under expulsion could be subject to special needs in order to provide them with the most optimal state of justice while under this regulatory penalty (http://idea. gseis. cla. edu/publications/suspension/images/suspension. pdf). According to the federal law, principals are given the mandate to expel students that may posses dangerous weapon(s), controlled medication, alcohol or illegal drugs and making any assault to the school employee(s). Also, students may be expelled or suspended when under the conviction or charge of felony. Expulsion or suspension consequently calls for a hearing which in this case may be either formal or informal. The informal hearing is that which comes immediately after the occurrence of the offense. Informal hearing may only remedy a suspension. However, a formal hearing is that which occurs before the expulsion of a student. A formal hearing requires a full notification of the student as well as his/her guardian or a parent on matters such as the place of the hearing, reasons, time and location. Temporary suspension may also come along in the event the principal has the believe that a certain student is of threat to the school employees, property or even to his/her fellow students (http://www. yh. com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails. aspx? p=114&np=99&id=2239). The law also provides that the student be dispensed with certain legal rights on matters of expulsions and hearings. This may include notice of the charges that should be written. In this context, the student is under the legal obligation of been provided with an explanation that is written explaining the exact parameters of the trouble confining him/her to expulsion or suspension. The principal should also provide a hearing notice that should be written. This should include date of this hearing, place and time. The student is also under the right of bringing a representative such as an advocate or a lawyer. He/she is also under the legal right of bringing evidence or witnesses as a supplementary to the case (http://www. clcm. org/student_suspension. htm). Both expulsion and suspension are deemed good models to reinstate a child’s behavior and bring control in the normal running of the school.
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